Chapter 4

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This hasn't been edited, just a warning:( x


Nathan’s POV

I peered through from the rowdy, noisy kitchen through into the lounge. Evanna lay upside down on the armchair, her faded green keds sticking up into the air. Her dark hair dangled in thick braids past her hair and landed on the floor. Her eyes were closed as she pressed the landline to her ear.

“Well, if you put them on the train on the 21st I could pick them up in the car –“ her mum interjected something “No, I don’t  have a booster seat.” Another pause. “But mum, I can buy one!” Evanna insisted, slapping her free hand over her face in exasperation.

I half smiled. I knew Evanna loved her parents and her sister loads. And I also knew that her parents didn’t mean to stress her out. They had to go over Christmas for her mum’s job, and it was no secret they could use the money. But all the same, the concept of looking after her little sisters was completely freaking Evanna out. Albeit, it would only be from the 21st to the 29th but it was just another responsibility and pressure for to worry about.

It was the evening of the 15th of December and me and the boys had been back in the UK for a good few days now. Jay had already found a flat he fancied in London and was currently in the process of packing away all his crap. No mean feat either considering how disorganised we all were. Tom was sitting opposite me on the island eating food with his mouth open while the others busied around us.

“Keep your eyes in your head Nath.” Max warned, widening his eyes at me over his cup and slapping me on the back. I chuckled.

“Whas she sshreshing aout?” Tom barked from across the table.

“Spray that again?” I joked, getting an entirely undeserved kick in the shin under the table.

He swallowed “What’s she stressing about?”

“Oh, her parents area working over Christmas so she has to take in her sisters.”

“Aren’t they kids?” Max asked, poking his head around the door of the fridge.

“Yeah. Seven and one.” I glanced back through to the lounge. She was sitting across the chair now, her legs dangling over the arm.

“Wow! Good luck Ev.” Jay nodded in appreciation as he appeared in the kitchen carrying a cardboard box, presumably still hunting for his various possessions.

“Oh, see you’ve got your curlers all packed Jay.” Siva grinned peeking into the box.

“Shut up, you know they’re Jayne’s.” Jay rolled his eyes and pushed past us looking injured. This would have worked if he hadn’t snickered

“Well there’s a pretty simply solution to that actually mum – If she’s allergic to potatoes I just won’t feed her any!” We all heard Evanna practically cry to her mum. She had swapped to the sofa and was now lying face down onto a pillow, her free hand trailing along the floor.

“I think she’s losing it. Seriously, Nath.” Siva was staring at her with wide horrific eyes. He Zen Seev hated anything that wasn’t all super cool and laid back. I’m pretty sure he was a closet hippy. “So, Nath, how did Ev react when you asked her about. Y’know.” Seev tried to put it politely and instead just looked a bit awkward.

“Shacking up.” Max volunteered helpfully.

“She said yes!”  I grinned around at them all.

“You’re lucky you get to live with your girlfriend.” Siva sighed, thinking about Nareesha obviously.

“I don’t think it’s a done deal yet, mate.” I ran a hand through my fringe before shaking it out my eyes. Tom looked confused, his mouth was hanging open. A crust of bread fell out. “You know with her sisters coming and her work at the moment, she has a lot on her mind. I figure we’ll work it out in the New Year.”

The Concept is Simple (Sequel to You're Crazy)Where stories live. Discover now