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"Goooodnight, baby." Mom hiccups as Brad struggles to hold her. We went to a Mexican restaurant and Mom decided to get drunk. Great. I still had a sort of good time but that's embarrassing.
"Night, Brad."
"Night, Jane." He grumbles. Someone isn't a happy camper. I make my way to the stairs, isn't this going to be quite a trip to my room.
"Come on baby girl or boy, be good so mommy can make it to her room." I coo, rubbing my belly with each step. The baby seems to hear me because I don't get a back pain when I make it to the top.
"Good, mommy loves you." I whisper. I rub my belly as I walk to my room. My key card is hard to get out my tight Jean pockets. Ugh. I slide it in the door and the cool air is too much for me. My phone rings: Zayn.
"Hello?" I say, letting out a deep breath.
"You busy?" His husky voice mumbles. I shake my head and I want to smack myself. He can't see you, idiot.
"Just got in. What's up?"
The hotel phone rings and I answer it, "Jane's room."
"Just making sure you got in safe. Night."
The phone hangs up before I can reply. Isn't Brad such a gentleman.
"Jane's room." Zayn mocks. I laugh, how annoying.
"What do you want, Mr. Alexander?"
"That's depends on who's asking.."
I can hear a smirk on his voice.
"Your wedding is tomorrow."
I try to sound happy for him but my heart says otherwise.
"Can we just talk like old times? Minus the wedding."
I sigh. The wedding is what's crushing things from going back to old times.
"Yeah, sure. I have ears."
What am I agreeing to and why am I agreeing to it. I climb in bed and imagine I'm in his arms.
"Oh Jane, you just don't know."
"Know what?"
"How terrible love is.."
I keep in my tears, he doesn't deserve the satisfaction of seeing me break.
"Oh..I know, I'm the one alone.."
"But I wish I-"

I hang up before he can give me an excuse. Isn't any better than none though?

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