21. Old Routines

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Cassandra's POV

I woke up the next day, slouched on the ground, barley leaning on the bed. Raph still had his head on my chest and my hand still remained on his neck, his arms wrapped around my torso.

I gently shifted, trying my best to not wake Raph up. I failed miserably. He stirred and I froze. He then lifted his head up and slowly opened his eyes, I smiled apologetically at him. He smiled back, he then opened his mouth as if words were about to fall out. After a second of thought he then shut his mouth and started to get up.

He stretched and lowered a hand down for me. I gladly took it and he lifted me up off the ground with no struggle at all.

We both exited his room and headed towards the kitchen for some breakfast.

As we entered the room the scent of pancakes and syrup flew throughout the space. I took intone fresh scent of Mikey's cooking. How I missed his cooking.

He did a few more flips with the pancake and tossed it backwards, landing on the plate.

"Dudes and Dudette, your breakfast has been served." Mikey announced, putting on a French accent. "Thanks Mikey." We all said in unison.

We all sat around the table and ate our pancakes in a comfortable silence. After that Mikey went to play video games and Leo decided to read some Space Heroes comics whilst Donnie headed to his lab. Raph punched the dummy while I headed to my room. Haven't been there in a while.

I looked around the room and it hadn't changed a bit. But I had noticed some group photos that had been taken before I left. They'd been hung around the walls and some had been placed on the shelf during my absence. I looked at each and every one of them.

The first one I picked up was a group photo of the five of us, even sensei. There was another of Donnie and I, he was working on an invention while I handed him the tools he needed. Next to that was one of Mikey and I laughing our heads off at something. Leo and I were training together in the next photo. Some photos were of when they first used the Shellraiser and Mikey and Raph fighting for the weapons management spot on the truck.

The last one I saw was of me and Raph. I was on his right, propping my elbow on his shoulder and smirking at him. He was looking towards his left, trying to hide his smile. I remember that day. It was when I'd beaten him in a spar.

A smile played on my lips as I remembered all the fond memories I'd made in my short stay. I assumed Mikey had somehow managed to take all these photos, geez, that turtle, never training but always stalking.

I was knocked out of my little flashback of memories as I heard a young male and female voice come through the entrance to the lair. I exited my room and saw none other than April and that jerk Casey.

As I came in their line of site Casey dropped a puck and shot it at me using his hockey stick. Not this time. I quickly raised my hand up and stopped the puck dead in its tracks with a whirl of wind. This boy had some nerve!

"GUYS! You said she was with Shredder! She's in your lair!?" Casey shouted at the turtles. "She's all cool now dawg!" Mikey explained. "Cool?! What she said 'sorry' so now you just welcome her back?! What if she's lying and secretly working for Shredder?!" Casey blurted out.

Raphael then came storming up towards him. "Jones, I suggest you shut it or else." He threatened through gritted teeth. Casey frowned and sat by the couch with April and watched tv. I headed towards the dojo to get some training in.

"Tryna find some private space to plan your evil plan?!" Casey shouted from across the room. I growled but tried my best to contain my anger, I had better things to do than waste my time with him. Some people on the other hand had plenty of time, like Raphael. I heard him tackle Casey and shout things at him before I shut the door to the dojo.

I started off by swinging my kunai around the room, I'd learned a few new tricks since my last session in this dojo and I wanted to perfect them. I swung my weapon to the left, right, behind me and everywhere else. I'd become even more skilled with this beautiful weapon.

I then felt a presence in the room, you know when you get that feeling someone's watching you. I readied my kunai and spun around, ready to attack. Only then realising it was only Master Splinter who'd entered.

"Oh, um sorry." I apologised whilst lowering my weapon. "That is quite alright Cassandra." He replied calmly.

Out of nowhere he then threw his staff at me, not slow to react, I raised my hand and caught it in a whirl of wind. He then threw a throwing star, vase, katana, sai and bo staff at me. I caught all of them flawlessly, my powers not wavering for a second.

He smiled and I returned the gesture, Splinter realising I had slightly dropped my guard, that was when he threw his teapot in the air. Before it could hit the ground I quickly caught it in its own whirlwind, careful to hold it upright so its contents would not spill.

"Well done Cassandra! I am most pleased with your progress." He praised as I started to lower all the items to their designated position. 

He started pouring a cup of tea and then another before gesturing for me to sit down with him. I sat in front of him and sipped at my tea. I figured this would be a good time to apologise for everything.

"Master Splinter. I am deeply sorry for betraying you all and doing the things I did." I said painfully, the fresh memories flooding my mind.

"Cassandra, we all make mistakes-"

"Yeh but mine are unforgivable. I worked for your arch enemy. And I'm so thankful for everything you have all done for me, giving me a home. . . A family. I don't know how or why you've done what you've done. But know that you will have my eternal thanks." I said.

"I do not require your eternal thanks. I have accepted your thankyou. You are apart of our family and family is always forgiven." Splinter replied. I smiled at him and bowed before heading off to the main area where the boys were watching Space Heroes.

Raph was sitting in the furthest corner with his brothers between him and Casey. They'd been trying to keep them away from each other.

I didn't exactly feel comfortable with Casey being around. So I took this as an opportunity.

"I'm gonna head out, get some fresh air, a fly around." I informed the others as I headed towards the turnstiles. "Be careful." I heard Leo warn as his eyes were fixated on the screen.

I reached the ladder to the sewer cover and hopped out, shutting the sewer cap behind me. As I flew to the top of the building I heard it reopen. I looked down and saw the colour red pop out. He looked around and spotted me.

"Why are you following me?" I asked calmly. "Last time we let you out on your own, didn't go so well." Raph replied smiling. "I wouldn't mind the company." I smiled back at him.

We went for a nice quiet walk around the buildings and we both flew around the city. We then came to a stop at the edge of a building and sat down, taking in the magnificent site of New York City.

"Thankyou." I said, breaking the silence. "What for?" He asked. "For everything you've done for me. Even after I pushed you away countless times." I explained. He smiled and nodded.

I subtly scooted closer to him. I then felt a strong arm wrap around me, I jumped a little at first, shocked by the action but then leaned into his hold.

"It's good to have you back Cas."

"It's good to be back."

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