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After Heba and Yugi jumped, the Autobots and Will's team followed their move and jumped after them. And unknown to anybody, two teens, who look like a mixure of Atemu, Yugi, Heba and Yami, had been watching them. 

"Ok, you know the plan, Ata?"The pale teen asked, looking at the tan teen

"Of course, Hika. Luckily, we were able to snatch two parachutes."The tan teen answered before frowning."You think we'll get in trouble for getting on the Helicarrier without anyone knowing?"


"Think dad and Uncle Yugi will ground us until we go to college?"


"Sweet!"The tan teen said and grabbed the pale teen's hand and they both ran and jumped."Then it's totally worth it!"


Once the Autobots, Will and his team and Yugi and Heba landed, they hid where they knew no one would find them for the time being.

"Ok, Hikari, Aten, what's our next move?"Optimus asked, looking down at Yugi and Heba.

"This is where their next encounter will be, this place is where we live, so we kn-"Yugi was cut off by an explosion.

"They're coming this way! Damn Decepticreeps."Ironhide snarled out as the Decepticons started shooting at them. 

\How did they know where we were?\Yugi hissed out, looking at Heba 

/I think we've got a spy in rank, little brother...... And I know just the person./Heba said, looking at Tea for a moment and Yugi growled.

"And here's the battle for New York......"Yugi mumbled to himself before looking around then to Heba who nodded and yelled to Optimus.

"Optimus!, you and your mechs fight the Decepticons, we have a plan to stop their ally, HYDRA!"Heba yelled and Optimus nodded in understanding before he ordered the Autobots to attack. Yugi got up and Heba followed him to some place new to hid so that they could call Fury.

"Fury, come in Fury!"Yugi hissed out as bent down behind a building.

"What is it, Agent Hikari?"

"We need you to send in the Avengers, Fury and we have a bug in our mist. Tell Clint to keep an eye on Tea Gardner."Heba said and he and Yugi heard Fury curse. 

"The Avengers are on their way and don't worry about that little bug, Agent Barton's got his eye on her....... Err..... Do you two know where your sons are?"Yugi and Heba shared a look before Yugi replied.

"Aren't they with Laura?"Yugi asked before he and Heba jumped through the window of the building to avoid getting shot by a Decepticon.

"I'm afraid not, they disappeared when Agent Barton got on the Helicarrier."Yugi and Heba paled.

"FUCK! Fury, please tell me that they're on the Helicarrier, right!?!"Heba said, sounding panicked.

"I'm sorry, Agent Aten but no, I think they may have jumped off the Helicarrier after you and your team."

"How the hell do you figure that!?!"Yugi snarled.

"Because we're missing 2 parachutes."

"Damn it! We'll call you back and you better find out where they are."Heba growled out before cutting off communcation and looked at Yugi who did not look happy at all.

"If they're not dead when we find them, they will be by my hands."Yugi hissed out and Heba nodded his agreement before they ran out to find the Avengers just landing in front of them.

"Glad you could join the party. Tony I want you to keep an eye out for A & H."Tony nodded."Now let's get this party started!"Heba said.

"Now you're talking my language!"Clint and Tony said. 

"Hikari, Aten, call us if you need us to help out."Steve said and Yugi and Heba nodded.

"Got it, we will."With that, the Avengers and Heba and Yugi went to join Will and his team who were fighting off HYDRA while the Autobots were fighting the Decepticons.

"Where the fuck have you been!?!"Bakura growled ou as he took down one of the HYDRA Agents.

"Talkin' with our Boss about something important! Those damn brats of yours are so in trouble, Birdbrain!"Yugi yelled and did a black flip to avoid a bullet and landed on his side.

"Brats?"Atemu echoed as he pulled Yugi to his feet and away from a HYDRA Agent."As in children?"

"Yes, no, I mean, yes! They're Clint's nephew's, they're teenagers!"Yugi said and it was his turn to pull Atemu away from a HYDRA Agent by flipping Atemu over his shoulder and Atemu cursed.

"Agent Hikari, Agent Aten, I've located them and you're not going to like it. They're being held captive in a skyscraper with a bomb. I'll send you the coordinates. You two are the only ones who know how to defuse a bomb. You need to hurry."

"Fuck this shit! Heba! Get your ass moving! You idiot!"Yugi yelled over to Heba who was on the ground from nealy being shot. Atemu stopped what he was doing when he heard what Yugi just said and looked at him in shock.

"Yugi......?"He whispered. 

Yugi looked at him in false confusion before realization drawn on his face and they stared at one another. Yugi stared at Atemu in horror while Atemu stared at Yugi in sadness and anger for different reasons.

"Err....... Fuck!"Yugi cried out when he caught sight of something behind  Atemu. 

Yugi quickly pulled out his gun and aimed right next to Atemu's head. Atemu's eyes went wide when Yugi shot at something behind him and he heard something hit the ground behind him. Looking behind him, Atemu found a man on the ground with a hole in his head meaning that Yugi shot him in the forehead.

"Yugi-No time to talk, Heba, let's go, we gotta get rid of that bomb!"Yugi said as he jumped over a man and kicked him in the back, causing him fall forwards on his face and Yugi grabbed Heba, pulling to his feet.

"Let's go."

"Right."Yugi and Heba took off in the direction of where the signal was coming from on Yugi's phone that he had out.

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