29. What Have I Done?!

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-The next morning-
Michael's POV...
I wake up to the sun shining in my face from my window. I look beside me and see a woman laying there. Naked. I look under the covers at my self to see if I'm naked too and sure enough I am!
'Oh my god! What have I done?!' I think as I jump out of the bed. I wake Mya up and tell her that she has to leave.

"Michaeeelll! Whyyyyy? It's too early!" She whines.

"I'm sorry, Mya. You have to leave! This wasn't supposed to happen. I'm in love with my wife, the mother of my child. This only happened because I was vulnerable and had one beer too many. So can you please leave?" I say as I pull up my pyjama bottoms.

"Fine!" She groans. "Thanks for last night, by the way. You were amazing! I'm so jealous of Isabella!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just leave. Please." I sigh as she leaves.

After she's gone and I'm completely dressed for the day, the phone starts ringing. I pick it up and say, "Hello?".

"Michael?" I hear Isabella's voice say.

"Hey, baby! I miss you! There's something I have to tell you." I speak into the phone feeling a wave of guilt crash through me.

"I miss you more, Mikey! But there's something I have to tell you, too. You have to remember that I love you when I tell you this. And I want you to know that I didn't mean for it to happen." She speaks softly. Now I'm getting worried. 'What happened to her?' I think as she goes on.

"Ok," I say. "What is it?"

"Ok, so, I ran into one of my childhood friends, Derek Johnson. He walked me to my hotel door since our rooms are right beside each other and we kissed. Well, he kissed me. But, I pushed him away after 25 seconds. I'm so sorry, Michael. I'm sure you'll never forgi-"

"I forgive you!" I cut her off.

"Really?" She says happily.

"Yes. Now, I need to tell you something. I know you won't forgive me because of what I did," I sigh.

"What is it Michael? I'm sure I'll probably forgive you no matter what it is."

"Ok," I take a deep breath. "Last night, after I dropped you off, it was a long drive so I stopped at a bar to have a couple drinks. I was thinking about how much I miss you and I got really depressed and drank too much."

"Awww, Michael. What wrong about that?" She says.

"I'm not finished. Anyway, a girl came up to me and started talking to me. I told her about how much I missed you and everything and she gave me a hug and tried to help me feel better. Well, one thing led to another and." I stop there because I'm crying so much.

"And what? What happen, Michael?" She says.

"I slept with her." I whisper into the phone.

"YOU WHAT?!?!" She screams into the phone, obviously crying.

"I'm sorry! It was an accident, I swear! I wasn't in the right frame of mind!" I cry into the phone as tears stream down my face.

"I don't care if you were in the right frame of mind or not! If you really loved me, you wouldn't have slept with her! When I get back, I'm taking Jazz and crashing at my mother's for a while! Bye, Michael!" The line goes dead after she says that.

"Oh my god! Why did this have to happen?! What have I done? I can't live without her and Jazz. How can I fix this?" I scream into my pillow.

Bella's POV...
"How could he do this to me? Ugh! Michael! What am I going to do now? I love him so much. I can't believe he did this! I though he loved me! I need to get out of here and go back home!" I say as I pull my phone back out to call my boss.

"Hey, Mrs. J. It's me, Isabella. I'm sorry, I can't make it to the meetings. Family crisis. Thank you so much for understanding. Thank you. Bye-bye." I hang up and go to the airport.

-After the plane ride-
I just landed. I'm calling Michael and telling him to come pick me up.

"Ok, baby. I'll be right there. And again, I'm so sorry for what happened." He says softly.

"Just shut up and come get me before i call a cab!" I shout and hang up.

25 minutes later, the limo arrives and Michael opens the door for me to get in. I get in and just stare out the window as the limo starts to move.

"Bella?" Michael whispers. I stay silent. "Bella, please talk to me. I can explain."

"Explain what, Michael?! Explain how you cheated on me the night I left for a meeting, 2 weeks after I gave birth to your child? I thought we were in love with each other! It's obvious that I'm the only one who was in love in this relationship!" I shout as I burst into tears.

"Izzy, how could you think that? I do love you! I'm totally in love with you! You're my everything!" He says as tears start rolling down his cheeks.

"Well, I wasn't your everything when you fucked that whore!" I shout.

"Please, if you are truly in love with me, you'll let me explain and listen without arguing. Please, Bella!" He says.

"Alright, I'm listening," I growl and he takes a deep breath.

"Okay, so, as you know, I stopped at the bar for a drink because I missed you and I was super depressed. I had like 3 beers and I was so drunk that I was wobbling. There was a woman who came up to me, Mya. She started talking to me and I told her that you were out of town and that I missed you like crazy. She told me that she's been in love with me ever since I was in the Jackson 5. That made me think of our second date and it made me think of how much I love you. I somehow imagined that it was you talking to me and we kissed. We went back to Neverland and it happened. I thought she was you, though. Then, this morning, I kicked her out, and I was quite rude about it, and I told her to never come back. I promise you that I didn't mean to sleep with her! I love you too much to ever want to sleep with another woman. Please, don't go to your parents house! Please, stay at Neverland. I can't afford you to leave. I need you. Without you, I'm nothing."

"Wow," I whisper. "Okay, Michael. I'll stay at Neverland but I won't sleep in the same bed as you. I'll be sleeping in one of the guest rooms. This doesn't mean I forgive you though."

"Okay, Isabella. As long as you don't leave me." He smiles as he holds my hand. God, I missed his touch. But I can't let him touch me right now. I take my hand away from his and he looks at me confused.

"Michael, please don't touch me for now. I can't let you touch me after you were with her." He nods his head and his eyes start to get watery again. We ride the rest of the way in silence staring out the windows.

'Why did this have to happen?' I think as we arrive at Neverland.

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