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Inside S.H.I.E.L.D HQ

"Who are you two?"One man asked, eyes narrowed.

"Name's Agent Mouto Aten & Hikari, level 9. Everything else is classified."Heba said seriously and glared at the man who was standing in his way. 

"Whose car is that?"The man said, sounding annoyed that Heba thought he saw so high and mighty."And who said that everything else is classified?"

"Director Fury said."Yugi said and smirked."And for your information, the car is mine."

"Since when does a car drive itself?"

"It's one of Tony Stark's inventions that he handed over to me, I'm going to put it under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s new experimental prototype. We're here to see Agent Barton."Yugi answered.

"Hikari? Aten? Is that you?"Both Yugi and Heba turned to find Agent Clint Barton also known as Hawkeye. Yugi and Heba smiled and approached him.

"Long time, no see, no?"Heba asked and Clint grinned at him.

"Clint, how are you? I've really missed you."Yugi said, giving Clint a hug and Clint returned the hug.

"Well, I'm fine and your kids have missed you over the two years that you've been gone."

"Can I see them? And Fury told you that we were coming right?"Clint nodded.

"Yeah you can see them, they're waiting for you in Fury's office. Plus Fury told me to help you guys find a place to stay while I'm here."Heba and Yugi shared a grin.

"Ok, thank's Clint."

"No problem, I'll always help you, kitty-cat."Yugi glared darkly while Heba snickered. Clint suddenly noticed Sideswipe and whistled."Wow, ain't she gorgeous, who does she belong to?"

"Actually, she is a he and he's mine."Yugi answered."His name is Sideswipe and he's going to be one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s new experimental prototype."

"Awww! Come on Hikari, why does it have to go to the experimental prototype area?"Clint said in a whining tone."S.H.I.E.L.D has enough of toys already, so why?"

"Because of Tony. Remeber when that ass stole my car? Well, look at what he did to it."Yugi answered and Sideswipe started to move. Clint's eyes widened before he sighed.

"That idiot. Why does he always have to steal your things?"Heba and Yugi shrugged."Anyway, let's to go Fury's office and then let's go have fun like old times, right Aten?"

"Alright, great idea, Clint. Just like old times, right Hikari?"Heba purred out, wrapping a arm around Yugi's waist and Yugi blushed.

"No, Aten! You're not drinking alcohol! No thanks to you drinking that shit, you got me pregnant."Yugi said with a scowl and Heba chuckled. 

"Sorry baby but you didn't stop me, plus, you liked it."Heba said and let go of Yugi and ran passed Clint who was laughing like there was no tomorrow while Yugi glowered after Heba.

"Come on Birdboy! Before Hikari decides to kill us both!"Heba called out over his shoulder and Clint quickly followed after him towards the elevator. Once they were out of sight, Yugi started to calm down.

"What were you thinking when you told him my name? And aren't you a boy? I mean, can guys even have children"Yugi bit his lip and looked down at his shoe's before he looked back up at the car.

"It's ok, Sides. I know what I'm doing and I have nothing to hide from Clint. He's a great friend and don't worry, I know all of S.H.I.E.L.D's protocols so relax. Plus, Fury is the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D so he won't let anything leak from S.H.I.E.L.D." Yugi answered softly."And yes, I am a guy and I'm able to have kids. Now follow me."

Yugi started to walk towards the elevator and Sideswipe followed him. When they reached the elevator, Yugi entered but for Sideswipe, it was too small for him so he couldn't enter.

"Sides, stay here. I'll be fine. S.H.I.E.L.D. is a safe place."

"Ok, doll, just be carefull and call me if you need me."

"Yea-Hey! Don't call me doll, only my brother calls me doll, babe, baby or anything related to that of a lover."Yugi said and pouted before the elevator closed and Yugi quickly identified himself.

"Agent Mouto T. Hikari AKA Mouto H. Yugi. Level 9. Director Fury's office."The computer quickly found Yugi's ID and said,

"Welcome, Agent Mouto Hikari Yugi, but Director Fury is not here."

"I know, give me access to his office. The code to his office is Fury Nicholas J."

"Access granted."The computer said and the elevator took Yugi straight to the top. 

Once the elevator got Yugi to the top, it opened and Yugi stepped out to see Clint and Heba holding two 3 year old girls in their arms. The girls let out a squeal of delight when they saw Yugi and started squirming. Yugi chuckled and walked over to Fury's chair and sat down. Heba and Clint gave the two little girls to Yugi who hugged them to his chest, giving them both a kiss on the forehead.

Book 1: Secret AgentsWhere stories live. Discover now