7. Offers

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Living with the turtles had been great! Shelter. Food. Sleep. A family. Everything I could possibly wish for.

The turtles and I came back from another mission, successful as usual.

"Booyakasha Boy!! Did you see the look on their faces!! " Mikey exclaimed, happy with his victory.

"Good job team." Leo praised us all.

All the turtles retreated to their rooms, or in Donnie's case, the lab.

"Leo!" I called before he entered his room. He turned to face me. "What's up Breeze?" He asked. "I was just wondering if I could go up top, I know we just got back. But I just wanna stay out there for a little. I-is that ok?" I asked nervously.

I needed to spend time alone in the cool air of New York City, like I used to.

"Well, I don't know. . . " He trailed off. "I'll be careful!" I rapidly said, basically pleading. There was silence between us for a little while.

"Ok fine. But be back in 30 minutes, ok?" He demanded. "Will do!" I saluted and flew to the exit. "Thanks Leo!" I said before I left, he nodded while smiling and went into his room.

I made my way out of the sewers and flew to a rooftop. Everything was perfect, the cool air, the black sky, the bright moon. Perfect.

Until. . .

Something wasn't right.

There were movements in the air. I could sense it.

I rapidly spun around, only to find a few foot bots surrounding me. "This night just got a whole lot better!" I smirked, readying myself for battle.

"Oh it did." I heard a voice nearby. My eyes searched the area frantically for the source of sound.

Then a figure appeared form the shadows. A girl. She wore black clothing with armour on her chest arms and legs. She had black short hair, blonde at the back. And by the looks of things she had a weapon on her lower back.

"Who are you?!" I demanded. "My names, Karai. I didn't come here to fight, I simply want to talk." She explained calmly. I shifted a little in my position. "I have an offer to make you." She said. "Hah! Yeh, as if I'm gonna take up your offer! You're foot! I. Don't. Trust. Foot." I said firmly.

"Well then I guess we just have to do this the fun way! The hard way, but the fun way!" She said, going for her weapon. "Foot. ATTACK!" She ordered.

They all simultaneously jumped at me. I swung my kunai around piercing through almost half of them.

They were getting too close for my comfort. I flew up.

With the flick of my hand I sent more foot bots flying backwards. They were all down, now it was just Karai and me.

I lowered myself, still hovering, but only centimetres off the rooftop. Face to face with Karai.

"You're good." She said, impressed. I smirked. She lunged at me with her mini katana. I blocked, holding the pointy end of my kunai. I pushed her back. "A kunai, skilful weapon, but do you possess the skill?" She taunted. "Let me show you!" I retorted back.

I flung the kunai at her, the weapon flying at a marvellous speed. But she deflected it with the katana. It fell to the floor.

She ran at me, katana first. Using my training from Leo, I shifted a little in my stance and prepared myself. When she was close enough I swung around and kicked the katana straight out of her hands.

Now we were both weaponless.

She charged me, throwing kicks and punches. I blocked most, unable to land my own hits.

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