He be jelly

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You had begged Freddy to take you to your local park because you loved being outdoors. (If you dont, this time you do.)

The sun was setting on the horizon and you two could see the water of the near by lake turn different shades of blue and green. The sky was tinted a silky purple with a few stray strands of pink and yellow. The energy that you got from this setting was relaxing and peaceful.

You two sat on a bench facing the sunset. In this moment everything seemed perfect. Freddy had his arm wrapped protectively around you while you leaned your head on his shoulder.

"Are you hungry?" He asked you.

"Do I even need to answer that?" You said sarcastically.

"Not at all." He said with an annoyed sigh and got up to go get you some food.

You decided to get up from the bench and get a better look at the amazing view. You walked over to the boardwalk next to the lake which was only a few yards away. A few minutes passed and you felt an arm go around you waist.

"You came back fast." You said not bothering to look at the person holding you.

"Were you expecting me to come over here?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

You jolted around and stared at the person. This was most certainly NOT Freddy. You suddenly became angry at the nerve of this boy to come over and act as if he has the right to touch you. You began to yell and lecture the boy about sexual harassment and whatnot. The boy tried to brush you off and walk away only to meet a pissed off Freddy.

"Everything okay baby girl?" He asked with a voice as hard as steel, not removing his eyes from the boy not much younger than him.

"No. This dude just came up to me and acted as if he had known me for years. He put his arm around me and everything." You stated.

"Is that so?" Freddy said, his glare getting worse.

The boy began to back away slowly only to be met with a railing of the boardwalk. Freddy then smiled as an idea popped in his mind. He picked up the frail boy an threw him into the shallow water of the lake. He then took your hand and walked you home.


You had gotten out of school early and decided to visit your boyfriend. The pizzeria was filled with tiny children with greasy hands and joyous looks on their faces. You passed Freddy, Bonnie, and Chicka while they sang on stage. They looked about as normal as animatronics could look. You made your way over to pirates cove where Foxy usually was.

You opened the curtain bit he wasn't inside. You figured he was roaming around somewhere and decided to wait for him. You played a few games on your phone and read wattpad but eventually got bored. You began to blow a stray strand of hair out of your face for the next few minutes until you heard the door creak open.

A small boy around the age of six walked in looking a bit confused. He saw you and walked over shyly. He smiled up at you showing a few missing teeth and pizza sauce on his face.

"Hello miss." He said sweetly.

"Hello. Are you lost the stage is back there." You said pointing down the hall.

"Oh, I must have gotten lost when I came out the bathroom. What's your name miss?" He asked with an adorable smile.

"I am (y/n). What's yours?" You asked.

This sparked an entire conversation where he told you all about his older siblings and how he is the only brunette with brown eyes in a family with green eyes. And you told him about your job where you watch cameras and make sure everything is safe, without all the scary parts of course.

You guys talk for a good half hour until you hear the door creak open once again. You thought it must have been one of the boys parents looking for the child. Instead it was your boyfriend who still looked like an animatronic at the moment.

He was surprised to see you but more surprised to see you with a child. The boy didn't notice Foxy at first but when he did he let out a loud scream. Foxy then chased the boy out of the room and closed the door.

"Jealous of a child. Your pathetic." You said to Foxy.

He just laughed slightly before walking over to your and pulling you into a loving hug.


"I am the best bestfriend you could ever have and you know it!" You best friend yelled as she stormed out of your house.

You and (y/b/f) had just had a heated argument that was never supposed to happen. She had forgotten your BFF anniversary and you were expecting a gift from her. You then accused her of not being a real best friend. You of course didn't mean any of this. She did, however, take this to heart and run away.

Being the loving person you are, you ran after her not long after she left. You found her sitting in a café you two used to love. You walked up to her and you two eventually sorted things out.

You both walked back to your place happy and joyous. When you entered your home you saw a very bored purple haired boy sitting on your couch reading the Tragedies of Hamlet upside down. When he saw you his face lit up. When he saw (y/b/f) his smile died. He got up and gently pushed your friend out the door and dragged you away.

Let's just say he doesn't like you hanging out with pretty much anyone if you spend too much time with them.


You both were walking around a mall and a few guys kept staring at you. You were wearing plain black shorts and a navy shirt. You looked pretty normal and not extravagant in any way (except for pure awesomeness). Gold didn't seem to notice the lustful stares but it began to make you uncomfortable.

You two stopped at the food court and ate some fast food. More and more boys seemed to notice you and you began to think that maybe there was something on your face...or boobs...or ass...

You then pushed your thoughts aside and decided to inform Gold of the attention you had attracted. He immediately tensed up and sent deathly glares at each individual that looked at you. In a matter of moments the food court was emptied of all boys except for Gold.


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