Bloodshot eyes

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Lukes P.O.V:

I try to make sense of Shane but he’s crying so much the only words I grasp are “comic book store” and “Drew”. Fearing the worst and realizing I’m getting nowhere with him I hang up telling him I’ll be there soon. A quick google search reveals a few comic book shops. I decide to check the closest first pulling the van out of the carpark.

Kiers P.O.V:

“Was that our van?” I ask Laurence confused “no. Luke wouldn’t leave without at least telling us” he replies, he’s right I think to myself continuing down the road. I can see the carpark clearly yet our van isn’t in sight “what was that you said?” I sigh grabbing my phone and angrily calling Luke. 

Lukes P.O.V:

“Dammit shut up!” I shout at my phone frustrated. I think the map said the comic book store was just around the corner. I pull into the street and jog the final minute or so. The first thing I notice is Barrone on the curb crying. Drew’s nowhere in sight. I run up to him tapping his shoulder “hey shane what-” I’m interrupted by him throwing his arms around me “it’s okay, what happened?” I suddenly notice the police car and the pulled over car just ahead of us. “SHANE LISTEN TO ME!” I exclaim causing him to snap out of it “what – happened?” I ask “D-Drew didn’t look before crossing the road” he sniffles “S-Shane how bad was it?” I mumble “h-he got hit but hardly but he hit his head on the curb and it knocked him out” he cries “Okay Shane where is he?” he nods at the shop behind him “you want to come in?” I frown he just shakes his head. I can’t leave him out here alone but I need to check on Drew. Suddenly I remember Kier was phoning earlier and dial his number. He picks up on the first ring “WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” he asks angrily “Kier you need to calm do-” “I WILL NOT CALM DOWN YOU TOSSER YOU LEFT WITHO-” “Kier Drew’s been hit by a car” I mutter causing another sob to escape Shane “Shit did he just say Drew got hit?” Laurence asks in the background “YES. Now listen, We’re not far from the carpark a 10 minute walk tops. You know the-” kier interrupts again “comic book store right? We’ll be there soon”. The line goes dead “Okay Shane I’m going to check on Drew you just stay here okay? Kier will be five minutes” I say feeling guilty. Shane just nods before putting his head in his hands.

Drews P.O.V:

I remember the car speeding towards me, I thought I’d been quick enough, I thought I was safe. Then I felt a sharp pain and everything went black. “hello?” I call out to the blackness, there is no response. I’m dead. Fuck I’m dead. What about Shane and kier and luke and Laurence. Shit what about the band. Suddenly I hear muffled voices and the world is a blur. “am I dead?” I murmur scared this is the afterlife. I didn’t used to believe in that stuff but maybe I do now.

Kiers P.O.V:

We make it to Shane in 7 minutes. He’s sitting on the curb head in his hands. Me and Laurence exchange a look, no words just a look but it says so much. ‘where’s Drew’ ‘how hurt is he?’ ‘is he dead?’ ‘why is Shane still here?’. I run up to Shane and shake him “Shane?” he lifts his head from his hands and his eyes are bloodshot. I wonder how long he’s been crying for? I look to Laurence for help but he looks as clueless as me.

Lukes P.O.V:

I walk into the comic book store and someone says “we’re closed” before I make it through the door “Drews here right? It’s just Shane was crying and made no sense so...” the assistant nods and I look over to see Drew’s tiny form lying lifeless next to a paramedic. I stand by the door unsure but the assistant beckons me over so I walk up to Drew. Looking at him is almost painful. The paramedic is asking questions no one can answer when I hear a small voice ask “am I dead?”, theres a collective sigh of relief but it doesn’t last long before the Paramedic starts asking questions. I realize Shane doesn’t know and run outside “he’s okay! Well he’s awake at least!”  Shane looks at me and suddenly grins getting up and running into the shop almost knocking me over.

Drews P.O.V:

“I’m Drew Woolnough” I sigh answering the paramedics question “Okay Mr Woolnough do you know what happened?” he asks sternly “not really I was crossing the road and then there was a car and pain and now I’m here” I sigh frustrated. “Mr woolnough we should take you to the hospital to check you over” the paramedic smiles “I have a show to play I can’t” I reply timidly “thats the last thing you should be doing right now sir” he sighs “It’s my job I have fans I can’t let them down”. “I think you mean we” A voice says I turn to see Kier and the rest of the guys “and when I say we it’s mostly me they do love the fringe” Kier laughs “a-are you okay?” Barrone stutters “have you been crying?” I ask suddenly worried. Barrone looks at his feet for a moment before nodding. I get up quickly and rush over but don’t make it and Laurence rushes to grab me “you okay mate?” he asks. I just nod “lets go”. I look over at the paramedic who’s frowning “do you want to check him over again quickly before we leave?” Kier asks, I go to object but it seems I have no choice in the matter.

Barrones P.O.V:

We finally pull up to the venue “I’m so fucking tired” Kier yawns “I’m hungry” Drew mumbles in response. I just shake my head, just over an hour ago he was unconscious and now he’s talking about food already. We get to the side door and are instantly greeted by sarcasm “well look who finally showed up” Andy laughs “did you guys get lost?” Wil grins “he” I nod at Drew “got unconscious is what happened” I sigh. Wil and Andy look at each other before Andy laughs “somebody can’t handle their liquor” I sigh opening the door for Kier who looks like he’s about the collapse any second “go and have a nap” I order and he doesn’t object walking through the door slowly “oh come here” Laurence laughs picking him up and carrying him down the hallway out of sight “he got hit by a car” I frown looking at Andy “oh shit what happened?” he asks suddenly concerned “Drew didn’t look but the guy was speeding luckily Drew jumped out the way and just got a bruised hip and hit his head on the curb” “thats how I got knocked out” Drew adds “you guys need to be more careful you’re always getting hurt” Wil sighs “well I’m off to get food poisoning knowing my luck” Drew laughs walking inside gingerly.  Ashley walks out the door shortly after Drew goes inside “hola” he laughs “what happened to Drew?” he says turning to me “they can explain, I need a nap” I grumble walking inside.

 A/N: So there you have it guys the last part of the triple upload I shall be going now as my Motionless In White vinyl needs changing to it's B side! I should be back to the regular upload schedule now. On a completely unrelated note in my absense I have become addicted to these mini shredded wheat type things from sainsburys (they have cherry fillings my gosh) and just brought 4 boxes as soon as I got back and went to the local shop, the looks I got were odd. I also found out you can make Vegan Macaroni Cheese?! I am freaking trying that in the future,


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