War Begins

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Everyone looked up when they heard Yugi, Fury and Heba approaching. Atemu and Yami frowned at what they were wearing but they didn't say anything. Sideswipe gave them the thumps up and Heba smirked while Yugi smiled. 

"Looking good, you two."

"Thanks, Sides."Yugi said and Fury looked confused but didn't say anything.

"We need to talk."Fury decided to speak up causing Yugi to stop fake flirting with Sideswipe."You all know that we came here to help you and we must discuss it now." 

"We're listening, Director Fury."Atemu said.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. knows that the Decepticons are a bid threat to you but they're a bigger threat Earth and we also know that it's too obvious to not notice that you're trying to help us , but I understand why U.S. goverment wants you to be banned from Earth.

"You're the goverment and why are you surprised?"Optimus asked and Fury looked to Yugi with a nod of his head. Yugi took a step forward causing everyone to turn to him.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't within the law."Yugi said and smirked at their shocked faces."And you're under our control so that means that the U.S goverment can't do anything to you and this law, which was about banning all Autobots from Earth, it was fake. HYDRA, world-wide subversive organization dedicated to world domination, faked it to get you lot out of the way because HYDRA and the Decepticons were working together."

"You say that this law is fake?"Ironhide snarled out, optics darkening.

"Yes and you aren't going anywhere unless that is if you want too."Heba continued."Earth is your home just as much as it is our home and you are welcomed here. Now you're one of us so I hope you cooperate with us."

"I didn't know that humans care about other species, they don't distinguish other species. They consider others like they're one of them."Drift said, looking amazed. 

"That's what we are."Heba and Yugi said proudly.

"Thank you, I am very greatful for what did for us, and we will be glad to cooperate with you."Optimus said and Heba rolled his eyes.

"Don't sweat it, it's what we do."Heba said dryly and Yugi hit on the head before looking at them.

"This means your staying here, right?"Yugi asked and Optimus nodded.

"Yes, because we consider Earth as our new home."Optimus said before frowning."The Decepticons have grown stronger these past 3 years so it will not be easy with your weaponry."

"Fury, I think it's time for Code Black."Heba said and got an insane glint in his eyes.

"What's Code Black?"Ryou asked and Yugi giggled.

"You'll see~."Yugi said in a sing-a-long voice as Fury put on his own Bluetooth headset.

"Agent Coulson to Fury."

"What is it sir?"

"Phil, we need Code Black."

"I'll bring it now sir."Phil said."Coulson out."Fury took off his headset and nodded to Yugi and Heba.

"Agent Coulson is on his way."

"Let's make up a plan of how to take those Decepticreeps down."Heba said, finally getting down to business.

"Plus, if it fails, we've always got Plan B."Yugi said and everyone looked at them in confusion.

"What is Plan B?"

"We'll tell you everything but right now, we need a plan and we will tell you what Plan B is but later."Fury said before he turned around when he heard footsteps approaching. Everyone watched as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent came in, holding two destroyer guns.

"Hello gorgeous!"Heba yelled and ran over to the Agent, taking the gun from him and held it to his chest. Yugi shook his head and calmly walked over to the Agent. 

"Are they both tested?"Yugi asked as he came to a stop in front of the man.

"Of course, Agent Hikari, you know as well as I do that we would never give untested weapons to your brother."The Agent said and handed over the gun to Yugi who smiled.

"Thanks Phil, you're the best."

"Just doing my job."

"Optimus."Fury said and everyone looked at him."Those two guns are called 'Destroyer's' which was made after an incident in New Mexico. Don't worry, it wasn't a Decepticon accident, Agent Aten will explain everything to you later."

"Ok."Heba said, attracting their attention."We need a plan to attack them, but we need a hacker who can hack into HYDRA's database."Yugi clicked his finger and looked at Phil.

"Phil, don't you have a hacker in your team, her name's Agent West, right? She can hack into any kind of computer, right? We need all the information that we can our hands on about HYDRA's next encounter."

"Yes, she can hack any computer. I'll bring her here, luckily my team is on the ship."Phil said and walked off to the ship. Fury turned to Yugi and Heba.

"I'll make sure that every Destroyer works and I will talk about it with the scientists to make some improvements in other prototypes. If anything happens, inform me, Aten, Hikari. And you both are doing a great job, I like your skills and you both will lead this mission. But I ain't going anywhere, I'm staying here and helping you two."Fury said and smirked.

"It's an honor sir, thank you very much."Yugi said.

"Oh and after this mission is done, I want the report on your last mission handed in before next year, Hikari."

"Sir, yes sir!"Yugi said jokingly.

"Well? What are we waiting for? Let's get this party started!"Heba yelled, smirking widely.

Book 1: Secret AgentsWhere stories live. Discover now