Chapter Three

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"Class is great. Everything is great mom. How are you and dad?"

I bush my shopping cart down another isle, barely listening to my mom.

"You hear me, Jane!?"

"No mom, what did you say?"

I throw cheez-its in the cart with some doritos.

"Thanksgiving is coming soon. Will you be here? I have lots to tell you."

I've been here for a week and the only holiday close by is Halloween. My mom is so fast moving.

"Everything okay, sweetie? No one is bothering you, are they?"

Something smashes into my butt and I whirl around, ready to fight. Chris, with a white smile. I've been avoiding him for some odd reasons. He's really nice but something forces me to stay away from him.

"Hey." He says. I can't help but smile back.

"Mom, I'll call you back."

"Okay hun. Love you."

"You too."

I slide my phone into my back pocket easily.

"Hey, fish face." I say. He frowns.

"Fish face? I look like a fish?"

"No...just fits you. What are you doing?"

"Party this weekend. I'm helping stock up. You?"


He laughs and my heart skills a beat.

"Have fun, Jay."

He pushes his cart away, leaving a huge absences.


Zayn. I smile, my favorite person.

You have competition.

My phone vibrates instantly.

Huh. Who?

I think this guy like me.

Doesn't count. I love you.

I laugh and a lady in the store eyes me. Oh stare, you saggy bag.

I love you. Forever.

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