A Month Later

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Heba had woken up two days after Yugi and had the same memories that Yugi had and after a week of staying in bed, they were finally allowed to get out of bed and Thor helped them learn how to walk all over again like they were babies caused ya know then he showed them how to fight in hand to hand combat before moving on to using weapons. 

By the time they were finished, they were able to do what they liked around Asgard but they would have to have a guard where ever they went outside the palace walls. They went to see Heimdall a couple of times to see how their sons were doing and were glad that they were safe. Right now, Heba, Thor, Odin, Frigga and Yugi were on their way to see Heimdall to let Yugi and Heba go back to Earth with Thor who would then take them to see someone important.

"My lord."Heimdall greeted Odin with a bow before standing straight."It is time for them to return, isn't my Lord?"Odin nodded and turned to both Yugi and Heba. Like always, Heba an arm wrapped around Yugi's waist and Yugi had an arm wrapped around Heba's neck. 

"Heba, Yugi, know that you are always welcomed to Asgard."Odin said with a smile on his face and Yugi and Heba smiled back. 

Frigga stepped towards them and pulled out a golden necklace with a bright amethyst gem stone in it. Yugi's eyes widened when Frigga put the neclace around his neck. Heba got one as well but he had a dark amethyst gem stone. They both looked at Frigga in confusion.

"You will always be my sons."Frigga said, pulling them into a hug which they returned.

"Thank you."Heba and Yugi whispered before pulling away.

"Those necklace will let you contact any of us if you ever need us."Yugi and Heba stared at Thor before they sighed.

"Thank you."Yugi said, looking at Odin and Thor.  

"Come, we must go."Thor said and started to walk away with Yugi and Heba following.

"You know something, bro?"Heba whispered to Yugi who raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes, darling?"

"I really can't wait to get into some actual normal clothes."Yugi sweat dropped and shook his head.

"Really Heba?"Heba shrugged, looking at Yugi in amusement and Yugi groaned but they turned to Odin, Heimdall and Frigga, waving goodbye before they disappeared.


With Fury

Fury frowned, a couple of days ago, Thor came to vist him and told him that Yugi and Heba were alive but he was not to tell anybody about them being alive. Of course, when Fury asked why, Thor told him that they only remember little things and it would be a bad idea for everyone to know that they were alive because Thor wasn't sure how Yugi and Heba would handle it. Right now, Fury was waiting for them to arrive. Suddenly Thor and his two best Agents appeared right before him.

"Thor, Agent Yugi, Heba."Fury said, walking over to them.

"Hello, Director Fury. Heba, Yugi this is yo-Our boss."Heba cut in, looking at Fury who smiled at him and Heba grinned.

"It's good to see you...... The both of you."Yugi gave a small tight smile that made Fury sigh."Will you both continue to be apart of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"Fury asked, sounding a bit hopeful and Yugi and Heba shared a look.

"Yes, we'd love to be apart of S.H.I.E.L.D. again sir."Fury smirked at them and looked at Thor who gave both Yugi and Heba a bear hug before he lefted.

"Thor trained us in Asgard, we also got adopted by Queen Frigga and King Odin themselves."

"I see, well, I still want you both trained by another Agent. You'll go to Tribet for some training, am I understood."Yugi and Heba nodded and Fury called for the Helicarrier and they got on.

Book 1: Secret AgentsWhere stories live. Discover now