Chapter 23

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Okay so here it is. I tried so hard with this one, honestly haha. I am so scared to see if it lives up to expectations. I'm having a nervy b! 

Also if you'd like to play the song at the side, when the story mentions it. It made me cry while writing it! haha 

Please, please, please, enjoy! 


I nipped out of the marquee me and all my friends had pitched early this morning. It was a beautiful day, perfectly still and hot, but not blisteringly so, just a comfortable level. I let my eyelids flutter closed and held my arms out on either side of me, letting the sun sink into my skin. I concentrated on the crashing of the waves, on the chatter that crept down from my parents' house. I inhaled slowly, testing myself. 

"You alright there Ev?" Briony asked from beside me. My eyes snapped open and I looked at her, trying to smile. 

"I feel really sick." I said. 

She looked horrified. "You are not still ill are you? Not today?!" She sounded hysterical. 

"I don't think it's illness, Briony." My mum laughed, appearing by my other side. "Just butterflies, is all." I nodded in agreement. 

Briony grinned in relief "Well thank goodness. Everything's in order Ev. If you want to come back inside, we can finish dolling you up?" She winked and span around pulling me back inside the marqee, into the shade. Just like with the preparations back home, Briony was also taking charge of events on the Big Day too. 

Because oh yes, that day had arrived. And I was petrified. The girls and I had woken early, while it was still dark, and gone home to find the boys arriving as well. We all pitched in and set up the eclectic collection of chairs we'd cobbled together on the beach. There wasn't enough but everyone assured me they didn't mind slumming it in the sand. We'd set up a stereo  and Max, Tom, Siva and my dad had set up the marquee. The marquee was mainly for my use really - the boys all getting changed up in parents' house. 

My mum, Karen and Manon had spent all day cooking and baking even though in my current condition I didn't feel capable of eating anything anytime soon. Guests had been arriving all day - Nathan's dad, his mates from school including the band District 3, Jayne, Charlie's mum, my parents' friends, my grandparents, Shauna my receptionist and others. 

I'd only managed to see Nathan once alone, which wasn't doing much for my nerves. Being with Nathan reminded me of why we were doing this. I was running up to my old room with my dress when he had caught me on the stairs, wrapping both arms around my waist. 

"Hey." I breathed, taken aback by being in such close proximity to him so suddenly. 

"Hi, how you feeling?" He asked, smiling. 

"Nervous as hell. You?" I laughed as I admitted it, but I figured I might as well be honest. 

"Same." He murmured. "But I'm excited. I can't wait for after either." 

"After?" I quirked an eyebrow. Nathan bit his bottom lip and raised his own eyebrows. 

"I can't wait to just be with you." I barely heard him because seconds later his lips had found mine and we were kissing quite intensely considering we were in the middle of my parents' house. A second later we were interrupted by Manon coughing loudly. We broke apart blushing. 

Then I realised he wasn't supposed to see my dress and I stuffed it up my top, doing the first thing that came to my mind. We laughed and I said "We'll continue this later," winking at him. 

The Concept is Simple (Sequel to You're Crazy)Where stories live. Discover now