16. For All Time

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Bella's POV...
I wake up the next day and feel around my bed. Where did Michael go? Suddenly he walks through my bedroom door and smiles at me.

"Good Morning, Sleepyhead! How was your sleep?"

"It was good, thanks. But why are you up already?" I yawn and wipe my eyes.

"Baby, it's 3:00 in the afternoon. You overslept. Probably because your parents left at like 1:00am. After you felt asleep with your head on the table I carried you up here and put you to bed then I talked to your parents for awhile."

"It's 3:00?! Oh my gosh!" I jump out of bed and run in my bedroom to take a shower. I'm getting ready to get in and I hear a soft knock at the door and Michael says,

"Is it alright if I join you? I haven't taken a shower yet either." I can tell that he's smirking and wiggling his eyebrows.

"Okay." I say opening the door completely naked. When he sees me, his eyes bulge out of his head, "what? You've seen me naked a million times before! Why are your eyes like that?"

"Oh it's just that I didn't expect you to open the door like that." he chuckles as he takes his clothes off and walks into the bathroom.

*After the shower*

By the time we get out of the shower it's 4:00. We walk into my bedroom and get dressed.

"Come over here sweetie," Michael says with a blindfold in his hands, "I have a surprise for you."

"Okay," I giggle, "but don't make me run into any walls."

"I promise I won't."

We walk out to the dining room and he takes off the blindfold. I gasp at the sight before me. There are flowers and rose petals everywhere and the table is set with a romantic dinner and champagne. There's also a speaker beside the table.

"Have a seat baby." Michael whispers in my right ear.

"Baby, what is all of this and why is there a speaker here?"

"I wanted to propose to you correctly. And the speaker is here because I released a single and it's about you." he smiles as he turns on the speaker.
A slow beat comes on and Michael's voice starts to sing,

And maybe the walls will tumble
And the sun refuses to shine
But, when I say I love you
Baby, you gotta know that's for all time.
Baby, you gotta know that's for all time.

"Awww, Michael." I whisper through tears as he gets down on one knee.

"Izzy, I know we just met like 2 and a half months ago and this all is going very fast. But as soon as I saw you, I could feel something powerful when you looked in my eyes. And when we made love that first night, it felt so perfect, so right. When I'm with you, you make me feel like everything's going to be okay all the time. From the moment I met you I knew you would be the one for me. You are my true love, my best friend and my soulmate. So right now I'm asking you, Isabella Marie McCay, if you would be my wife."

Tears are now rolling down my cheeks as I say,
"Oh, Michael. Yes! Yes I will be your wife! I love you so much!"

Michael starts crying tears of joy as he pulls me in for a bear hug and a kiss.


"Yes, sweetie?" He hugs me tighter.

"I love you, and that's for all time." I giggle.

"Awww, quoting my songs already?" he chuckles.

"Yep! And I always will! Oh! We forgot about our food! Let's eat and then maybe, if we're not too full, we could have some fun for the first time as fiancés." right when I say that, his eyes widen and he gets a huge smile on his face.

"Okay...fine with me!"

"Of course it is." I playfully roll my eyes.
We finish our dinner and decide to watch Tv. I turn on the tv to the News channel.

"Breaking News! The cute little boy, Michael Jackson, from the Jackson 5 just released a new song called 'For All Time'! Jackson claims that this song was inspired by his future wife, Miss. Isabella McCay. The paparazzi say that they saw them going for a walk around town yesterday holding hands and kissing." the news reporter says as pictures of Michael and I holding hands and kissing outside my apartment appear on the screen. "We are hoping that Jackson will release more songs and a music video to go with his song soon. It's great to have the King Of Pop back!"

"Aww, Mikey! You made it to the Breaking News!" I look at Michael but he looks disappointed, "Michael? Are you okay?"

"I'm alright but they cut out my part. They recorded me telling them about the song and you and I did a speech special for you! I really wanted you to se-" he stopped talking when he saw him and an interviewer on the screen. As soon as it came on, he turned up the volume.

"So, Michael, this new song. Who or what is it about?" the interviewer asked.

"For All Time is dedicated to my fiancée, Isabella McCay. It's totally about her because I love her more than anything in the world. She is my top priority. All I wanna do is make her feel the way she makes me feel and show her how much I love her and appreciate her. She is the love of my life. She's my soulmate."

"How did you two meet?"

"How did we meet? Oh, boy. Uhh-we met at a dance studio here in California. Well, to be specific we met in the parking lot. I was walking to the door of the studio and she was driving into the parking lot. We both were distracted and she almost ran me over. I'm glad that happened though because when I saw her in her vehicle, as soon as I saw her face, I knew she was the one and I just needed to go out on a date with her. She must have apologized like 5 thousand times to me when she came in the studio. She approached me and told me she was sorry. After dance class I asked her if she wanted to go out for a coffee with me."

"Ohh, she almost ran you over. Wow. Now, Michael, the next question is probably going to be to uncomfortable for you and you'll most likely be embarrassed because it's a little personal. But all the fans wanna know it." the interview explained.

"Okay. Like I said to you before the interview, I'll answer anything. Anything for the fans."

"You sure?" the interviewer asks and Michael nods, "Okay. Umm- what they wanna know is if you are a virgin or if you guys have slept together yet..."

"Oh, wow. They really asked that? Uhh...I'm really embarrassed to say it but yes, we have slept together before. She was actually pregnant by me but had a miscarriage. I don't want to talk about it because it's very painful for her to talk or think about and she'll be watching tonight."

"Okay. Have you guys set the date for the wedding yet?"

"Oh no! Not yet. We just got engaged and I'm going to propose better tonight. When I proposed to her the first time it was infront of her parents in the hallway of her apartment. So this time I'm going to make it romantic and play the new song for her." Michael chuckled.

"Oh, do her parents know who you are. Like as in, Michael Jackson from Jackson 5."

"Yes. They know that and they took it very well."

"Well, I think I have everything that everyone wants to know for now so I'll let you go home to your fiancée. Thank you for the interview."

"No problem! Thank you. See you around."

I look over at Michael and he's grinning from ear to ear. Suddenly the door explodes open and there standing in the doorway is...

Hey Moonwalkers! Thanks for reading part 16! I appreciate it and I love you all so much! You guys are the best! Don't forget to vote, comment and add to your reading lists!❤️✨🙊😘💐

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