22. I Am Preganant

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Bella's POV...
It's the next day and I invited my parents over to tell them the good news. Michael and I also set the date for the wedding so I am really excited. DING DONG!

"Michael. Can you get that while I finish dishing up the oatmeal?" I yell.

"Ok, honey!" He shouts as he opens the door. "Oh, hey Mom! Hey Dad!" he says as my parents walk through the door. I giggle at Michael because it's cute to see him call my parents that.

"Hey, Mama. Hey, Daddy!" I kiss both of them on the cheek. "Why didn't you just use your emergency key?"

"Because we weren't sure if you two were going at it on the couch or not. And we don't wanna see that again." My dad laughs.

"Daddy!" I hide my face in my hands.

"So, Isabella! Why did you invite us over? You sounded so excited on the phone." My mom asks hanging up her coat.

"Well, we have some good news." I smile and stand beside Michael. He wraps his arm around my waist and grins looking at me.

"What is it?" My mom asks eagerly.

"Well, one, we set the date for the wedding," Michael says and my mom screams because she's so happy. "And two,"

"I'm pregnant!" I blurt.

"AHHHH! OMG! Matthew! Our daughter is pregnant by Michael Jackson! Our daughter is carrying Michael Jackson's child!" My mom shouts at my father. "Wait, when is the wedding?"

"In 2 months." I smile.

"Where is it going to be?" My father asks.

"I have a place where it can be. I have people working on it right now." Michael smiles looking at me.

"Where??" My mom asks.

"It's going to be our home. Neverland."

"Neverland, huh? You sure like Peter Pan don't you?"my mom chuckles.

"Yep." Michael nods.
After a long visit with my parents, we go to our next interview.
We're at the interview and the interviewer asks us where and when we're having the wedding.

"We are having it at our new home and we are having it in two months." I answer.

"Why so soon?"

"Well, I want to have the wedding before I get big. I'm pregnant."

"Wow! Congratulations! When did you guys find this out?"

"Last night after the interview from yesterday. I threw up unexpectedly so we got pregnancy tests and I took them. All of them came back positive so it's official. I'm pregnant again." I smile rubbing my lower abdomen."
Sorry it's so short...I didn't know what else to put❤️✨ I love you all so much! Thanks for reading!❤️❤️ don't forget to vote, comment, and add to your reading lists❤️

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