Chapter Seventeen

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My mom is too happy. We are spending Thanksgiving at the family lodge and she's excited. I expected to see Zayn at the airport but instead mom picked me up. Mom bustles around the house on the phone. Dad is working, as usual. I want to ask her about Brad but she has became best friends with the house phone. Instead, I call Zayn and he picks up after the first ring.
"Where are you? I was going to pick you up from the airport." He says, worried. I've missed his voice.
"Mom picked me up. Come to the lodge. You can stay with me." I say. I can hear him stand up and throw some things around.
"I'm on the way. Do you want anything while I'm in the city?"
I try to think of something useful.
"Food. And those mango things you always buy with the straw!"
He chuckles, "I gotchu, babe. I love you."
I pause. "See you when you get here."
I hang up before I end up saying the wrong thing or saying too much. I'm so confused about everything.

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