Chapter Twenty-five

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Jessica is a blonde. Well she used to be, now she's dirty blonde. She has one kid, a girl, and she has a boyfriend. She's annoying at the most and not very neat. She tells me her boyfriend will be bringing her things tomorrow, he has a six hour ride. Her boyfriend is tough, he's been through a lot. She says I'll like him, but I doubt I will. I Dont even like her. There's no ring on her finger, actually, she doesn't have any jewelry but big hoops. Taylor told me, "The bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe."
Her hoops are huge. I Dont want her near Chris so I tell him I'm not hungry. I'm starving. She's pretty, I guess, but her nose is too fat. She wants me to meet her daughter, Samantha. I told her I'd be happy too. Honestly, I want her out.

I flick through TV channels, trying to ignore her snoring. Isnt this great. The door opens and Chris has bags. He never listens.
"Babe, you gotta eat. I brought you some new PJ pants too." He says, throwing the clothes bag on the other bed. I bust out laughing as Jessica jumps up screaming.
"Oh shit. I didn't see-"
"What the fuck!" She interrupts. Whoa, this girl curses like my dad. Chris seems surprised too, I never speak like that.
"Stop laughing." She growls at me. I'm too far gone now, once I'm started; I can't stop.
"My bad.." Chris says. He begins to unpack the food and I'm instantly done laughing.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Jessica asks.
"Yeah, I guess." I mumble, trying not to spit food.
"You're cute. What's your name?"
I put my fork down and swallow my food.
"Thanks, Chris. You're cute too."
Did he just...
"Can I touch your hair?" She asks. He shrugs and stands up. He plops down on her bed and she runs her fingers through his hair.
What the hell.
"I like this, its so nice. Jackpot, girl." She says, looking at me. I narrow my eyes at Chris and he stands up.
"I gotta go. Enjoy babe, get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." He says, pecking my lips. I Dont kiss him back and he knows Im pissed.
"Girl, I bet the girls go crazy over him. Have y'all had sex? That package is big." She says, once he's gone. I put my food in the miniature refrigerator and turn over. I Dont want to hurt her.

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