Chapter Two

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A fondue party. There's at least thirty people sitting in a circle. A low table is in the middle with liquid chocolate and rice krispies in a bowl. Everyone has two-pronged forks to hold the treats while dipping them in chocolate. I grab a bowl full and sit beside Taylor. She engages in conversation with someone and I just eat.

"Is it good?"

I look beside me and a guy is smiling at me. I Dont smile back, maybe theres chocolate on my teeth.

"Yeah..I like chocolate.." I mutter.

"I'm Chris Howe."

"She's new, Chris. Back off." Taylor says. I laugh as he frowns.

"I'm Jane." I say. He smiles again. White teeth, brown hair, and fair skin. I look away and play with my chocolate. Zayn did this with me once. Taylor walks off, leaving me with a bowl of diabetes.

"You always this quiet?" Chris tries, again. "No..homesick." I say. He nods. I put the bowl on the floor and stand up. He stands up too. I take in his height. Not as tall as Zayn but tall enough. He's skinny but not too skinny. He stretches and I see his outie. Blah. I hate those. He's cute though, the girls here must drool over him.

"I'll walk you back to your dorm?"

I look around for Taylor but no sign of her. Ugh

"Sure." I shrug.

The night air is crisp against my skin. We walk in silence and Zayn runs through my head. I wonder what he's doing now. I want to smell his shower gel and feel his soft skin

"How'd that happen?"

I look to where he's pointing. The long cut on my hand. All the bad memories come flooding back.

"I was kidnapped.. Long story."

"Were you scared? Can I touch it?"

I shrug as he runs his finger across it. Chills shoot up my arm and I pull away.

"J and Z?" He questions my bracelet. Zayn brought it this summer, in my opinion it cost too much.

"Jane and Zayin." I say, smiling.

"F is forever?"


"Forever is bullshit."

I snatch away from him, holding back a growl.

"I'm just saying, you're young Jay."

Jay? No one has ever called me that. I frown, it feels wrong.

I leave him at the door, stomping off. Zayn calls me and I hit ignore. I need some rest.

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