34. You Are Not Alone

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~Bella's POV~
I walk out of Derek's house and I can hear his voice cheer,

"I finally have her and she's never leaving me now!"

After hearing him say that, I have a feeling all of this is a lie. A set up. A set up for him to break me and Michael apart. This feeling makes me have another feeling. I have a feeling that Michael never said that. I need to go talk to him.

I take my cell phone out of my pocket and call a taxi to go to Neverland.

-At Neverland
I get to Neverland and walk up to the doors. I take a deep breath and find the courage to knock.

Michael comes to the door and when he opens it, his face drops and he becomes angry.

"Hey, Michael." I speak softly.

"What do you want?" He grits through his teeth.

"Can we talk?" I ask calmly.

"Why? So you can go back to the man you truly love and the man that satisfies you? Derek?" He asks with an attitude and I frown.

"What? What are you talking about? I never said that I still love Derek! And what do you mean satisfies me?" I argue as I step into the house.

"Oh, Derek told me everything! He told me about you two 'making love' and about you begging him for more and that I never satisfied you and you don't love me." He yells.

"He told you that? That is NOT true, Michael! He raped me! I told him to stop and he didn't! I was in tears when he told me that you said that you never loved me and used me for sex! I was bawling as he told me that you're in love with Mya! I know you want a divorce but, I'm not doing the divorce! I love you Michael and I know that deep down you love me too!" I say on the verge of tears.

"I never used you for sex! I didn't want a divorce! I only said that I would go with the divorce if you wanted it so you could be happy! I don't love Mya! She's just a whore! You are the one in in love with, Isabella! I love YOU! NOBODY else! YOU are my life! YOU are my true love! YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING BELLA! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR DAMN HEAD!!" He screams.

"You mean, you never said those things?" I whisper as tears stream down my cheeks.

"Of course, I didn't, Izzy. I'm totally in love with you. That's why it broke my heart when I found out that you're not in love with me. I understand if you never wanna see me again so you can be with the love of your life. I just want you to know that I truly love you with with all my heart and soul." He says as he starts crying too.

"But, Michael. YOU are the love of my life. I'm not in love with anybody but you. Whatever Derek told you, is a lie! I cried because I missed you and I was scared. I felt unsafe because I wasn't in your arms or your presence. I love you, Michael! Please believe me!" I collapse onto my knees and cry into my hands.

"Get up, Isabella. I believe you. I can tell that you're telling the truth. Just answer one question for me." He says as he helps me up.

"What is it, Michael?" I ask softly and he closes his eyes.

"Did he use protection when he, you know?"

"No." I answer and he looks down at the floor. "But, I'm on birth control. So, we don't have to worry."

"Oh, thank god!" He sighs as he pulls me into a soft bear hug.

I wrap my arms around him and take in his sweet scent.

"Oh, Michael. I missed you sooo much! I was afraid I was never gonna see you again!" I speak into his chest.

"I missed you too, cupcake. I seriously thought you were gonna divorce me! I even wrote a song called 'You Are Not Alone'. I might still release it because it sounds pretty good." He chuckles.

"Ok. Can I hear it?" I ask.

"Of course! Come on!" He directs me to the studio and I follow him.

He clicks on the recording and his angelic, soft voice comes on.

"Another day has gone. I'm still all alone. How could this be, that you're not here with me? You never said goodbye. Someone tell me why, did she have to go and leave my world so cold. Every day I sit and ask myself..."

"Oh my gosh, Michael! That is soooo beautiful!" I swoon as I cover my mouth with both my hands.

"Thank you, baby. Listen to the chorus. It's my favourite part." He smiles and I listen.

"Something whispers in my ear and says, that you are not alone. I am here with you. Though you're far away, I am here to stay. You are not alone. Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart. You are not alone."

"Aww, Michael! I'm in love with this song already! I know that your fans are going to love it!" I squeal as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a passionate kiss.

"You really think so?" He asks.

"I know so! Your voice is soooo beautiful and the lyrics are amazing! I think you should perform live sometime." I suggest.

"Yeah, that would be fun. It would be nice to be onstage again. It's been years!" He giggles.

"You could do some of your new songs and some of your old ones from when you were in the Jackson 5! That would be amazing!" I clap my hands together.

"Yeah, okay. I think I'll do that sometime," he grins. "So, uh, Bella?"

"Yes, Michael?"

"Um, where is Derek? Is he in jail or anything from raping you or?"

"Oh, no," I shake my head. "I actually forgot all about him. I'll go call the police now."

I pick up the phone and dial 911.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" A voice speaks.

"Hi. Um, I just got raped today by someone named Derek Johnson. I got away from him and I'm safe now but he expects me to come back soon. So, I was wondering if you could send some cops to arrest him?" I say awkwardly. I've never called them before so I didn't know what to say.

"Okay, could you give me your name and the address of where this guy is?" The voice says.

"My name is Isabella Jackson and Derek is at an old cabin about 2 hours away from Neverland." I say.

"Oh my gosh! You're Michael Jackson's wife! I'll get him in jail for you right away, ma'am!" She says.

"Okay, thank you" I sigh.

"No problem. Have a great day and stay safe, Mrs. Jackson!" She says before hanging up.

I hang up and walk over to Michael. He takes me in his arms as I weep into his chest.

"I promise I'll never let that happen ever again, baby. I love you totally and never forget that." He says then kisses my forehead.

"I love you too, Michael." I sob.

"Come on, let's get some sleep" he says, guiding me up the stairs to our bedroom.

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