11. Approval

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Despite being on tons of missions with the turtles, I feel like Leonardo doesn't exactly approve of me.

I mean sure he's kind and everything but when we're on missions he never lets me off on my own, or lead the secondary team if we split up. He never listens to my ideas on how to execute a mission. Nothing!!

It's starting to get on my nerves, it just makes me feel useless and not as good as the others. I've been training non stop ever since these ideas have popped into my head. I was in a bad mood today.

I was in the dojo practising my kicks and punches and form. After that I focused on my kunai skills. I swung the chain around in multiple directions, using my powers to turn the chain.

At some points I'd lose concentration and the chain would drop to the floor. I got so mad with myself. I'd lost concentration multiple times today! I don't know what's wrong with me.

I threw the chain to the floor and threw a little tantrum, crossing my arms.

"Breeze. What seems to be the issue?" A wise voice spoke behind me. I turned around, startled, only to find it was Splinter.

"Oh I uh, was just training." I said, trying to hide the fact I'd failed. . . Multiple times. "There is more. You were practising with your kunai. You are very skilled, considering you have received no training. But you didn't achieve what you wanted just then. Yes?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.

"You were watching weren't you?" I said flatly. He nodded. "I just keep losing concentration and I can't focus." I sighed angrily.

"Hmm interesting." He said mostly to himself as he stroked his beard. "I would like to try something Breeze." He said.

I nodded, knowing I had literally nothing else to do. Then it hit me. "By the way, my uh, my real names Cassandra." I informed him. "Beautiful name Cassandra, why did you call yourself Breeze?" He questioned. "When I was in gangs I didn't want my real name being tossed everywhere." I explained. "Hmm very wise decision." He praised.

I stood in the middle of the dojo awaiting Splinters training.

He walked over to this little table and picked up a glass vase. He tossed it in the air. My instincts kicked in. I stretched my hand out and caught the vase in a small wind tornado. It spun around until it sat back on the table.

"What was that?!" I asked. "So you are concentrating." He replied. "Well, yeh that was easy but after long periods it's hard. And I can only make like, 5 or 6 things float at the same time." I explained how my powers worked.

"Hmm. . . lift that vase up." He instructed. I did as he asked. "Now the table." I did that as well. He threw one of the wooden katanas in the air and I caught that one as well. The vase fell a little as I tried to catch the katana.

"Concentrate. Not only on the current matter, but others as well." Splinter said in a calm voice. I closed my eyes and the vase rose again, as did everything else.

"Very good." He praised. He continued throwing things in the air. With my arms held out and my hands open I now held a vase, katana, table, wooden sai, staff and wooden nunchuck in the air. That's basically my limit. All the objects were shaking and some would lower, though not touching the ground.

"That's it Sensei, I can't hold anymore." I admitted. "You can't? Or you don't believe you can." He asked. "Uhhh both?" I guessed, trying to concentrate on the objects.

He held out his staff and then tossed it into the air. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, clearing my mind. The staff was about 3cm away from hitting the ground until a swirling little wind appeared underneath it. The staff rose and joined the other levitating objects.

I reopened my eyes and smiled at my victory. "Well done Cassandra! Training for today is over for you my student." He praised.

I stood still, lowering all the weapons back in the rack and the vase on the table and returned the staff back to Master Splinter.

I bowed at him and he smiled back approving of my performance today.

Suddenly the sliding doors slid open and someone walked through.

"What're you doing Breeze?" A voice said, sounding disapproving.

My cheery expression returned to my normal moody one. I turned on my heel and walked towards the doors ready to exit.

"Nothing Leo." I said flatly as I walked past him and out the doors. I always feel so under him. Like I'm some rookie, newbie that doesn't know anything and can't learn anything. Well he's wrong! He always puts me down but in his own subtle way, it doesn't seem like he is, but little things he does. His facial expression when I perform a move or when he hears my ideas. It literally says he doesn't approve!

I headed for the turnstiles and flew out of the sewer.

Leo's POV

"Did I do something?" I asked confused, turning back to Sensei. He just closed his eyes and stroked his beard.

"I believe Cassandra feels put down by you Leonardo." He said. I felt a little taken aback at first but then realised some of the things I did.

"Yeh I guess I have been a little rude lately. It's just, she's new and I don't know what she's capable of." I replied. "Perhaps you should trust her and find out her strengths and weaknesses and what she is capable of." Sensei said wisely.

I nodded and bowed at him. "Hai Sensei."

I ran out of the dojo and towards the turnstiles and ran for the manhole cover.

It was night time. Perfect. I ran towards the rooftops guessing that's where Cassandra would most likely be.

I ran across the rooftops for a while until I heard metal clashing with metal. I followed the sound and found Cassandra attacking. . . The roof?

She was throwing her kunai at the things on top of the roofs and kicking at the big generators sitting in the roof. I crept up closer.

"Why can't Leo just accept who I am!? It's like he doesn't trust me?! I am capable of looking after myself thank you very much!" I heard her yelling. I felt bad. I never knew it hurt her that much. I appeared in front of her.

Breezes POV

I was throwing a fit on the rooftop and I was letting a lot of steam off until Leo appeared in front of me.

"Leo? Did you follow me?!"

"No! Well, kinda. Look Cassandra I'm sorry. I didn't know what I did and said hurt you that much. I just, it's just me. You're new and I'm the leader. Anything goes wrong it's my fault. I just don't want things to go wrong and with the others I know their strengths and weaknesses and I can send them on particular missions. You. I don't know you. Or your strengths and weaknesses. That's all. It's not personal I promise. I just need to get to know you more." He explained.

His words really changed my mood. They sounded so honest so kind. I couldn't help but smile at him. He smiled back.

"That's ok. I just felt like I wasn't good enough. And I probably shouldn't had thrown that fit back at the dojo. Sorry." I apologised. "It's ok. I'm sorry as well. So, we're cool?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeh we're cool." I agreed. He held his hand out for a fist bump and I returned it.

"Let's head home." He said. "You got it!" I replied tiredly.

I felt so much better knowing that he didn't exactly mean it all and that it's just him being the leader and protective.

Finally, approved by the leader in blue. Yay!

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