It'll get better

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Laurences P.O.V:

My eyes fly open and my whole body tenses suddenly alert. Although I’m groggy from sleep I’m acutely aware of someone screaming, of Kier screaming. I jump from the sofa and quickly look around Kiers no longer sleeping soundly next to me as he was when I finally drifted to sleep. I think the screaming’s coming from the kitchen. I run as if my life depends on it.

Kiers P.O.V:

I feel a pair of hands grab me and continue to scream. The voice shouting at me isn’t India’s dad though. It’s Laurence. “Kier, Kier wake up it’s okay”. I hesitantly open my eyes. Laurence is staring at me his warm green eyes filled with concern. He waits for me to say something but I sit in silence dazed. It was so real. He was right there. He was right in front of me. It was real I swear. “Kier are you even listening to me. Are you okay?” Laurences voice breaks through my thoughts. He sounds concerned, he sounds concerned a lot lately I think to myself. “Sorry no what?” I mutter sleepily “why were you asleep in the kitchen?” Laurence most likely repeats to me “I – I wasn’t I –” I’m cut off by Barrone “Why is there glass everywhere?” He shrieks hopping around trying to avoid the shards I wasn’t aware were even there. Laurence looks over to Barrone quickly “glass?” he frowns. I peek behind Laurence sheepishly and see glass littering the kitchen large sharp shards everywhere. “yeah and why is the tap running?! We can hardly afford the bills as it is” Barrone sighs his hands on his hips now. Laurence looks at me again briefly to check I’m okay before getting up and turning the tap off. “what was real?” Barrone asks confused. I realise I must have been thinking out loud “India’s dad was here” I stutter my voice shaking. “he couldn’t have been the doors locked for once” Drew sighs.

Drews P.O.V:

The guys obviously aren’t aware of how loud they’re being again. I sigh getting up from the sofa and carefully stepping over India and Luke. How they’re still asleep is beyond me. I hear Kier stuttering something about India’s dad being here from the hallway. I sigh “the doors locked for a change” from the doorway before wrapping my arms around Barrones waist. “you okay?” I mumble. He unwraps my arms from his waist and turns around to face me “I should be asking you that” he smiles sadly. Laurences voice suddenly breaks through our little exchange “you must have passed out!” he exclaims the worry obvious in his voice “I – I’m fine” Kier asserts very weakly “well you either eat something now before we get in that van or I’m marching you down to the hospital right now!” Laurence shouts. I raise my eyebrows at Barrone and walk out the kitchen, him behind me.

“Whats going on?” India yawns sleepily from the floor. Luke just grumbles sticking his head under his pillow “Kier passed out in the kitchen”. India gasps and even Luke lifts his head from under his pillow “is he okay?” Luke asks “yeah I mean no I guess not well I don’t really know I mean him and Laurence are-” Barrone cuts me off “I think so yeah”. Luke sighs sticking his head under the pillow again and India gets up crossing her arms across her chest “does he need to go to hospital?” she asks her voice small “no he just needs to eat” Barrone reassures her collapsing on the sofa “tours not even started and I’m tired already” he sighs rubbing his temples. “Fine I’ll eat a fucking apple!” Kier screams from the kitchen. Laurence storms into the living from and sits on the sofa his head in his hands “Laurence?” “I can’t – I just can’t deal with – he won’t let me help him” he sobs. I notice a blur of bright blue leave the room from the corner of my eye and India murmuring to Kier from the kitchen. I try to think of something to say but stand like an idiot watching my friend break down in front of me. Barrone sits next to Laurence and starts to mutter words I can’t hear to him. Realising I’m useless here I get up and start to gather things that need to be packed into the van later.

India’s P.O.V:

I walk into the kitchen to see Kier sat knees drawn up to his chest against the fridge staring into a full cupboard his face a mixture of frustration and pain. “hey” I smile as I sit next to him. He says nothing tears prickling his eyes “Kier” I start but I’m interrupted by him “no don’t please I don’t need anyone to tell me that I’m pathetic” he sniffles his body shuddering from the force of the cries escaping his tiny chest “hey hey hey” I murmur putting my arms around him “you’re not pathetic okay you’re just dealing with something hard yeah?”. Kier looks up at me his eyes intense “I can’t even eat what Laurence wants me to, to make him happy. Laurence –” his voice fades until he stops saying anything altogether. We sit in silence for a moment “what did he want you to eat?” I ask gently “chilli I think” Kier frowns “okay so whats wrong with the chilli?” I prompt “the kidney beans and I don’t know exactly” he trails off again “right so do you have a problem with rice?” Kier sits for a moment his face conflicted “maybe if we weigh it out?” he whispers “okay lets do that” I smile helping him up and getting out the scales and the rice.

Kiers P.O.V:

I weigh out the rice carefully debating whether it’s too much or not enough. I spoon some rice back into the container before checking the scales again and tipping it into a pot. India frowns and looks as if she’s about to say something but she doesn’t.

*time lapse*

I drain the rice before grabbing a bowl. “you want anything else?” India asks gently “erm no – actually I might have – no I’m fine” India frowns before nodding and stepping out of the kitchen. Everyone looks up at me eyeing the bowl as I enter the room. I run my hand through my hair uncomfortable and everyone looks away quickly. Apart from Laurence that is. “what you got?” he asks curious. I think he tries to hide the concern in his voice but it doesn’t work. “oh just some rice” I mumble looking down at the floor. He pats the sofa beside him “want to come and sit down?” he smiles “erm – sure – wheres Drew?” I mumble. “In here!” he shouts from somewhere else in the flat “that wasn’t very useful Drew!” Barrone shouts “sorry bedroom” he shouts back. I sit next to Laurence picking at my rice “sorry for shouting earlier” he mumbles “it’s okay” I smile “it’s not I –” I cut him off placing the bowl down “Laurence please it’s okay” I stammer feeling guilty “if you’re sure?” “I’m sure” I reply kissing him briefly “WELL I THINK THATS EVERYTHING!” Drew shouts from the other room. We all quickly look around the room at each other “time to go?” India practically squeals “I think so” I grin feeling better already.

A/N: So here you have it the first chapter. I guess the journey begins once again. I couldn't have them in danger first chapter of the story now that's ridiculous so alas it was all a dream. Dedicated this chapter to wastedshadows as she? (sorry if you're a guy your profile gives me nothing!) was the last person to comment on FFTF and wished me luck in my exams thank you,


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