11. Shes out of my life

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Brooke's POV...
Oh gross! This bitch just threw up all over me! Ugggh!
"You bitch! You just barfed all over me! You are disgusting!" I scream at her.

"Omg, Brooke! I am sooo sorry. I--I didn't mean to throw up all over you. I am so sorry...I really am very sorry. What can I do to make it better?"she cries.

"You can get your fat ass out of here! I don't ever wanna see you again! You are such a bitch!"

"Brooke!" Michael scolds, "don't be so rude to her! She's pregnant! She can't control when she throws up! Apologize to her!"

"Ugh! Fine! Sorry! I'll go get you guys a different waitress." I turn around and storm out of the room.

Michael's POV...
"I'm so sorry, baby. She's always been that way. I have no idea why she's that way." I rub Isabella's back, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I guess. I think I wanna go back to your place now."

"Okay. Let's go. I'll take care of you." I open the door for her and we walk to the car.

2 months later...

We are driving back to my place from the mall one day and Isabella starts crying and says,

"Are you sure that you're over Brooke? You seemed so heartbroken when you were telling me about what she did to you. Are you sure you're not going to leave me for her?"

"Isabella! Why would you say that?! I do not love Brooke anymore! She's out of my life forever! I'd never leave you for her or for anyone else!" I say shocked.

"I love you too and I would never leave you for anyone else either. I'm sorry I asked those questions. I just-I'm so stressed out right now."

"Why are you so stressed out?" I ask confused.

"Well, I don't know if I'll be a good mother-"

"You'll be a fantastic mother!" I practically yell.

"Let me finish" she snaps.


"Anyway, also with William raping me and me getting pregnant with your baby on the night we first met. How am I going to tell my parents that the first time that I ever had sex, I got pregnant and it's not even by the guy that I had been going out with ever since grade 9? Plus work too. It's just my life is too hard right now!"

"I'm sorry baby. Everything will get better, I promise!" I try to comfort her.

"Okay I'm getting tired so I think I'll take a nap when we go inside." she yawns as we pull into my driveway.

"Sure, babydoll. Whatever you need." I open up her car door and we go in the house.

We're inside the house and all of a sudden, Isabella bends over a bit holding her lower abdomen, screaming and crying in pain.

"Isabella!" I yell in terror as she collapses on the floor...

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