Beginning Of Something Big

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That Night 

In Yugi's & Heba's Bedroom(They share a bed) 

Yugi smiled to himself as he thought over what he had just accidently told Sideswipe and chuckled, knowing that the Autobot might tell Optimus through their communicators about him being Yami's so called son and the same with Heba. Chuckling again, Yugi picked up his phone that was by his desk and dialed his old friends number.

"Hello?"Came a soft voice and Yugi grinned.

"Lila, sorry if I'm calling you so late but I needed to check in on you."

"Oh Yugi! No worries, I guess you're back from your two year mission?"Lila said, sounding happy.

"Yeah, how are you and Violet?"Yugi asked and looked up from what he was doing when Heba came into the room and face planted on the bed, making Yugi shake his head and giggle.

"We're fine, we've just moved in with Violet's older brother, you remember Alex, right?"

"Of course I remember Alex and how have things been with Hikari?"Yugi asked.

"Your son is a pain in the ass! He's nothin' like ya!"Came a very familiar voice in the background.

"What do you expect, Vi? Some kids take after their father and both Aten and Hikari take after Atem and Yami but Hikari is a bit more gentle then Aten. And he's fine, the same is with Aten, the both miss you and they are wondering right now if they could head over to America to see you both." Yugi's eyes went wide at this.

"Not right now........"Yugi said and bit his lip, hoping his son and nephew wasn't in the room with Lila and Violet.

"Why the fuck not!?!"Came his nephew's voice and he sighed.

"Aten, you watch your mouth, young man!"Yugi snapped causing Heba to look up at him with a frown on his face.

"Sorry....... But why can't we come and see you?"Yugi sighed at how Aten sounded like he was about to have a temper tantrum. Before Yugi could say anything, Heba snatched the phone out of Yugi's hand, causing him to turn to him and frown.

"Heb-Don't Yugi. Look, Aten, we want to see you and Hikari, we really do but when Uncle Yugi got back from his two year mission, we got assigned to another mission by uncle Fury."

"I don't see why we can't come to see you though, I mean, you're still in America, aren't you?"Came a softer voice which belongs to Hikari.

"Hikari, you remember how we told you about your fathers, correct?"Heba asked and he got a chocked out yes from his nephew."Your father, along with his brother, your Uncle, are apart of this mission and we can't risk them finding out about you both...... But...... I suppose you could come to America..... As long as you stay with your Aunt Laura and do as she says."Yugi stared at Heba in shock. Heba then said goodnight to them and hanged up and looked at Yugi who looked ready to faint.

"Heba...... You....... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!"Yugi screamed, jumping to his feet and glared at Heba who rolled his eyes.

"Look, Yugi, they'll stay with Laura, she won't mind, besides, Hikari and Aten can help her look after Kisara, Mana, Cooper, and Lila jr."Heba said but Yugi was still glaring at him.

"Heba........"Yugi growled out before he sighed."Let's just go to bed and we can figure this out tomorrow."Yugi said softly. 

Yugi got out of his clothes, leaving himself in his boxers and slipped into bed. Heba followed Yugi's example. Yugi looked at Heba for a minute before he smirked at him in the dim light. Heba raised an eyebrow at him in confusion.

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