Sacrifices Pt. 2

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Once they got inside the building, they both were panting hard from the run but they knew they had to get their kids out of the place and defuse the bomb but before they could run up the stairs, a Decepticon in it's alt mode came roaring in. 

Yugi turned and aimed his destroyer at the Decepticon and shot at him but he dodged it by making a sharp turn before shooting at them but they also dodged it and Heba grabbed one of his grenades and threw it at him and he blew up. 

Yugi and Heba looked at one another before they started to run up to the last floor, where the bomb was. When they got there, they found their sons tied up next to the bomb. Yugi pulled out one of his throwing knives and started to cut the ropes that bounded both his son and nephew up. Heba started to help him.

/I'll start to defuse the bomb, you get Hikari and Aten out of here./Heba ordered as he finished cutting the ropes and turned to the bomb. 

/Bu-No buts, Yugi, not now.\Yugi stared at Heba's back for a second before he nodded and turned to Hikari and Aten who flinched. 

Grabbing their wrists, Yugi started to drag them down the stairs but before they could reach the final floor, they heard an explosion. Hikari's and Aten's eyes met Yugi's and before the two teens knew it, Yugi had pushed them threw a window with tears in his eyes and mouthed the words 'I love you'.

"DAD!!!!!!"They both shouted as they fell on the concrete ground and watched as the bulding came down on itself with with the two most important people in their lives.


With The Others

The Autobots had won the war between them and the Decepticons, unfortunately HYDRA had gotten away meaning that S.H.I.E.L.D. still had to look for them but the Autobots and Avengers werestanding together, congratulating each other for their victory. Atemu along with his friends noticed that three people were missing. 

"Guys?"Atemu whispered causing everyone to turn to look at him."Where's Yugi, Heba and Tea?"

The Avengers looked at one another before Natasha quickly called in with Fury and she paled as she looked up at everyone.

"Guys, Yugi and Heba are at a building that just went off. While we were too busy fighting them, Tea must have followed them."

With that being said, the group followed Natasha to where the building would have been but all that was left was rubble. Atemu and Yami's eyes went wide when they saw Tea aiming a gun right as Yugi's back as he or Heba seemed to have noticed her presence. 

"NO!"Tony yelled and took off towards Tea and pushed the gun sideways causing her to graze Yugi's shoulder. 

JARVIS who had been scanning both Yugi and Heba only for him to tell Tony that those two were not Heba and Yugi but their oldest children, Hikari and Aten. Hikari let out a cry of surprise and shock as he was shot in the arm, even if the bullet had only grazed him. 

Heba turned to look at Yugi and Will's and the others, who weren't the Avengers, eyes widened. That wasn't Yugi and Heba but two boys who looked a little bit like Heba and Yugi and a bit like Atemu and Yami. Tea stared at up Tony who glared at her before nodding to Thor who grabbed her roughly by the arm in a tight grip while Natasha and Clint ran over to the two boys. 

"Hikari! Are you alright?"Natasha asked as the boy turned to look at her with dull violet eyes that made her violently flinched as the others came over to them.

"Who are you two and where's Yugi and Heba!?!"Joey asked and both teens looked at them with their dull and lifeless eyes which would make anyone want to back away from them.

"Hikari, Aten, where's your fathers?"Clint asked gently. 

Tears suddenly started prick at the corners of Hikari's eyes and suddenly ran to Clint and wrapped his arms around Clint's waist and started crying into his chest. Natasha looked at Aten and noticed how he was shaking and he wasn't looking at anyone.

"No......."Natasha whispered in realization. 

Everyone looked at her before the rest of the Avengers looked at the rubble in horror. Stave and Tony suddenly jumped towards all the rubble and started to try and move things out of the way.

"No, no, no! They can't be! They just can't! Damn it! Yugi! Heba! Answer me!"Tony screamed. 

"Not again, not again, this can't happen to me again! Not them too, anyone but them!"Steve whispered over and over again and banged his fists on the ground. 

Ryou and Malik started crying into Bakura's and Marik's chest. Joey was pulled into a hug by Seto. Thor looked at the ground, not wanting anyone to see the tears that were gathing in his eyes. The Autobots were silently looking for Yugi's and Heba's live signature but it came up negative. 

Natasha had pulled Aten towards her and held him as tears fell down her face as she silently cried. As for Tea, she looked as if christmas came earily. And as for Yami and Atemu, they were frozen, staring at nothing in particular. No one could believe it. Yugi and Heba were gone, no longer of this world, they had gone to the Afterlife or as Thor called it, Valhalla.

"What do we do with the girl?"Thor suddenly said after a long time of silence. Tony looked up and over at Thor.

"She'll go to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secret prison for attempted murder and for being a double Agent."Tony said and Tea started yelling.

"You can't do this! I'm not even a double Agent!"Tea screamed before she froze when everyone glared at her. 

"Really? Then how the fuck did they know where to find us when we landed, I knew something was off about you back when we were in school, Tea, but being a double Agent and lying about it, now that's just low."Joey snarled out and glared at Tea who paled. It took awhile until the Helicarrier came for them. 

Tea was taken to one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secret prison. Natasha and Clint took Aten and Hikari to Yugi's and Heba's room and fell asleep once they hit the pillows and Natasha and Clint stayed with them while Will and his team, Tony, Bruce, Thor and Steve and the Autobots stayed outside, in the rain, on the Helicarrier with Fury. All was silent for a few minutes before Fury spoke up.

"I know that you lot are angry,"Fury said, looking at Atemu and the other humans."that Yugi and Heba faked who they are while they were with you but it was under my orders and they didn't lie about you two being fathers. Those two boys that you saw with Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton were your sons, Hikari and Aten. You may not have custody over them nor will you get it, Mr. Amun's but if they wish to see you on a dayly base then I see no reason against their decision. But you'll have to see them with one of their godparents."Atemu and Yami nodded in understanding.

"What about their daughters?"Ryou asked and Fury sighed.

"The two little ones, Kisara and Mana are Yugi's. It was an accident on how he came to have them."Fury said, looking out at the sky.

"What do you mean?"Malik asked looking confused.

"Oh I remember!"Sideswipe said and everyone looked at him."Heba got drunk and and they had sex...... That's what Yugi said."Sideswipe said and everyone(But Fury and the four other Avengers) stared at him in shock before looking at Fury to confirm it and he nodded.

"Yes. Yugi gave birth to Heba's offsprings."Fury said."So they'll have to stay with their godparents who has any right over what happens with them. However, could see them if Aten and Hikari want you to see them. I'm sure they won't mind......."Fury then turned to Thor who looked back at him.

"When, may I ask, will you be leaving."Fury asked.

"Right now. I have important matter to speak with my father."Thort said and disappeared when lightning struck were he was standing.  

"I hate that it always leaves a mark."Fury said and looked at the others before he sighed and walked away.

"We should have a proper funeral for them."Yami whispered and everyone nodded their heads in agreement. 

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