Operation: Kill The Bitch!

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"Ok, we need a perfect plan to take them down. We have the best hacker, she can hack any type of computer, so if HYDRA and the Decepticons are working together now, we can easily track them down and see where their next encounter will take place."Heba said in a serious tone as Phil and Agent West, who brought her computer with her, came in. 

"Agent West, I'm Agent Mouto Aten and this is my brother, Agent Hikari."Agent West nodded and smiled when she saw Yugi. 

"It's good to see you again, Agent Hikari and it's a pleasure to meet you, Agent Aten and please, just call me Skyla."They both nodded."So what do you need me to do?"

"We need you to hack HYDRA's database and get all the information that you can get about their next encounter with the Decepticons, where it will happen. Can you do that?"Heba asked and Skyla nodded.

"Sure, that's so easy."Skyla answered and sat down to start hacking into HYDRA's database.

"Alright, inform us what you get, Agent Coulson, can you tell them about Plan B?"Yugi asked, turning to Phil who nodded.

"Of course, Hikari...... Can I ask what this Operation will be called?"Phil asked, looking interestingly at Heba and Yugi who shared a look before smirking.

"The mission code will be called......Operation: Kill The Bitch!"Yugi and Heba said, smirking widely and Phil laughed.

"I thought it would be something like that."

"Hikari, Aten, I've got the intel."Skyla said, looking up."Their next encounter will be........In New York...."Yugi's eyes widened before he started to look unamused, irritated and angry all at the same time. Heba tensed up, looking at Yugi who looked ready to explode. 

"Hikari, calm down, no need to get angry..... Come on, you already blew off some steam yesterday morning, no need for another one!"Heba snapped, grabbing Yugi's wrist in a tight grip while everyone watched, noticing how Heba was failing miserable.

"Why New York.......?"Yugi whispered and everyone froze at the cold and razer sharp tone that Yugi's voice took on."I hate them........ I hate them...... why is it always New York that is targeted...... why the fuck can't they choose another fuckin' city....... Don't you remember Aten....... when those bitches invaded New York in 2012.....? Loki was leading the army...... Oh I just hate those mother fuckers!"Yugi snarled out and banged his free fist on the wall and then there was a crack that came from it. 

"Remind me to never piss him off....."Joey, Marik, Malik and Bakura whispered to one another while Heba paled.

"Hikari, calm down, we can defeat them....... We have the Autobots on our side and the Avengers as well."Heba said and Yugi started to calm down slowly and let his hand slip back to his side and everyone stared at the dent in wall along with the crack.

"Such monstrous strength..... Just where did he get that from.....?"Yami whispered to Atemu who shrugged, mentally hoping that he'd never be the one to fall victim to Hikari's strength.

"Thanks....... Aten...."Yugi whispered and looked at the wall before laughing nervously."I'll pay for that, Will....."Yugi said, looking at Will who shook his head.

"No, it's alright, we've...... Had worse from Ironhide and Bee when they're playing about."

"Alright......."Yugi said, looking unsure."Look, we have to work together and I have a feeling that no one other then my brother and one of the Avenger's can keep up with me or match my strength so you all have to work together with your partner."Yugi said and everyone nodded.

"Hikari and I will be fine on our own without one of you guys."Heba said looking up at Optimus who looked ready to portest but one glare from Heba told him to keep quiet.

"Ok, let's go. Skyla, Phil, go tell the others to get ready, we're going to New York and tell them that we'll bring our friends too...... Tell Director Fury I'll bring 9 cars on the Helicarrier." 

"Got it boss!"Skyla said, closing her laptop and walked off with Phil to the Helicarrier.

"You lot, go get ready, we're leaving in 1 hour, no mucking about, got it? Good, meet us on the Helicarrier."With that been said and done, Yugi and Heba walked off to the Helicarrier leaving everyone to stare after them. Once they were out of sight, Tea started yelling.

"How dare they think that they can boss us around!?! We're older then them, they should respect us! Not treat us like we're below them!"Tea screeched before screamed in pain when Bakura hit on the head very hard.

"Shut up, you damn damaging ear screeching bird. Did you not just see what Hikari did to the wall, if anything, you should be luckly that he didn't do that to you when he beated the living shit out of you."Bakura said, sneering before he and Ryou walked off with the rest of the group to get ready, leaving Yami and Atemu alone with Tea who looked at them, hoping that they would take her side but they just glared at her.

"Gardner......"Atemu growled out and Tea flinched at the coldness in his voice."After this war is over, we never want to see you again, do you hear me?"Atemu hissed out and Tea whimpered.

"B-b-but I love you! I did everything for us! They were just getting in the way! Don't you see it!?! We could have a family, you don't need those little tweps!"Tea yelled in anger. 

Suddenly, a hand came flying right at her face and next thing she knew, she was on the ground, holding her stinging cheek while looking at Yami in shock. Yami glared at her before he turned and walked away with Atemu, not even sparing her a second glance. 


On The Helicarrier

The Brigde

"Are they getting ready?"Fury asked and Yugi nodded.

"Yes sir. They should be here so-Sir, the Autobot's and the NEST soilder's are bording the Helicarrier right now."Maira said from her spot next to Fury who nodded while Yugi and Heba smirked.

"Good. Agent West and Agent Coulson told me your plan, good job Agent Hikari, Aten. However, they didn't tell me the Code Name for this mission." 

"Why Operation: Kill The Bitch!, sir."Fury smiled at that.

"Good choice, I like it. We'll be in New York in 1 hours. Go and tell them that. Agent Coulson and Agent Romanoff and I will bring the Avengers to the Party."

"Got it, sir. I'll inform them. Aten, you'll get the gadget's that we'll need for battle."Yugi said and Heba nodded.

"Right."Heba said and they walked out of the Bridge. Yugi went down to see the Bot's while Heba went to get their other weapons.

"Hey guys."Everyone looked up at Yugi and Yugi noticed that Tea was glaring at him and he saw her bruised cheek.

/Heba!/Yugi cried.

\What? Are you alright!?! Did Yami do something!?!\Came Heba's worried voice and Yugi mentally laughed and sent a mental image of Tea's bruised cheek.

\.......BAHAHA!!!!!! Oh Ra, who did that!?! I have to thank them!\Yugi chuckled and mentally shrugged.

"Hey man, you ok?"Came Joey's voice and Yugi blinked before he laughed.

"Yeah, sorry...... Anyway, I just came down here to tell you that we'll be in New York in 1 hour from now so get ready. I gotta go find Aten." Yugi said and started to leave when Yami suddenly grabbed his hand.

"Yes, Yami?"Yugi asked, looking up into Yami's eyes that he fell in love with long ago.

"I'm...... I'm very sorry about how I've been acting towards you, Hikari...... I wasn't seeing straight......"Yugi blinked before he sighed.

"Look, we'll talk about this after the mission, ok? Just Atemu, Aten, you and me, ok?"Yugi said and pulled his hand out of Yami's grip and smiled at him before he walked out of the room to find Heba.

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