Halloween special

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Today the pizzeria was quiet. Not a single sound was heard. It was already 3:00am so it was extremely strange that none of the animatronics were up yet.

You had been working at this place for four days now and today would be your fifth so you knew the ropes. Yet, still none of the animatronics moved an inch. You didn't let your guard down though. This may be some sort of trick to get you to stop watching the cameras, but you were too smart for that.

Hours passed and the clock struck 5. A smile came to your face. All night, not a single one of the animatronics moved or nonetheless attacked you. You still kept an eye on the camera, looking through, making sure none of them moved.

Although all of the animatronics had stayed where they were all night, you swore you saw a shadow move along the wall near the dining area. Believing it was just your tired mind playing tricks on you, you thought nothing of it.

The hour went by slowly, and the shadow became more defined as you switched from camera to camera. Fear began to pang at your heart as the shadow slowly but surely moved closer to your office. All of the singing robots stayed mounted in their space and still haven't moved, yet this shadow was making its way towards you.

You couldn't see any animatronic or person who would be the owner of the shadow. It's as if the shadow was its own individual being. You looked down at your watch. 5:37am, why is time going so slow? You thought.

Another minute passed and you noticed something. There was more than one shadow. At first you only thought there were two. Now there were seven, and eight, and nine. They kept multiplying by the second.

You tried desperately not to panic but something in particular made you scream. The first shadow you had seen was now in the left hall beside your office. You looked through the camera and saw it had dark red eyes. There was no face and no particular body shape but the eyes were bright and deadly. You couldn't take it anymore and switched to a random camera.

This time, you knew you made a mistake. This camera was pointed at the stage where Freddy, Bonnie, and China were. For the first time in your life, you regretted something with a great passion. All three animatronics were staring right at you. The strange thing was that they looked ever so slightly scared and were shaking their heads slowly as if saying no.

Confused and terrified, you reached for the door to close it. As if Satan were waiting for this moment, the moment to wish you weren't born, the power cut off. You held your breath. As if the moment you let it go, the life you had would seep away. You held your breath. As if letting it go would be the same thing as jumping in front of a moving train. You held your breath. As if the red eyed shadow would take your life the second your breathed. For all you knew maybe it will.

Dread filled your heart as the shadows surrounded you in the small office. You had now realized that every single one of them had large red eyes. They stared at you, angry, envious, and hungry. You didn't know what to do. There was no escape. So you let go.

With whatever oxygen you had left, you asked a question. "What are you?" Famous last words usually are "please don't kill me" or "what do you want". The famous last words cliche could go on forever. Why you chose these words as the last you will ever speak will remain a mystery. Its not like the answer to this question will grant you your life back, or will make sure you get a free one way ticket into heaven. So why did you say this?

"(Y/N) WAKE UP!" You heard someone yell as they shook your body.

As you opened your eyes you saw the worried face of (y/bf). You noticed you were in the office and were now in the warmth of your boyfriends arms.

"You had nightmare. You were screaming your lungs out, are you okay?" He asked looking at you with concern.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It was just a dream." You said as you laid your head on (y/bf)'s shoulder. You eyes wandered towards the clock. 5:38am. Wow that dream was really accurate. What if it was real? You thought as your boyfriend hugged you until the 6 o'clock bell.


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