Let's Get This Party Started!

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"One question?"Heba suddenly asked, looking at everyone.

"Can someone tell us what guardians are supposed to do?"Heba continued.

"One of us will be with you at all times."Ratchet said once again.

"You know about us so now your one of our allies. Decepticons will try to hunt you down and either use you against us or kill you."Yugi's and Heba's eyes widened when they heard this from Ratchet. Heba and Yugi weren't surprise because it was actually their job.

"Thanks again but like I said, we can defend ourselves from them."Heba said, sounding a little bit irritated and continued.

"Your name is Ratchet, right? You're a medic right?"

"How did you know, human."He got curious that Heba guessed his part of the team. Heba smirked while Yugi sighed, shaking his head.

"Skills."Yugi mumbled, once again giving a sideways glare to Heba.

"This human is cool."Ironhide said, pointing at Heba with a smirk and Heba returned it.

"Thank you, I like you too."Heba teased Ironhide and Yugi groaned.

"So our guardian is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. We're honored."Heba said sarcastically making Atemu, Tea and Yami frown.

"Yes, I am your guardian."Optimus said with a small smile.

"And I would hope to get to know you both."

"That's a great idea, Optimus. We would like to get to know you as well as well as your planet and history." Yugi said smiling while Heba looked at his brother like he was insane. Optimus nodded and transformed into a semi-truck.

"Get in."Heba, Yugi, Tea, Atemu and Yami got in. Everyone was kind of surprised when Yugi and Heba got in without hesitation.

"Where are we going?"Yugi asked.

"Somewhere else to talk."Atemu said, smiling.

"Well, lets go!"Heba said, grinning, he never did like staying in a base for too long.

Hours Later

"Well, you can ask us now."Optimus said through the radio. Heba and Yugi shared a look before Heba nodded.

"Ok.... Um so what do these Decepticons want from Earth and from humans?"Yugi asked.

He was very irritated, remembering that his planet was invaded by aliens. He and Heba remembered the battle for New York, Yugi was on a undercover mission, Fury had sent him on that mission to fight the terrorists and it took forever. Yugi was unable to help the Avengers to fight Loki but Heba was. But if Yugi was there then he and Heba would have been able to kick puny god's sorry ass in two minutes flat.

"Are you alright, Y-Hikari?"Yami asked, looking worried.

"I'm fine, uh... Yami but thank you for asking. Now can you please answer my question, Optimus?"

"Yes, about a long time ago, we lived in peace and harmony, but the leader of the Decepticons, his name is Megatron wanted more. So from that, the war began, it has been going for a long time. Our home planet, Cybertron has been destroyed, but we succeed to save the Allspark which had to bring our planet back to life, but it was destroyed in our battle with the Decepticons, Sam witwicky saved my life. He didn't put the Allspark in my chest, he put the Allspark in Megatron's chest and I am very greatful that he saved my life. I fogot to say that the Allspark had somehow gotten to Earth. We followed the Allspark's location. We arrived on Earth, now our home is Earth."Heba looked down at his lap while Yugi's eyes saddened in sympathy.

"I'm sorry about your planet and your welcome to Earth, you can stay here because Earth is everyone's home. I'm glad that you consider Earth like your planet. I won't and either will Aten let humans, I mean the government hurt you or your Bots. Humans have in nature, they fear everything, what they don't understand. I hope you understand and there's many things that they don't."

"I never thought that a human could understand our kind like this."Optimus was impressed and Atemu, Yami and Tea could tell.

Yugi and Heba smiled, happy that they may have understood optimus even if they didn't have a sad or tough childhood, they actually had a happy and good childhood, minus their parents dying in a car accident, Heba living in Egypt for nearly 12 years and after what happened in New York, they understood him. But they were tough and really badass secret agents Mouto Thor Hikari and Mouto Tony Aten. They were both martial arts expert but Yugi is a professional marksman while Heba is very good at stealth and escapology. And most importantly, they were very good friends and very kind when Heba wanted to be, of course and that's why everyone liked them. They were very nice people but when the job needed them, they were a total pain in the ass and badass.

"Well, we're used to understanding things, people or robotic type of stuff that others don't to be honest."Heba said, making Yugi look at him before he shrugged.

"Hey, why don't we listen to music, Optimus?"Tea asked, changing the subject.

"Alright, anything you like, Hikari, Aten?"Optimus asked making Tea, Atemu and Yami looked at the two who blinked, looking at each other.

"Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park, please."Both answered at the same time. 

Optimus started seaching for the music and when it was on, Yugi smiled and let his tense muscles relax as Heba nodded his head to the song. It was one of their all time favourites. Atemu and Yami looked at each other with knowing smiles.

'They're just like Heba and Yugi.'Atemu and Yami thought.

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