Chapter Nine

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I comb my hair roughly, trying to workout the kinks and nots. Blah. Its time for a hair cut but Zayn is against it. Taylor slips on a black dress and heels to match her Halloween make up. Zayn is supposed to take me trick-or-treating. I had to ask a bunch of times just for one answer.
"You look pretty." I say, eye scanning Taylor.
"You both do."
Chris stands at the door and just let's himself in.
"Thanks, both of you." Taylor says. I scan my appearance again. Black hair way down my back, no make up, and sweats.
"What am I gonna wear.." I groan.
"You look scary like that." Chris says. I throw a pillow at him and Taylor laughs.
"Where's Zayn?" Taylor asks. I look at my phone. Still no message. We talked late last night. Maybe he's still asleep.
"Who's Zayn?" Chris asks.
"Jays boyfriend." Taylor blurts out. Great. I look at Chris through the mirror and he looks a little hurt.
"Large cookies and cream milkshake for the brat and a large yogurt shake for Taylor."
We turn around and Zayn has a tray in his hands. Taylor doesn't think twice before grabbing hers.
"Thanks, Zayn. You're the best."
I reach for mine and a spider lands on my hand. I scream, snatching my hand back and Zayn laughs.
"Its...plastic.." He says through laughs. I frown and punch him.
"You're not funny."
Now everyone is laughing and I'm annoyed.
"I thought you were tough, Jay." Chris says. Finally Zayn notices Chris.
"Shut up fish face." I growl. I snatch the milkshake and turn back around.
"Zayn, this is Chris." Taylor says. Oh, I forgot the introduction.
I stare at myself in the mirror, disappointed with my looks. I Dont understand why Zayn would want me. I look so plain and blah. He walks up behind me, grabbing my waist tightly.
"You look beautiful." He whispers in my ear. I frown.
"Dont say that."
I pull away, catching Chris eyeing us. Zayn seems disappointed but let's me go.
"So what are y'all doing tonight?" Chris asks.
"I'm taking Janey out for candy, I guess." Zayn says. Everything begins to feel wrong. All these nicknames feel odd.
"I'll bring Talia and we can grab food afterwards." Chris says.
"Who's Talia?" I blurt out. Everyone looks at me and I make my face blank.
"You'll meet her later. Deal?" Chris says. I shrug. Is Talia the girl from the library? Are they dating now? Why is he bringing her.
"Well, I have to go. Chris, come on. Let's leave these two here to get ready." Taylor says. He eyes me one more time and stands up. 

"He's cool." Zayn says, sitting down.
I nod.
"You've known him for awhile?"
I nod.
"He likes you."
I turn around to face Zayn but he's not looking at me.
"Huh?" I say. He sighs, something he does quite often now.
"He likes you, Jane."
"No, he doesn't. He likes Talia."
Do I sound jealous? I mean, I'm not.
"Yes, he does. Do you like him?"
"As a friend. What are you getting at?"
"I love you and I Dont want to lose you ..."
I smile and plop down on his lap.
"I love you more."
I kiss his nose and lips, softly. He lays back and adjusts my legs around his torso.
"Remember the first time?" He asks, smirking. I blush bright red, something only he could make me do.
"You have the scars." I say.
"Princess, I want you so bad."
I lean down and kiss his lips. His hands squeeze my butt and I moan in his mouth.
"Mm, I want you."
He seems surprised and I can feel him smile against my lips.
"Wanna ride my motorcycle, Princess?"
Oh lord.
"Can we go fast?"
"As fast as you want."
I laugh, kissing him harder.
I wouldn't trade this for the world.

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