8. Already?

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One week later...
Bella's POV...
I'm at Michael's place since he took me here last night after dance lessons and I'm in his bathroom puking my brains out. Why? I have absolutely no idea.

"Honey, are you okay?" Michael sweetly asks.

"No. I can't stop vomiting for some reason." I groan.

"Awww. My poor baby. I hope you don't have the flu."

"No I don't think I have the flu. Now that I think about all my symptoms, I might know why I'm throwing up all of a sudden."

"What? What is it?" Michael questions obviously confused.

"Michael. Did you use protection that first night we had together? You know when we...you know?"

"Oh!" he says catching onto what I'm saying, "Actually, honey, I didn't. I didn't have any with me. Wait...do you think that you're pregnant?"

"I might be. I mean my period is like 5 days late and I've been throwing up every morning for about 4 days. So yes, I think I might be. I hope this doesn't mess up our relationship. I mean we just started dating 11 days ago and I'm already pregnant." I start to cry.

"No, boo. I won't let that happen! I don't want this relationship to end. The way I feel about you, I've never felt this way about anyone in my entire life. I'm actually kind of glad you're pregnant because it's like it's God's way of telling us we should be together. You know, like fate," he exclaims as he wraps his arms around me, "If you want I can go out and buy you some pregnancy tests. And I'll buy some condoms too while I'm at it." He winks.

"Michael!" I laugh as I playfully hit his arm.

"What? I'm being prepared." He wiggles his eyebrows as I roll my eyes and giggle, "anyways. I'll be right back with some pregnancy tests and condoms. I'll try to be quick."

"Okay." I sigh as he walks out the front door and jogs to his car.

10 minutes later...
"I'm back!" Michael sighs out of breath.

"Wow! That was quick! Did you run down the isles or something?" I chuckle as I walk into the bathroom with the tests.

"Yes actually. So, you want me to come in with you or...?"

"Yeah, sure. If you want," I accept as he walks into the bathroom, "But turn around while I pee on the stick."

"Come on! I've seen you naked a million times! What is the big deal if I see you pee on a stick?" he starts whining.

"Can you please just turn around? I like privacy."

"Ugh! Fine!" He huffs as he turns around.

"Thank you."

Michael's POV...
I hear her pee on the stick then hear the toilet flush.

"Okay can you set a timer for 3 minutes, please?" she asks in a demanding manor.


After 3 minutes, which feels like forever, of waiting the timer finally goes off. We rush over to the sink where she put the test and stare at it. 'She's pregnant? I'm going to be a daddy? I got her pregnant?' I'm thinking as she looks over at me with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong Bella?" I ask worried.

"It's just, I--I can't believe I'm pregnant. I didn't think I'd get pregnant until after I got married and everything. I can't believe I'm going to be a mother." she sighs as she bursts into tears and cries into my chest.

"It's okay, baby. It'll all be okay. You're going to be an amazing mother and we will be thankful that your pregnant when our child is born. I just hope he or she looks like you."

"No, I want him or her to look like you because you're gorgeous, Michael!"

"Thanks, babe. I love you!"

"I love you too, Mikey" she smiles as she kisses me.

We started making out and we're interrupted by Isabella's cell phone ringing.

"Hello?!" he huffs into the phone.

Bella's POV...
"Hello?!" I answer my phone angrily.

"Is it negative or positive?" I flinch when I hear his voice.

"William, what are you talking about and why are you calling me?" I quiz.

"I saw Michael at the store buying those tests, Bella. Don't play dumb with me. So is it negative or is it positive?" he scoffs.

"Why do you care, William?"

"Because there's a chance it could be mine!" he chuckles.

"Nope it's not! You used a condom, remember? When you raped me." I think back trying not to let a tear drop from my eyes.

His end stays silent and then he hangs up on me.

"What did he say, baby?" Michael asks.

"He said that he saw you at the store buying the pregnancy tests and he asked if it was positive or negative and I asked him why he cares so much. Then he said that there's a chance that the baby is his, so, I reminded him that he used a condom to rape me. Then he was silent for awhile and hung up."

"Oh. Well, I know for sure that the baby is mine because he didn't even come inside of you and you and I have been having a lot of sex together lately." he smiles proudly.

"Well if you want...we can go for a rou-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence because Michael already picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, and started kissing down my neck.

Here we go again. I chuckle to myself as he starts unzipping his pants and stripping.

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