22. Questions

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Cassandra's POV

I'd been getting back in the swing of things. I'd settled in quite well and everyone was accepting me and not rejecting me. I felt like I had a home and family again.

Tonight was patrol night. . . with Casey and April. I'd never been on patrol with them before. April didn't bother me much it was more Casey. He was just so. . . annoying and full of himself. But I didn't let that ruin my fun, tonight was patrol night and I was going to fly to my hearts content.

I flew all over the city in loop-dee-loops on top of the buildings and circled around the turtles repeatedly. I adored flying, the feeling of the wind hitting my face the cool breeze rippling through my hair.

"Can we fly Cassie?! PLEASEEE! " Mikey begged me on his knees. I giggled at his behaviour and nodded my head in return his fist pumped the air and got ready to fly, as did his brothers. I slowly raised my hand, levitating all the turtle teens as they floated in the air. I looked in the corner of my eye and spotted Casey and April still on the rooftop. As much as I wanted to leave Casey here, I couldn't exactly leave them whilst we flew around the city. I raised my other hand in their direction and they too slowly started hovering above the roof at the same level as the turtles. My training had paid off.

We flew all over New York City, Mikey begged to be thrown in the air so I granted him his wish and did that to all of the others. They loved this. They loved the excitement and fun. And I loved being able to put a smile on their face, I seemed to rarely do that before.

"You're able to levitate more objects now, huh?" Donnie asked intrigued. "Yup, practice makes perfect." I winked at him. He smiled and turned his head back to the front.

I then flew straight upwards, spinning around in circles while the others spun around below me. We reached as high as we could go before air pressure kicked in and started finding it hard to breathe. "Do you guys trust me?" I asked

". . . NO!" Casey blurted out crossing his arms. I glared at him before turning my attention back to the turtles.

"Yes." Raph replied, his brothers nodding in agreement afterwards. I smiled right before I dropped them all. They went falling towards the Earth, Mikey cheering and doing backflips in the air.

I zoomed all the way to the bottom so I was below all of them and created one tornado, big enough to capture all of them in one go. Each of them fell into the tornado gently and broke their fall. I then lowered them onto the rooftop.

"Aw man, Cassie, that was RADICAL!!" Mikey cheered shaking me by the shoulders. "That actually was a lot of fun." April admitted before smiling softly at me, I returned the gesture.

After our little flight we all headed back to the sewers, all but Casey and April they headed to their own homes.

Once we reached the sewers Mikey flopped down onto the beanbag and watched more cartoons on the tv, Donnie headed to his lab, Leo went to train and Raph punched his dummy over and over again.

I decided to go hang with Donnie for a while, I hadn't actually spent time with him.

I entered the lab part of the lair and walked over to where Donnie was working, he couldn't see me yet because he was under the shellraiser.

"Whatcha doin Don?" I asked.

He pushed himself out form under the shellraiser, "Just repairing some of the gears, the were a little busted the last time we used it." He explained before heading back under the car.

"Anything I can do to help?. . . bestie." I smirked waiting to see if he remembered what I'd said to him when we were talking about his attraction to April.

He popped back out, "You could go grab that screwdriver over there. . . bestie." He smiled. I smiled back and nodded before heading over to his work bench and grabbing the tool, I handed it to him and grabbed any other tools he needed me to get.

"Sooo, has anything happened between you and April while I was, you know, nutsy cuckoo!" I asked, whilst twirling my finger around my ear to symbolize when I wasn't in my right mind. He sighed and shook his head. "I just. . .she's already rejected me so many times, one minute she acts like she really cares about me, then when I return the feelings she seems like she doesn't want anything to do with me." Donnie blurted out in one go.

I nodded in understanding, "Yeh, I get what you mean. Well she's either too shy to tell you she likes you or-"

"She doesn't like me at all." Donnie finished for me. I arched my eyebrows at him in sadness, I felt bad for him, he did everything for this red head chick and she didn't do a thing in return, she could at least tell Donnie she doesn't like him so he doesn't have to go running in circles.

"Well, I'm here if you ever need to talk, just remember that ok." I assured him, patting him on the shoulder. "Thanks." he smiled up at me. He finished his work on the shellraiser and went to do some research on the computer about robotics, something I couldn't exactly help with, so I left him to conduct his research in peace.

I headed towards my room and passed Raph's on the way, then a memory popped into my brain. Yesterday, when Raph and I awoke in his room, he opened his mouth as if he were about to say something , but he didn't, and he looked wuite concerned and worried. I wanted to ask him about it.

I knocked on his door, "Can I come in?" I waited a while for a response, "Yeh sure." He finally replied.

He was sitting on the edge of his bed, I walked up and sat next to him.

"Um, can I talk to you?" I asked quietly.

"Yeh of course."

"Yesterday morning when we were together in your room, when you woke up you looked at me and looked concerned for a minute. You opened your mouth, about to say something, but then you didn't."

He seemed to tense up for a minute.

"What. . .what were you going to say?" I asked.

He recomposed himself and opened his mouth trying to find the right words to form.

"I was. . .I was . . .when you left . . .I-I didn't know why." He started, I listened intently, "I was going to ask. . .did you leave because of. . .because of me?" He asked, his voice cracking towards the end.

His words struck me like a lightning bolt, I couldn't comprehend what was worse, the fact I'd left him and put him in this state or the fact that  I made him think I left because of him. I shook my head furiously.

"No, no , no Raph don't ever think that, I would never leave because of you. I am so sorry I left you in the first place and I shouldn't of. But you were not the reason I left, not one bit. I left to deal with my own demons and issues and to get a hold of my powers. I was scared I was going to hurt you again. And I couldn't let that happen." I explained, making sure he knew it wasn't because of him.

Tears started to form in my eyes, I hated what I'd done to him and it was all about to burst out.

"Raph, I am so sorry I did this to you, I should've never even come to you in the very beginning, you wouldn't of had to go through this pain." I blurted out while hot tears ran down my cheeks. "Cas, it's not your fault it's Shredders." He tried to convince me. "No, it's me I couldn't control my emotions or powers and it's lead us to here, and I had to leave because I had to get a hold of my powers beacsue I care about you!" The words came out faster than my brain could realize what I'd just said.

Raph looked at me and slowly wiped away my tears and cupped my cheek with his right hand, he then slowly and gently pulled my face closer to his own and before I knew it, our lips were connected.

His lips were soft and warm and they moved perfectly with my own, it felt like fireworks were going off in my stomach, butterflies flying around. I felt safe and that nothing could hurt me right now.

He then pulled away from me and I slightly frowned that he'd ended the kiss. He then laid back on his bed and pulled me down with him, I laid on his chest and had the best sleep I'd had in ages, no nightmares, no waking up.

"Night Cas"

"Night Raph"

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