Chapter Fifteen

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My ticket arrives a day before. Crisp and clean. I still haven't replied to any of Zayns messages or calls.
I think we need to talk...I think I still love you but..things feel different. I've met someone's who got me , I Dont know. Mixed up. I promised you forever but I Dont know if that's something I can keep. I love you but I'm confused and...

I can't finish. I hold back tears as Taylor enters the room. What am I doing? Am I just confused or lost or home sick? I delete the message.
"Have a good break. I'm out pretty lady."  Taylor says.
"You too. I'm gonna miss you."
"Tell Zayn I said hey."
"Will do."
I lay back on the bed and prepare to relax. My phone rings and Chris's number pops up.
"Hey." I answer.
"Hey, you want me to bring you dinner?"
Chris bringing me dinner. Chris taking care of me when I'm sick. Chris being my shoulder to cry on. I'm so mixed up.
"Yeah. Chinese food?"
He laughs, "Why not. Give me 25 minutes."
I hang up and begin to straighten up my room. Might as well make everything neat.

"So you're telling me, you want a shark to bite your arm off, than eat a pigs poop."
I bust out laughing, "I'm not eating poop."
Chris laughs, chewing his eggroll. I slurp my soda, laying back.
"You really suck." I say.
"Oh you think so? Well that food was twenty dollars. Give it back."
"Oh. You are so cheaaaaaap."
We laugh again. I flick through the channels, tiring myself out.
"You have a beautiful laugh and smile."
Oh no.
I blush red. Blushing? I only blush when ...oh god.
I check the time: 1:48 AM.
Whoa, time flies.
"I'm going to bed, you're probably gonna have to sneak out or wait until the morning." I say.
"I'll sleep right here in Taylors bed. Goodnight, Jay."

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