18. Interviews

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Bella's POV...
We all just stand in my living room in awkward silence when my mother speaks up and says,
"We saw your interview on TV tonight, Michael. Great job." she gives Michael a thumbs up and he chuckles.

"Thank you, Mrs. McCay." he politely thanks her.

"You're welcome, Michael." then she turns to me, "So, have you guys started to plan the wedding yet?"

"Actually I already have lots of ideas that I've liked ever since I was 13." I reply as I walk to my closet to get my big wedding binder that I've had ever since I was a teenager. I pull it out and set in on the coffee table. Michael stares at it for a half a second and looks at me confused. "I haven't gotten to tell you about it yet Michael because we've been busy."

"Don't we know it." I mother mutters while looking at my father and he bursts out laughing.

"Mother! That isn't all we do! We actually have been really busy with other stuff! We're not animals!" I raise my voice at my mother as Michael starts looking through my binder.

"Babydoll, I was only joking. You don't need to get upset. We know that's not all you do. We just walk in at all the wrong times." my mother smiles and pulls me into a hug.
"I'm sorry for exploding at you. I don't know what's gotten into me lately." I sigh.

"I do." Michael mutters and my parents laugh and I just stand there confused.

"What do you mean, Michael?" I ask curiously.

"It's a joke, babe. I'm trying to lighten the mood."

"I don't get it." I state.

"It's a sex joke, honey. You said that you don't know what's gotten into you lately so he turned that into a dirty joke."my mother explains and i roll my eyes playfully because now I understand what he meant.

"Awwww, baby, you chose one of my old songs from the Jackson 5 for the slow dance song?" Michael smiles with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah. I've always been a fan of the Jackson 5!" I smile.

"What song is it?" My father asks.

"I'll Be There" Michael and I answer at the same time.

"Awww, that's a beautiful song. But I think you guys should choose the new one, For All Time." my mother suggests.

"Oh! That's a great idea, Mrs. McCay!" Michael shouts from excitement, "Oh and that just made me remember something. Izzy, we have interviews to do throughout this month and next month. Everybody is going crazy over my return to my career and the fact that I have a fiancée and that you were pregnant and all that."

"Okay. Are you sure I have to be with you?" I whine.

"Yes. All the interviewers want to interview you and the fans would love to see you in an interview."

"Alright. I guess I'll come." I sigh.

"Thank you baby!" Michael pulls me into a kiss. "We have one tomorrow."

Next day at the interview...

"Hello, Mr. Jackson. Hello Miss. McCay. My name is John and I will be interviewing you today."

"Hello, John. You can just call us by our first names." Michael says.

"Okay, so let's get this interview started, shall we? So Isabella. Why did you choose to say yes to Michael's proposal to marriage?"

"Why? Because I'm in love with him. He's the love of my life and I don't know what I would do without him." I answer truthfully.

"But you guys have only been together for a couple of months and there are some fans who have told us that you were just getting out of a relationship when you first met Michael." the interviewer argues.

"Yes I was just fresh out of a relationship, that I broke off by the way, an abusive one actually. But when I met Michael everything seemed so right."

"You say you ex was abusive. How and why was he abusive?"

"Well, he would hit me and harm me in any way possible because I didn't want to have sex with him. He didn't understand that I just wasn't ready for that yet." I explain.

"So he wanted to persuade you into having sex with him when you weren't ready? Huh. Many of your fans say that you were a virgin before you met Michael and he took your virginity. Is that true?"

"Yes, John, it is true. Michael is my first." I answer unashamed.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did it happen?" the interviewer asks and Michael looks down in embarrassment.

"I'm not quite sure how it happened," I laugh, "it just happened. We went back to my apartment after our first date and decided to sit on the couch to watch Tv. Then we ended up making-out and one thing led to another. He was very gentle and caring with me. I think during those moments and afterwards when he had his arms wrapped around me, that was when I realized that I had fallen in love with him. When he was holding me, I just felt so safe. Whenever I'm in his arms I can feel all my worries and problems melting away."

"Aww, it sounds like you really love him a lot. So, about your future together. Do you guys plan on having kids?" Michael's head shoots back up as soon as he hears the word 'kids'.

"Yes! We are going to have lots of kids. I promised Michael that however many kids he wants, that's how many I'll give him. I don't care if it's one, two, five, or seven, I just wanna make him happy."

"In that interview yesterday, he said that you were already pregnant with his child but miscarried."

"Actually, I was pregnant with his twins. I miscarried because of stress. I was going through a lot and it was too hard. When I blacked out Michael took me to the hospital and that's where he met my parents. Then not too long after, they walked in on us making love in my apartment. Oh my gosh, it was so embarrassing. But my parents were okay with it. Especially my mom." I chuckle.

"That sounds extremely embarrassing. What was their reaction when they saw you two?"

"Well, first my mother screamed Oh my god. My dad covered his eyes and looked away and my mom just stood there staring at us with her mouth hanging open from shock."

"What did you and Michael do when you noticed they were there?"

"We both jumped off the couch and Michael stood there not knowing what to do while I searched for blankets to cover us with. My mom's eyes grew about ten times what they are when she saw Michael naked. Michael and I took turns getting changed. When I came back from getting changed, i walked in on Michael telling my parents how much he loved me and that he's ready to propose to me. And he was showing them the engagement ring he bought so I came over to him and he said the most romantic thing ever to me and I told him that I was ready for him to propose so he did. Right infront of my parents."

"Wow," the interviewer whispers, "I think I have everything that I need. Thank you miss. McCay! Thank you mr. Jackson! It was nice trapping to you both."

"See you 'round , John!" Michael and I wave as he walks away from the set.

"Well that was very personal." I observe looking over at Michael.

"Yeah, sometimes they ask very personal and inappropriate questions. But the fans really wanna know so.."

"Yeah, I get that. When I was like 12, I watched every one of your interviews from when you were in the Jackson 5 because I wanted to know everything about you." I confess. "I was obsessed with you, to be honest."

"Aww, the love of my life used to be one of my stalkers." Michael teases me.

"Stop, Michael. I was 12, okay? Now, let's go. I'm hungry."

"Okay my sweet little stalker." Michael winks at me and I roll my eyes.

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