Chapter Thirty

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Taylor forced me to go back to the dorm. I can't run from my problems, so she says. I think I can. I can run far away, go missing, and my problems are gone. Great thinking, Jane. Chris stands at the entrance, looking quite pitiful. Ive never seen him look so dull. Sweatpants and a shirt with an alligator on the front. I walk up to him, head down.
"Hey beautiful, are you okay? You just left and ..I was worried." He says. I nod and he grabs my hand. We walk in silence to my dorm room and I pray its empty.
"I already checked, its empty. She's out, wedding shopping."
He unlocks the door and pushes it open. My room smells like lilacs. A smell I hate. I've always hated that smell. I plop down on my bed and flick through the channels.
"So what's wrong?" He blurts out. Guess I have to tell him sooner or later.
"I'm pregnant. Its Zayns, obviously because we haven't did anything. Now Jessica is dating Zayn and they have a kid and he's going to marry her but he doesn't know we have a kid too and I Dont think its a good idea to tell him because he might feel like he HAS to be with me and I want to be with you but there's so much on my tray and I Dont think you want to be with someone who's not even having your baby." I say, all at once. Chris looks surprised but then he smiles.
"A girl?" He asks.
"A girl." I say.
"I like you a lot, maybe even love you. Im not going to leave you. I'm going to help you through the whole thing. I've been here through mostly a lot of things. I gotchu, Jay."
I smile, for what feels like, the first time. He crawls in the bed beside me and we cuddle up. I've always just wanted to cuddle forever.

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