12. Twins

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Bella's POV...
I wake up in an unfamiliar place and I'm instantly confused. I look over to my right and see Michael sitting in a chair sobbing into his hands.

"Michael?" I whisper. He looks up and his eyes are all puffy and red. I can tell that he's been crying for awhile. But I wonder why.

"Mikey, where are we and why are you crying?"

"We are at a hospital, Isabella" he manages to say through his tears.

"Why are we in a hospital?" I'm confused but I'm afraid to know the answer.

"When we got home from the mall you said that you were tired and that you were going to take a nap. But once we got in the house, you started screaming and crying in pain while holding your lower abdomen then you collapsed on the floor. Right away I called the ambulance and they said that you may have had a miscarriage so they brought you here and I rode in the ambulance with you."

"Our child is gone?" I sniffle as tears roll down my cheeks.

"Actually our children, Isabella. You were pregnant with twins. A boy and a girl." Michael starts crying even more and a woman walks in the room.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Berry. I am your doctor. Mr. Jackson, did you tell her already?" the woman asks in A professional voice.

"Yes he did, Doctor. But I would like to know what caused me to have the miscarriage."

"Well, judging by the situation, it was caused by stress. We mentioned that to Michael earlier and he told us that you had just confessed to him that you are going through some stress and life if getting a little hard for you. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to lose a child. My child died, not from a miscarriage, but from a car accident. She was only 4 years old. I know how you guys feel so I'm going to let you two be alone for awhile. Whenever you're ready to leave you can go."

"Thank you, Doctor." Michael thanks the doctor as she leaves the room.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I was just so excited about becoming a daddy. But what about you? Are you okay?"

"I don't know. I know I didn't know our children but I kind of miss them. I feel empty without them in my uterus."

"Woah! Let's not start talking about reproductive terms and all that. I'm not very comfortable with those words. I've never been. I'm alright with the v word, p word and b word. But not the rest of 'em."

"Hahaha! Michael, do you know how crazy you sound right now? You're a grown man and you can't say uterus, vagina, penis or breasts? But it's okay." I laugh.

"Stop making fun of me!" He pouts then smiles. He leans in to kiss me and of course I accept. He starts to deepen the kiss and the door flies open with two people who I never thought would be here running over to me.

"Mom?! Dad?!" I yell surprised.

"Omg honey, are you okay? The doctor called us! Why didn't you tell us you were pregnant? Was the baby William's?" my mom starts talking gibberish then looks over at Michael. "Who's this?"

"Oh um. Mom, Dad, this is Michael Jackson. He was the father of my children and he is my boyfriend. Michael, these are my parents, Marie McCay and Matthew McCay." I nervously introduce them all.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. McCay. Your daughter is a wonderful lady! I love her so much!" Michael nicely shakes their hands.

"Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson. Where have I heard that name before? Oh my god!" My mom gasps when she realizes who Michael is, " Michael Jackson from the Jackson 5?"

"Yes ma'am." he nods politely.

"Wow." My dad whispers to himself.

"So dear," my mom starts turning to me, "what happened to William?"

"Mom, I don't wanna talk about him. He tried to rape me after he found out that Michael took my-"

"HE TRIED TO RAPE YOU?!" My dad screams.

"Yes, father." I sigh.

"Wait, wait. After he found out that Michael took your what?" my mom asks cluelessly, "Wait a minute. Are you saying that Michael was your first?"

"Yes, Mom." I nod, embarrassed that I'm having this conversation infront of my father.

"But William told me 2 years ago that he took your virginity."

"What?! He didn't! Michael did! Then William tried to rape me and Michael stopped him and saved me."

"Michael saved you?" my dad gasps as he looks over at Michael.

"Yes he did, Daddy. Then he sang me a song that he wrote about me when I fell asleep after our first night together. It was beautiful." I explain and my mom coos.

"Well, Michael. I just met you about 6 minutes ago and already, I know that you are the right person for my little girl." my dad smiles as he pats Michael on the back.

"Really? Thank you Mr. McCay because I would love to marry your daughter someday."

"Please, call me Matthew." My dad grins.

"I thought I was the right person for your little girl." a voice says from the doorway.

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