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Barrones P.O.V:

“I should get hold of these guys let them know whats going on” I sigh holding my phone up before getting up off bed “Shaaannneee?” Drew asks sweetly “yes?” I ask wondering what he’s after “can you get me cookies please?” he smiles “drew it’s half 7 I doubt the place is even open” I say rolling my eyes “can you check pretty please with cherries on top?” he begs “fine I’ll check” I sigh pecking him on the lips before walking out of the ward.

Lukes P.O.V:

I wake up in the van parked in a car park I don’t recognise “what?” I mumble confused wiping sleep from my eyes “guys?” I ask the apparently empty van “guys?” I ask again opening the door and stumbling out, the sun shines in my eyes blinding me for a moment. A massive hospital looms over me “oh right” I mumble locking the van and walking back towards the building. Suddenly my phone vibrates and I check my texts. I have 12 texts apparently; 10 from various people asking how Drew is, one from Barrone asking where I am, and one from Lauren? I check the text from Lauren last ‘thanks for driving me home and staying with me and giving me your number actually it was nice to have someone there’ I check my missed calls next and notice a few from India and decide to call her first, she picks up on the third ring “hello?” she asks sleepily “oh sorry I woke you” I mumble “oh God Luke is he okay? Whats going on?!” she shouts suddenly alert “ow my ears!” I complain, I hear some loud angry muttering in the background “sorry” she mumbles “it’s fine well actually I don’t know I haven’t seen them” I murmur “where are you?” she asks concerned “In the hospital carpark, there was a fan here on her own so I stayed with her then drove her home and fell asleep in the van” I yawn “okay well tell me when you have news?” she says quietly “I will hey where are you? Sorry we left you at the venue things got a bit crazy” I sigh “it’s fine I stayed on bvb’s tourbus wil gave me his bunk” India answers “okay I’m going to go now bye” I laugh “bye love you” “love you too India!” I exclaim before hanging up and heading toward the hospital.

Kiers P.O.V:

“Drew stop fidgeting!” Laurence commands, Drew sits still for a moment before beginning to fidget again “Christ you’re like a small child” he sighs “Barrone is taking aaaaagggges” Drew whines hanging upside down from his bed “and I’m still hungry” he moans “well this’ll fix that!” a nurse laughs bringing in a tray with toast and nutella on. Drew just eyes it suspiciously “whats up mate?” Laurence asks “I was going to share it with Barrone” Drew says sadly “I thought you were really hungry?” I ask “I am but I made Barrone upset it would have been nice” Drew sighs “I tell you what if you eat that quickly I’ll bring another piece when he gets back, he’s the guy with the goggles right?” she asks laughing. I suddenly realize we’re all still in our stage outfits talcum powder and all “oh God we’re still talced up” I laugh “so we are” Laurence says eyes wide “we’re in a band” Drew mumbles “so I heard, Fearless Vampire Killers right?” the nurse asks and Drew nods whilst trying to eat his toast “how’d you know?” I ask confused “well we heard your first names and knew his so we were curious and googled you guys” the nurse laughs “and there’s the passes” she says nodding at the lanyards around our necks “oh right yeah” I laugh “anyway I’d best move on and wow you ate that toast quick” she says eyes wide “he’s a small man but he doesn’t have a small stomach” Laurence laughs “it’s true” Drew smiles handing her the empty tray again before she walks off “she was nice” Drew smiles “they all are they’re nurses” Laurence sighs “and you’re right Barrone really is taking his time”.

Barrones P.O.V:

I ring India first, it turns out Luke rang her but he didn’t actually know much so I tell her everything thats happened “okay sure can you pass this on to bvb when they wake up?” I ask politely. I hear India say sure before hollering their names, I guess they don’t have a choice when to get up when she’s on the bus “What the fuck do you want fucking edjit?!” I hear Andy shout at her down the line before mumbling goodbye and cutting her off. “Hey what you doing out here?” Luke asks making a double take and stopping next to me “just updating everyone” I smile “hey mind updating me?” he asks. I roll my eyes “I’ve already had to explain it to India and no doubt I’ll have to explain it to at least 2 more people” I sigh “oh okay” Luke frowns biting his lip “wanna just listen in to this call?” I ask “sure” Luke says looking somewhat happier. I figure I should ring Crilly next. “he’s not answering” I sigh “try again?” Luke asks “fine” I mumble just wanting to get back to Drew. “Hello?” a voice asks wearily down the phone “Crilly hey it’s –” I’m cut off before I get a chance to finish “Oh Barrone how are things, how’s Drew? Is everyone else okay?” Crilly asks rapidly firing questions at me. I wait a moment as he continues to rattle on before interrupting him “do you want answers or are you just firing questions at me?” I sigh sitting down against the wall “oh yeah sorry mate it’s just we’re all going out of our minds here. YO GUYS SHANE’S ON THE PHONE!” he suddenly shouts causing me to jump back from the phone “NICO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING OUCH?!” I hear someone probably Falkor shout “sorry mate, like kids aren’t they?” Crilly laughs “okay we are gathered, you are on loud speaker, news us up” Jim shouts “assembled you should have said assembled we could be like avengers” Falkor shouts “Shut it Falkor” Nico shouts on the line “okay” I sigh waiting for them to shut up “ready” Crilly sighs.


Half an hour later I’ve told everyone the news and we’ve established they all miss us especially Iris. “So should we tell the guys or surprise them?” I smile at Luke on the way back to the room “I think a surprise would be nice we’ve had enough nasty ones” he sighs “true” I nod “oh shit” I sigh. Luke stops quickly and turns to face me suddenly alert “whats wrong?” he asks face serious “I forgot to get Drew cookies” I say simply “shit Shane you can’t scare me like that!” he sighs grabbing my wrist and turning back towards the hospital shop.

Laurences P.O.V:

I’m absentmindedly playing with Kier’s hair as he sits on my lap “hey stop” he sighs “what?” I ask dazed “playing with my hair” he frowns “dude it’s not been fixed since before you went on stage yesterday it needs straightening anway” I laugh. Kier actually looks a little annoyed for a moment before smiling again “like you can talk” he smiles sticking his tongue out. I look over to see Drew looking at the curtain separating his bed from the next a devious grin on his face “don’t you dare” I frown before turning back to Kier. I hear a clatter before I look back to Drew to find him hanging from the curtain rail feet flailing trying to get back down onto the bedside table “guys a little help?!” he asks panicked. Kier begins laughing hysterically causing him to fall off my lap with a thud. “guys?!” Drew asks his voice higher. Kier brushes himself down and walks over nonchalantly “need a hand?” he asks hands on hips “Kiiier stop being a dick” Drew says eyes wide hanging onto the curtain rail for dear life “well if you’re going to be so rude-” Kier doesn’t finish before he has to run forward and catch Drew as he falls from the curtain “you’re such a dick” Drew shouts causing a few nurses to look over. Kier taunts Drew for a few minutes before he puts him down looking exhausted “you okay?” I ask concerned “yeah” Kier nods falling into the chair next to him. “what did we miss?” Barrone smiles walking up to us “Drew being insurable as usual” Kier says with less enthusiasm than usual “really because you weren’t great either” Drew pouts from the bed. His pout suddenly disappears when he notices the cookies in Barrones hand “DON’T. EVEN. GO. THERE.” I practically shout “seriously no cookies for him right now!” I practically beg looking to Barrone “okay?” he says tilting his head.

Drews P.O.V:

I give Barrone puppy dog eyes and can start to see him crumbling when Laurence suddenly interjects “we should get going” he sighs looking over to Kier who’s standing at a keyboard in the kids play area at the end of the ward playing Barbie Girl and singing along shrilly. When did he even learn that on keyboard anyway? I wonder “Kier is singing Aqua we should go” Laurence says eyes wide “fine” I sigh “on one condition” I add grinning “oh great” I hear Luke say dramatically before walking over to Kier and removing him from the keyboard “BUT I WAS JUST GETTING TO THE GOOD PART!” Kier exclaims “It’s Barbie Girl there is no good bit” Luke deadpans dragging Kier over by his collar “right we going or what?” he sighs “only If I get cookies” I smile “at the venue” Laurence frowns “right now” I demand “outside” he says sternly “sure” I smile walking over to Barrone and poking him until he picks me up “to reception” I grin “and beyond!” Barrone grins running over to the desk nearly dropping me. I think I hear Laurence mutter ‘children’ behind us.

A/N: So heres your fairly late weekend upload. I normally upload 2-3 am ish but I was feeling down so I just lay in bed listening to Ashestoangels, then my boyfriend came around and at about 8ish I figured I should probably eat something whilst watching Game Of Thrones and then here we are. Damn life getting in the way. Hope you guys like this chapter which is dedicated to zeevee3 for several reasons; She commented last chapter, she stumbled across me on facebook and fangirled at me which is the most surreal experience I've had for a while, I've been watching her for a while and finally her story 'Bite Down' was pretty much the final push which caused me to start writing this fanfic one whole fanfic and a half earlier (SO GO GIVE HER LOTS OF LOVE!),


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