Tombstones And Flowers

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Barrones P.O.V:

I climb back into my bunk nuzzling against a still sleepy Drew “well the lovebirds appear to have sorted through things” I yawn not feeling all that awake myself. Drew leans back into me trying to get closer “I’ve missed you” he sighs “I’m here” I say quietly “I was always here”. Drew sits up suddenly “you were but you weren’t really” his voice quietens “you were too busy”. I try to bury the feeling of guilt starting to consume me “I didn’t realize” I murmur my voice breaking. Tears threaten to overspill and Drew suddenly looks guilty himself “I’m sorry Shane” he sighs grasping my hand “want to go for a walk?” he pauses before continuing “talk about everything?” I don’t trust my voice so I just nod getting up again and grabbing my abandoned jeans and shirt off the floor. A few minutes later me and Drew are climbing out of the van “Is that the same shirt as yesterday?” Luke calls exasperated “yeah?” “God Shane you’re going to stink if you don’t start wearing clean clothes” I just sigh in response ignoring him “and when are you guys going to be back?” Luke calls again “I don’t know we need to talk!” I snap. Drew hazards a look back at Luke who’s head is poking out of the van “I think you upset him” he mutters. Great, just what I need, almost half of the band upset with me.

Drews P.O.V:

I shout “see you guys” over to Laurence and Kier as we walk past them “they’re going to get arrested if they’re not careful” Barrone smiles “I’m sure kissing isn’t illegal” I grin kissing him to make my point “no but they’re probably sexually frustrated” he grins. I just hit him on the shoulder lightly grasping his hand “so where do you want to go?”

Kiers P.O.V:

Drew shouting me and Laurence snaps me out of it “we should...” I start “slow down?” Laurence suggests “yeah that” I laugh climbing onto his lap “well that’s somewhat counterproductive Kier” he chuckles “sorry” I murmur nuzzling against him “where do you think they’re going?” Laurence asks changing the subject and breaking me out of my day-dream “comic book store knowing them or maybe a coffee shop” I yawn “that sounds nice” Laurence smiles “what does?” I ask confused “coffee” he grins pushing me out of his lap and getting up. I just look up at him in disdain “stop pouting” he sighs offering me his hand.

Barrones P.O.V:

“There has to be a comic book store here somewhere it’s a college town!” Drew exclaims exasperated “There probably is I just don’t know my way around south Hampton” I sigh “I know!” Drew frowns frustrated “oh look” I smile pointing out a shop across the street “I SEE SPIDERMAN!” Drew grins releasing my hand and running across the street. He doesn’t notice the car until it’s right in front of him. “DREW” I shout as the car speeds towards him.

Kiers P.O.V:

“where the hell is costa anyway?” I sigh shaking my head “well we did pass a starbucks” Laurence points out “their coffee tastes like gravel, kill it. Kill it with fire.” I frown “coffee’s coffee-” I interrupt him “that. Whatever the hell they sell at starbucks... is not coffee” I add a fake retching sound on the end for empathises. Laurence tries to frown but can’t suppress his smile “oh look costa” he points “COFFEE!” I shout running towards the shop at full speed.



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