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It's been a week since I went to visit Samantha. A week and I have the results in my hands. I made it my priority to check the mailbox everyday. My hands shake as I hold the envelope. This will make or break everything happening in this beach house. I rip it open and unfold the papers. DNA is in bold letters on the top. I breath before reading the information:

The paternity result(s) are in for Samantha Harrington. I'm sorry to inform you that Zayn Alexander, is not the father.

Oh no. I fold the paper back up and stick it between my mattress. Although I hate Jessica, I wanted Sam to be his; he adores her.
Taylor walks in my room and I plaster on a face.
"Whats up, Jay? The wedding is in two days." She mutters, filing her nails. I won't be here for that, I've made my decision.
"Yeah, I know."
To see the love of my life commit his life to a whore.
"More than I ever could be."
That breaks my heart all over again. I want to go tell Zayn everything but I can't.
"Tell him before you go, if you're not going to let him be in the baby's life. At least tell him he has a second child."
Technically he only has one child.
"You're right."
I'll tell him before I take off tomorrow. I sigh.
"Jane! Could I talk to you?" Jessica says, smiling big at me. I shrug, following her out the door. What could she want with me.
"So I know how you and Zayn used to be thing, you probably still love him. I notice how y'all look at each other. I just need you to know that he's mine and I love him. We have a child and I know he's a good father. Could you keep that thing at the dorm a secret? You don't want to break a happy home, do you?"
I stare at her, absolutely amazed. Is she crazy or just plain dumb. My mom would have so many words for her. So many cruel words. I smile, showing my pearly whites.
"Dinner is rea-what are you two talking about?" Zayn interrupts. I turn my attention to him and my word vomit begins to bubble up.
"Jane was just telling me how she can't stay for the wedding, I was telling her we would love it if she did."
Jessica says, nudging me.
"Yeah." I say, through clenched teeth.
Zayn looks sad as if he wanted to see me get my heart broken when I he vows his life to her.
"I do."
I push past him and go into the kitchen with everyone else. I join in with the chatter, wiping a single tear away.

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