32. You Are My Life

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The next morning...
~Bella's POV~

I wake up and discover that Michael isn't in the bed with me. I stretch then get up to go look for him.

As I approach the bedroom door I can hear him talking on the phone.

"So at 11:00 they probably will? Ok. That's 45 minutes away so I'll go get her up and get her ready. Thank you. Bye."

"Who was that, Michael?" I ask as he turns around and jumps.

"Oh! Isabella! You scared me!" He giggles. "That was just the radio. I haven't told you this but I released a new song about you."

"Awww, Michael," I coo. "What's it called?"

"You Are My Life." He says as he gives me a huge bear hug. "Now, Izzy. I want to play it for you when it comes on the radio for the first time at 11:00. So, go get ready and meet me in the dining room."

"Ok." I smile.

After I'm done getting ready...
I'm wearing a deep red dress, red high heels and I have my hair in a braid off to the side.

"Oh my gosh, Isabella! You look gorgeous!" Michael gasps as I walk into the living room.

"Thank you, Michael. Is it time yet?"

"It's 10:59 so anytime soon." He squeals as he turns on the radio.

"Up next is Michael Jackson's new song he just released called You Are My Life. Jackson would like to dedicate this song to his wife, Isabella Jackson, to show her how much he loves her." The radio says then Michael's voice comes on and starts singing.

Once, all alone, I was lost in a world of strangers. No one to trust, on my own. I was lonely. You suddenly appeared. It was cloudy before, but now it's all clear. You took away the fear, and you brought me back to the light.

"Awww, Michael!" I cry as the first verse plays. He smiles at me as I sit down beside him.

He begins to sing along with the chorus as he rubs my back.

"You are the sun, you make me shine. Or more like the stars, that twinkle at night. You are the moon, that glows in my heart. You're my daytime, my nighttime, my world. You are my life."

"Michael, I love you so much!" I say as I give him a huge passionate kiss.

"I love you so much more. I'm so glad we're together." He whispers and we stay quiet to listen to the rest of the song.

Now, I wake up everyday with this smile upon my face. No more tears. No more pain. 'Cause you love me. You helped me understand, that love is the answer to all that I am. And I'm-I'm a better man, since you taught me by sharing your life!

(Chorus x2)

You gave me strength when I wasn't strong. You gave me hope, when all hope was lost. You opened my eyes, when I couldn't see. love was always waiting for meeeeee!"


That was the new one from Michael Jackson, You Are My Life. Next up is-

He shuts off the radio.

"Michael, that was so sweet and romantic! I love you so much! What did I do to deserve you?" I sigh happily. He kisses me and the doorbell rings.

"That's probably my mother with Jazz." Michael says as he gets up from his seat.

"Hey, Mother!" He says as he opens the door and Katherine walks in.

"Hello, Michael. Hello, Isabella. How are you guys?" Katherine grins as she looks at us.

"Oh, good. We might go on vacation tomorrow. We need to get away. There's too much drama here." Michael sighs.

"Oh, that would be nice! You guys deserve it!" Katherine smiles warmly again. "Oh! Michael! I heard your song on the radio on my way over here!"

"How'd you like it?" Michael asks.

"Oh, it was beautiful! It was so romantic of you to do that for Bella! I know your father would never do that for me!" She giggles.

"Thanks, Mother." Michael says and the doorbell rings again.

"I wonder who that is." I say as I go to the door.

I open the door and see a man wearing a mask.

"May I help you?" I frown as I ask politely.

"Yes. You can come with me!" He says as he pulls me over to him and drags me to his car. I scream for Michael as the guy covers my mouth with duct tape.

He pushes me in the car and shuts the door. He gets in and we start to drive off.

Who is this guy? I think as he looks over at me and hands me a cup of something, forcing me to drink it. After awhile my phone starts ringing as I start feeling sleepy and he answers it. This is the last thing I remember as I fall into a deep sleep.

~Michael's POV~
"I wonder what's taking Bella so long at the door." I say as my mom and I walk over the the door.

We hear a scream and I start to get worried. I look out side and see a car driving away from the gates. I decide to call Izzy to see what's going on.

The phone rings a few times and finally someone answers.

"Bella? Where are you?" I ask as I start panicking.

"Bella is with me! Don't worry! She's safe!" Someone barks into the phone.

"Who is this?" I ask the mystery person.

"Let's just say, you're precious Bella kissed me in Vancouver and we all saw each other last night at that event." He laughs.

"Derek." I whisper.

"That's right! Wow, Mr. King Of Pop! You're smart!" He chuckles.

"Where's Bella? I want to talk to her!" I shout.

"Oh, Bella. Well, she can't come to the phone right now. But, Michael. Listen carefully. If you even try to look for her or me or call the police, I will make sure she is in great danger. Got it?"

"Where are you taking her?! Jazz needs her! Please, don't do this, Derek! Please, bring her back here!" I start to cry.

"You don't deserve her, Michael. I do. I deserve her. I know her better than you ever will. We grew up together. We were best friends. We used to tell each other everything." Derek says. "Now, Michael! Do NOT come looking for me unless you want to end Bella's life." He warns then hangs up.

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