Everything Gets Interesting

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Back At Base

Yugi and Heba were the last to get out of Optimus once they arrived back at base. Optimus then transformed back into robot mode and walked over to Ratchet to talk about something. Heba and Yugi decided to find somewhere private to call  Fury. They found a place they could talk to Fury freely. Heba pulled out his Phone, putting it on speaker.

"Hello Director Fury, it's us."Yugi said.

"I've been waiting for you to call, Agent Hikari and Aten. What have you done?"Fury said suriouly.

"You make it sound like we got into trouble at school."Heba answered with a smirk.

"Aten, let me speak to your brother."Fury growled out and Heba pout and gave a huff.

"Gee........ Someone's pissy......."Heba mumbled out but yelped in pain when Yugi hit him over the head, hard.

"Sorry about Aten, sir. We'll tell you everything we know but first, I need to ask you two questions."Yugi said before continuing.

"Fury, you sent us on a mission in Washington, so you didn't tell us where we were staying."Yugi said with a serious tone.

"Don't worry about it, Hikari, go to Washington DC's S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ and you will meet your old friend, Clint Barton. He's in Washington for only a few days and he'll help you out with that. And when you arrive in HQ, go to my office and call me from there or send me all the info you got for now. What's the second question?"

"Where's our kids?"Yugi asked.

"With Agent Barton's wife, where else would they be?"

"Last time I checked, you had them with you before I went on that mission for two years, sir."

"Yes that's right, sorry. I had forgotten to tell you where they were. Anyhow, good luck, Agents!"

"Ok! We'll do it."Heba said, smiling.

"Remember, Aten, Hikari, NEST and the Autobots aren't our threat, they're our allies in this battle."Fury said, talking a little bit irritated now.

"This time, it's our battle too and it's their war as well. We're helping the Autobots to save Earth, like always but we stay hidden from the world. Remember this."Fury said sarcastically.

"Alright, we'll call you later, Fury, bye."Heba said. 

He hanged up, putting his phone back in pocket before they went to find the Autobots and the gang. They found them relaxing and talking. Heba smirked and approached Lennox with Yugi following. Lennox's eyes widened as he was tackled to the ground by Heba who quickly got off of him. 

"Didn't anyone ever tell you to never let your guard down?"Heba asked as Lennox got up and glared at him.

"Well, I wasn't expecting you to jump me for no reason now was I?"Lennox shot back but all Heba did was roll his eyes.

"Aten, knock it off, you baka!"Yugi said. He walked over to Heba and punched him in the stomach making everyone stare at him in shock as Heba groaned, holding his stomach.

"Ra damnit! What the fuck happened to you while you were on that mission, bro!?! Did HYDRA capture you and do something to your body!?! Fuck, it felt like you had hit me with metal!"Heba said as he stood up, holding his stomach.

"No, HYDRA, did not capture me, Aten. I have been working out while on that mission. Growing stronger by the day."Yugi said, rolling his eyes before turning to Lennox.

"Look, Aten and I are going to S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ and we will be back soon." 

"Uh, ok but you don't have to tell me-You can't go alone."Yami cut in, frowning at Yugi who raised an eyebrow at him.

"Look, Yami, thanks for the corncen but we are perfectly capable of going alone."Yugi said, standing his ground. They both glared at each other before Optimus stepped in.

"No you aren't because Decepticons can be anywhere."Optimus said before continuing."I'm your guardian, but right now I'm busy and I will assign you to another Bot."Yugi's glare snapped to Optimus before he sighed.

"Fine then but your other wards, here can't come."Yugi said and Optimus nodded, turning to Sideswipe and talked to him in their language.

"Not like we want to anyway..... Hey, Aten, Hikari, how old are you two anyway?"Tea asked, eyes narrowed.

"I'm 16 years old and Aten's 17. Why?"Optimus blinked and stared at them in shock along with the rest of the Autobots.

'16 and 17 years old? But they have kids so how.....?'All the Autobots thought, staring at them in wonder. They all had heard Yugi ask about their kids with their good hearing so that's how they knew. 

"Oh..... No reason......"Tea said, looking away.

"Hikari, Aten, Sideswipe will look after you both."Yugi and Heba look at Sideswipe and Yugi smiled.

"Let's go."Heba grumbled out. Sideswipe quickly transformed into a 2009 chevrolet corvette stinger.

"Wow, nice alt-mode."Yugi said, smiling.

"Thanks Hikari, now hope in." Yugi walked around to the passengers seat while Heba sat in the drivers seat.

"I'm driving."Both Heba and Sideswipe said before Heba glared at Sideswipe.

"Listen you hunk of junk, this mission is classified so I'm driving since you don't know the location."Sideswipe inwardly growled at being called a hunk of junk.

"Don't worry baby, I'm sure I can find it."Heba's eyes flashed and he would have said something if Yugi didn't whack him up the head.

"Fine."Heba grumbled out.

"Don't listen to Aten, Sideswipe. But do you think you could try not to transform? Our mission is classified and we don't want to draw attention to ourselves."

"You're right Hikari."Sideswipe said and Yugi and Heba got in. 


Two Hour's Later

"Sideswipe! We're here. See that big building? That's S.H.I.E.L.D.'s HQ, where we work."Yugi said pointing at a building.(If you've seen the end of Avengers Age of Ultron, it's that building for the new Avengers)

"You work here?"

"Yep! And we love our job, don't we Ata?"Heba nodded his head in agreement, not saying anything.

"Ok Sideswipe, here's the plan; Aten and I will get out of the car and you follow us in your alt-mode. I will explain to everyone that you are a new S.H.I.E.L.D. experimental prototype."Yugi smirked."Deal?"

"Deal, but why experimental prototype?"

"Because S.H.I.E.L.D. has these toys, so it's a perfect disguise for you. Let's go!"Heba said and got out before Sideswipe could ask what he ment by toys. Yugi sighed and got out, following Heba into HQ with Sideswipe behind him.

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