27. I Hate You!

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8 months and one week later...
Bella's POV...
It's been around 8 months since I got pregnant with Michael's baby. She's due in 3 weeks. We got married when I was at 2 months and we promised to save our vows for my baby shower so the baby would be able to hear them too. It's been a bit of a hectic few months because of my hormones. One minute I'm as happy as a bird then the next minute I'm throwing a temper tantrum. I actually almost left Michael last month because he bought the wrong ice cream. Yeah, I know. It's ridiculous. I don't know how he's been able to put up with me. He must really love me. I think he does because right now we're at a surprise party that he threw for me.

"Michael, you didn't have to do this for me!" I smile as he kisses my lips.

"Of course I had to! You're my wife! I had to throw a special baby shower for you! I love you!"

"Okay, you two! Time for vows!" Janet squeals and runs over to the couch to sit. Michael and I stand in the centre of the living room with all our siblings and parents and everyone else around us. We stare into each other's eyes then he starts.

"Isabella Marie Jackson. This day last year, do you know what day that was? That was the day that you almost hit me with your car in that parking lot at the dance studio. That was the first time we met. I am so glad that you almost hit me because, if you hadn't have done that, you would have never approached me to apologize. That was also the same night as our first date and our first time together. I am so grateful that you agreed to go for coffee with me that day and let me know who you are because without you, I wouldn't have gone back to my career, I wouldn't have built Neverland, I wouldn't have a child on the way and I wouldn't have been the man I am today. What I'm trying to say is that you make me a better person and I love you with all my heart and soul. I love you more than life. I am so proud to say that you are my wife." I sniffle as he slips the ring back on my finger.

"Michael, that was so beautiful. I am really grateful for you too because you are so amazing. You're a gentleman. You're kind, generous, funny, gentle, caring, loving, humble, smart. The list could go on and never end. I am so thankful that you were my first. I am not ashamed to say that Michael Joseph Jackson, The King Of Pop, took my virginity. You were so gentle and careful with me that first night. Making sure I was comfortable and not in pain. I don't know what I did to deser--AHHHH!!" I scream in pain as a sharp pain shoots through my lower abdomen and suddenly there's a puddle on the floor.

"Uhh-Bella. I think your water just broke." Michael observes.

"You think? UGGGHHH! THIS HURTS SO FUCKING MUCH! Michael! We're NEVER EVER having sex EVER again!!" I scream as Janet runs to the phone and starts dialling a number. "Get me to a fucking hospital now, Jackass!!" I scream at Michael.

"Yep that's her." I hear Janet speak into the phone then she hangs up. "Bella-Boo. The ambulance are on their way. Take deep breaths until they get here."

"Okay." I say taking in deep breaths.

"Ugh! You freak out at me over nothing then stay all calm with Janet? I don't get you!" Michael flails his arms stressfully and storms out of the room.

"Where's Michael? I need him. Where'd he go?" I start crying and he runs back into the room.

"I'm right here baby. I'm so sorry. I don't know what that was. I'm here." He says and holds my hand as an even bigger contraction comes on. I squeeze his hand and scream in pain.

We're at the hospital and I'm in the delivery room. Michael's with me holding my hand. The doctor says I'm fully dilated and ready to push. I start pushing and scream things at Michael.

"UGGGH!! MICHAEL, YOU DID THIS TO ME! I HATE YOU! LEAVE!!!!!" He looks at me sadly then turns to leave. "No! Michael! Come back! I'm so sorry. I need you! It hurrrrrts!"

"I know, baby. But you're almost there. I can see the baby' stop half coming out." He rubs my forehead with his thumb then kisses me. After 3 more huge pushes, I hear a baby cry.

"Awww look at her, Michael. She's so adorable." I coo as the doctor hands her to me.

"She looks like you." Michael smiles.

"No she looks more like you. She has your curls, your eyes, lips and eyebrows. She has my nose and ears. She has your face shape. I'm so glad she looks like you. She's so beautiful." I kiss her on her cheeks and she coos.

"Look how big lengthwise she is! No wonder you were in such pain. I wouldn't be able to survive that." Michael shakes his head.

"Oh! About what I said while I was pushing. When I said that I hate you. I didn't mean that. I love you more than anything in the world. You are my world and I'm glad to be apart of yours."

"Baby, you're not a part of it. You ARE my world! You and Jazz both are my whole world. Thank you so much for giving me this bundle of beautiful joy."

"Well, Mike, you should also thank yourself because without you, she wouldn't exist." I chuckle.

"Oh yeah. Heehee. That reminds me. What you told me back at Neverland, did you mean that?"

"What did I say?. I ask because I'm completely clueless.

"You said that we will never ever be having sex ever again."

"Oh," I chuckled, "No. I was just confused."

"Okay. Thank, God! I wouldn't have been able to wait until I die." He chuckles.

"I love you, Michael. And you too, Jazz." I look down at my baby and rock her back and forth as Michael grins at me. That is until we hear a familiar voice say,

"So that's Jasmine?"

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