Chapter 8

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Finally, I've got my act together and written another chapter! That was evil of me to leave it like that for so long 3:D I wrote this entire thing while listening to It's all coming back to me now over and over again. It's so beautiful! Such an inspiring song. It's on the side > 

You gave me such beautiful comments last chapter despite my evilness so I'm even more grateful! Thank you as always x


Nathan's POV

A blurry shape sprinted into the centre of the waiting room and turned panting to face me. I realised it was Natalie, Evanna's mum. She was completely out of breath and looked like she was in very real pain.

"Nathan!" She cast a nervous look around the dozens of us all on our feet before her eyes settled on me, clutching what must presumably be a stitch on her side"Where is Evanna? No one will tell me." Her accent was incredibly thick and her words impeded by breathlessness.

"Come with me." I jerked my head in the direction of the little private room Evanna was in and indicated for Natalie to follow. I stiffened a little bit, when Natalie linked her arm through mine, it was strange because that's what Evanna always did. "It's just here." I mumbled shyly, reaching above her head to hold the door open.

Natalie scurried away from me into the room, her eyes instantly filling with tears when she saw her daughter. I couldn't look at them and turned to leave when I bumped into the doctor reentering the room. He smiled kindly at me and went over to shake Natalie's hand.

"Are you staying son?" The elderly doctor raised his eyebrows at me.

My mouth fell open. I didn't know if I wanted to stay and listen. I didn't want to know if Evanna was okay or not. I was really bad in situations like this, it was shameful.

"Yes, he is." Natalie nodded adamantly, shuffling over so that I could stand in between her and Ev. She took my hand and smiled up at me. The doctor stood across the bed from us, watching us with a small smile concealed beneath his moustache.

"Are we ready?" He asked.

"Yes." Natalie said.

"Uh huh." I mumbled, blinking down at Ev.

It was 10am the morning after the night before. Jayne had called Natalie as soon as we had found Ev propped against a sink, a tearful Shauna crouched by her side. Natalie had bolted it to London and arrived whilst Ev was still in A&E and I was unbelievably glad to see her, considering I had been sitting there alone with Gemma and Renee feeling a bit nauseated with the whole situation.

Eventually people began to arrive after Ev was moved to a little private room out of the way of the main corridors. So, it was to a sea of familiar faces that I looked as I reentered the waiting room.

"How is she?" Sasha looked up, her brown eyes so dark they looked black.

I blinked in embarrassment, trying to banish the humiliating tears that were clouding my eyes. 

"Hey," Jay mumbled softly by my side "You alright?" 

I smiled and gave an odd throaty chuckling cough. "Yeah," I croaked.

"So how's she doing?" Briony was twisting her long skirt through fingers anxiously, her lilac eyes as big and troubled as the first time I met her when she was just 13. 

"She'll be fine!" I sounded surprised even as I said it. 

Everyone looked up. "She will?!" Briony asked budging up so me and Jay could sit back down. 

The Concept is Simple (Sequel to You're Crazy)Where stories live. Discover now