Welcome To NEST: Part 2

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Optimus sighed, looking at his team then the humans.

"Since Hikari and Motou are staying here, they will need a guardian-What?"Heba cut in, frowning.

"We don't need a guardian. We can fully defend ourselves, after all I'm one of the worlds best secret agents."Heba bragged, Yugi groaned and hit him.

"Really? You just have to brag at a time like this?"Yugi scowled, glaring at Heba who backed away from him.

"Motou, you may be the best in your job but you nor your brother can defend yourself from Decepticons."Optimus said making Yugi turn his attention back to him.

"If you say so, Optimus."Yugi said, sending a sideways glare towards Heba who wanted to say something but kept his mouth shut.

"Who will be their guardian?"Yami asked, he really wanted to know just who Hikari's father was.

"Ironhid-Sorry Optimus but I'm already Will's, Ryou's and Bakura's guardian."Ironhide said making Heba huff.

"But it would be cool to have this little guy."Ironhide said after minute, smirking at Heba who gave a loop side grin.

"Look's like I'll be their guardian then."Optimus said.

"But aren't you already our guardian?"Tea asked, glaring at Yugi and Heba who looked at her then Atemu and Yami and then finally back at Optimus with a raised eye brow.

"Yes but Optimus can protect two more people."Ratchet said, frowning at Tea who rolled her eyes.


SLG: I know I haven't updated in a long time people, please for give me! I know this chapter is short but please understand!

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