15. Uncontrolled

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General Narration

Breeze flew though the city, over rooftops, through alleys, everywhere. She wore an emotionless face and her eyes glowed a bright icy blue.

She continued flying throughout the sitting until she heard a high pitched scream, she flew towards the sound investigating where it came from. She found it, in an alleyway. A bunch of thugs, about four, were trying to steal a ladies purse, they'd backed her up into a corner.

She flew down there and set herself in between the woman and the thugs. "Hey girly, get lost or else you're gonna be in a lot of trouble." One of the thugs warned. "You idiot! We can't let her go now, she'll call the cops or somethin'" Another one of them said. They came around Breeze and the woman, slowly surrounding them both. The woman cowered in fear as Breeze simply stood still in the middle awaiting the thugs first move.

"Oh this'll be fun!" One of the crooks snarled. Right after the words left his mouth he lunged for Breeze. She wasn't slow to react. She stepped to the side and avoided the feeble attack.

"You should run. . . " Breeze advised towards the woman. She hesitantly nodded and ran off. One of the crooks was about to chase her before another one stopped him in his tracks. "Leave her, this ones much more interesting." He said deeply.

They surrounded Breeze once again, preparing for attack. She wasn't intimidated, not one bit. "We're gonna do lots of things to you beautiful." One of them said slyly. "You are all pathetic excuses for humans and are beneath me." Breeze replied back calmly.

One of the men lunged at her with a bat, she dodged effortlessly and kicked him in the back, with enough force it sent him into the wall and knocked him out cold. Another came at her, again with the bat. She ducked and round housed kicked him, making him hit his head on the cold, hard concrete.

While she stared at the body, making sure he was down, she was too slow to react to the crook behind her. He jumped her, his loud tell of rage alarming Breeze only at the last second, he still managed to cut her arm with his pocket knife.

Breeze clenched her arm and removed her hand to reveal her palm covered in blood. She snapped her head up to look at the crook who wore a smug look on his face. "You'll pay for that." She said coldly. She stood back up again straight, showing no signs of weakness or surrender.

She stalked towards the one who cut her as the other crook ran at her holding the pocket knife in front of himself, ready to stab her. She raised a hand and pushed forward sending the criminal backwards with her powers. Three down. One to go.

She returned her gaze to the man who cut her and slowly walked up to him. He cowered in fear as the rest his team lay unconscious on the ground. "Li-listen I-I don't want any trouble!" He begged. "You were asking for trouble the second you decided it was smart to attack me!" Breeze hissed.

Once she'd backed him into the corner of the alley she raised a hand and the man started to float into the air. She swung her arm left, then right. The man slamming into each side of the alleyway. She held him out in front of her and ever so slowly started clenching her fist.

After about two seconds the man started yelling in pain as he was squashed and squeezed. The air being squeezed out of his lungs. An evil smirk grew across Breezes face as his screams of agony rang in her ears.

"CASSANDRA!!!!" A voice yelled out. Her grip stopped tightening and loosened a little. She looked around waiting for the figure to reveal themselves. Her eyes finally laid on the one who spoke her name, her real name.

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