21. Are You Saying What I Think You're Saying???

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Michael's POV...
"How is the sex with Michael?" I freeze as soon as I hear those words. It makes my eyes widen. Why would the fans ask that? It's so personal! I wonder what Isabella's gonna say.

Bella's POV...
I look over at Michael and he looks very shocked and embarrassed.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to." the interviewer clarifies.

"Oh, it's okay. I'll answer." I sit up in my seat. "It's amazing. He is so gentle and loving and caring. He always make sure I'm comfortable with what we're doing and it's just. It's just amazing!" Michael nervously plays with his fingers as the interviewer smirks at him as I go on. "Like, when we had our first time together, he was so gentle and sweet. It was also my first time ever and I was so amazed after it was over. I couldn't believe it."

"Wow. How often do you guys...you know"

"Almost everyday" I giggle and Michael tries to cover my mouth.

"Izzy!" He scolds playfully.

"It that good, huh?" The interviewer laughs and Michael gives her a look. "I was only kidding! Anyway, that's all the information I need. Thank you."

We are let go and Michael and I are walking towards the door. All of the sudden, I feel something coming up from my stomach.

"Michael I need to-" I run off to the bathroom. I get there and start barfing my brains out.

"Baby, are you okay?" I hear Michael's voice coming from the other side of the door.

"No. But I'll be fine." I shout. I come out of the bathroom and Michael looks very worried. "I think we need to go to Walmart."

"Why?" He looks at me confused.

"I need pregnancy tests." I smile.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" He asks excitedly and I nod my head. He picks me up bridal style and runs out of the building to the limo.

"Michael! What are you doing?" I giggle.

"Come on, we need to get to Walmart!" He smiles. "I love you Isabella. Thank you."

"I love you more, Mikey." I smile and kiss him on the lips.
We get to Walmart and we zip to the isle with the pregnancy tests. I pick up a box and we go to the cashier.

"OH MY GOD!!! IT'S MICHAEL JACKSON AND ISABELLA MCCAY!!" A bunch of girls scream. We pay for the tests and run out of the place.
We get back to my apartment and Michael is jumping like an excited little boy who's getting candy.
"Take it! Take it! Take it!" He squeals.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'll take it." I giggle.

"Can I come with you? Pleeeeease?" He begs.
"Sure." I nod my head.
I pee on the stick and we wait 3 minutes.
"You look t it first." Michael smiles at me.

"Okay." I look at the test and joy just flows all throughout my body. "Michael. Look." I tap in his shoulder because he has his eyes covered. He looks and squeals like a little kid and picks me up and puts my legs around his waist. We start making out.

"I can't believe you're pregnant. The love of my life is pregnant by me!" He says between kisses. He carries me over to my bed and lays me down gently. We both start undressing and he positions himself ontop of me. I can't help but smile because I'm pregnant by the man I'm in love with. He starts kissing down my neck down to my breasts as moans slip out of my mouth. He spreads my legs apart and kisses the inside of my thighs until he gets to my womanhood. He starts making out with my pussy. I am ecstatic!

Suddenly he stops. I'm disappointed and confused so I sit up and ask him why he stopped.

"Well, um. I don't think I'm going to do this. I don't wanna hurt the baby. I want to make love to you, I do but I don't want to harm our unborn child."

"Michael. You won't be able to hurt the baby. The baby is in my uterus. Not my vagina, okay?"

"Please don't say that word when I'm around."

"What word? Vagina?" I smirk and start giggling.

"Yeah, that. I don't like hearing or saying those words. It's too awkward and uncomfortable," He makes a disgusted face and goes on. "Anyway, since that's out of the way, shall we proceed future Mrs. Jackson?"

"We shall!" I moan as he slides his shaft into me. After 2 minutes, we both come together. Just like our first time.

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