10. Friendships

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The turtles and I just finished training for the day. There wasn't much going on today, it was quite and nothing was happening.

No shredder. No purple dragons. Nothing. Kinda boring if you ask me.

I wandered from my room to the lounge room to the kitchen to the training room. . . EVERYWHERE!!!!!

So. Bored.

I finally settled on the makeshift couch and read another Modern Ninja magazine that Raph had already read. I could tell because every single one of the sais advertised were circled with red arrows pointing to them saying: 'I need this one!' Or 'limited edition!' Or 'made of new stainless metal!' I smiled at it.

Just as I had gotten comfortable Mikey hopped by, holding his skateboard and T-pod.

"Yo! Breeze!" He called out. "Yeh?" I replied.

"Wanna go skating? In the sewers?" He asked me happily. "I don't have a skateboard." I hesitantly said, sad I was unable to tag along.

"No problamo Breeze! You can borrow Raphs!" He cheered and ran towards Raphs room and returned holding another red skateboard.

"You sure Raph won't mind?" I asked timidly. "No way it's cool! He's busy working out anyway." Mikey shrugged the thought of Raph getting mad off and continued towards the turnstiles. I put the magazine down and flew towards him.

"Can you skate?" Mikey asked me while walked down the sewers. "I think so." I said.

We reached a larger section of the sewers where there were bigger sewer pipes and railings to slide on.

Mikey handed me Raphs skateboard and took off on his own.

"Cmon Breeze!" Mikey yelled while he rode on his skateboard.

I dropped the board to the floor, one foot resting on the board. I looked at the dip, I haven't skated in like, forever!

Stuff it.

I pushed and skated down the dip and caught up to Mikey. Once id gained enough speed I quickly flipped the board just under my feet.

"Nice one Breeze!" Mikey cheered. "Still got it." I replied back.

We skated towards a large, long sewer pipe I slowed down while Mikey sped up.

He propelled himself forward and skated around the entire pipe.

My turn.

I pushed myself forward but it wasn't enough, I put one hand behind my back and used my powers to push me forward and give me more speed. I skated up and around the sewer pipe.

I caught up to Mikey and while skating back wards, I passed him and we high-fived/ high-threed. "BOOYAKASHA!!" He exclaimed.

"You're awesome at this Breeze!" Mikey complimented me. "You're not so bad yourself." I smirked.

I was debating wether or not to tell the other turtles my real name. I mean, I've already told Raph, why not tell his brothers?

"By the way Mikey! You can call me Cassandra. . . That's my real name." I called out. "Ok cool!" He replied back, winking and giving me the thumbs up. I smiled back.

"Hey Cassie! Wanna try something?!" He asked. "Sure." I agreed. "Follow me!" He called out.

I skated towards him and followed him down a few more sewer pipes.

"I've never done this before. . . but I'm sure it's perfectly safe!" He assured. I looked down.

I giant sewer pipe going. . . Downwards. An extremely steep slope was in front of me and Mikey wanted to try it out. But wait, don't worry, it's Mikey, of course there's more!

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