Chapter Nineteen

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I hate Thanksgiving. Having everyone here interrupts every little personal time me and Zayn deserve. My cousins, uncles, and dad, have taken Zayn hunting. I Dont trust that considering my dad only hunts on Thanksgiving Eve. Otherwise, he's all suits and ties. I'm stuck in the kitchen with the rest of the women and that's no surprise. I chop up every vegetable they throw at me. The sound makes me forget where I am and I imagine I'm on Chopped. I like cooking a lot but photography is where I belong. I make a song out of the sound of the carrots. Chopone, choptwo..chopchop. Makestew.
"That's a beautiful ring, Jane." My Aunt, Leann says. My ring. I look down, remembering its there.
"Thanks." I mumble. Now shes got everyone's attention. That's always been the thing with my moms family. The rest of the women crowd around me "oohing" and "aahing."
"Janey, I Dont believe we talked about this." Mom says. I sigh and continue to chop.
"She's pregnant. He went and got her pregnant and now he has to marry her." Aunt Leann says.
"No he didn't!" I say. My cousin, Tia, laughs. She's my least favorite.
"Then what is it?" Aunt Pam says. My dads sister. Also my least favorite.
"Um I think its because he loves me. Jesus, you people are crazy."  I say. Aunt Pam laughs, "Oh honey, I doubt that. Its your money, the sex, or a baby. Simple."
"Or he loves her." Mom growls. Oh, way to go mom.
"Be real." Tia says. Oh here we go.
"You know what I think?" Aunt Leann asks.
"I Dont really care." I mumble.
"I think the guy is crazy. I mean really. All those tattoos and that piercing. The way he doesn't say much or tries to cover up. I wouldn't let my beloved Diane date a boy like that. Its just wrong." She says, uninvited. I sigh, putting the knife down.
"Well I'm not your beloved Diane. Oh, and I Dont give a damn about what you think. Its not your business. So if you could just keep your shi-"
"Jane!" Mom screams.
"Only her kids can act like that." Aunt Pam says. I pick the knife back up, cutting the carrots.
"You really think he loves you?" Tia snarls. I miss the carrot and blood squirts out my finger. Oh god. Mom screams again and Aunt Leann reaches for my hand. Warm hands spin me around and I'm facing Zayn. The kitchen is quiet.
"You need help?" He whispers. I nod, dropping my head. I want to cry and feel his arms around me.
Zayn sits me on the bathroom sink, grabbing the first aid kit. I keep my head down. I only ever disappoint Zayn and the language I used downstairs is a no.
"You Dont have to defend me." He says. I Dont speak. He rubs an alcohol wipe on the gash and I snatch away.
"Did you hear me?"
"I have to..I can't just let the-"
"Dont listen to them. You know I love you and I know you love me. That's all that counts."
I finally look up at him, he's concentrated on my wound.
"All better, Princess."
His soft lips kiss my little finger. I feel warm inside.
"Let's get some rest."
He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.
"How was hunting?"
"Your drunk family with guns should be against the law."
He smirks and I know everything is okay. I crawl under the covers and bury myself in all the warmth. I just want to sleep and dream about all the good things.
"Wait, you insulted my family!" I say, sitting back up. He laughs and kisses my nose.
"You're so smart. I'm gonna go clear up your mess. Sleep, beautiful."
I peck his lips and lay back down.
Why is everything so crazy now?

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