We're officially famous?

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Barrones P.O.V:

I feel my phone vibrating so I begin to fish around in my jean pocket for it “LUKE TURN IT DOWN!” I shout at the top of my lungs causing my throat to become hoarse. I couldn’t even hear the freaking ring tone. Luke frowns turning the volume down to a reasonable level just as I grab my phone and answer it without checking the caller ID. “hello?” I ask regretting not checking, God I hate not knowing who’s on the phone it makes me look like an idiot “Hey” a voice says sharply on the other end of the line “who’s this?” I ask confused why some random angry guy is calling me “why don’t you look around the van and figure it out” he spits down the phone. I look without thinking about it feeling threatened by his tone. I look around the familiar faces then it clicks the four familiar faces. “whats up?” India frowns noticing the guilty expression on my face “Drew” I say quietly “oh God I’m sorry” I stumble trying to think what I should say. Kier looks over “Drew?” suddenly recognition flashes across his face “shit” he groans “huh?” Laurence asks confused. My attention suddenly snaps back to Drew on the phone “-so you guys didn’t even notice I wasn’t there. I knew you guys didn’t need me.”  “no Drew that’s not right. You know it isn’t it’s just Barrone got cookies and you know what Kier’s like-” Drew cuts me off “yeah more important than me got it” he sighs before the phone cuts off. I hold the phone away from my face looking at the blank screen in shock. “Shane?” India frowns “he – he said he wasn’t important then cut me off” I mumble causing everyone to look at me concerned. I look out the window and realise we’re pulling off the motorway “what are you doing?” I ask confused “we need to circle back around and get back to the previous entrance so we can get back to the service station.” Luke says his tone serious. We sit in silence the rest of the ride back.

Drews P.O.V:

I go back to costa grateful for having my wallet on me and buy a coffee. I decide I don’t want to sit inside with people judging me for being alone so I go back outside and sit on the curb putting my headphones in and closing my eyes. I go to take a sip of my coffee and realise it’s gone cold. How long are they going to take? They don’t even care enough to rush.

Barrones P.O.V:

“Hurry up!” I exclaim watching the familiar motorway pass us by “I’m already over the limit Shane seriously shut up” Luke snaps his voice strained. I say nothing in return. A few minutes later we pull into the service station. I immediately notice the form of a small guy sitting on the curb, hood up, face turned down, a coffee cup resting between his hands. “Drew” I sigh unbuckling my seatbelt and jumping out of the van. I can hear his music from several feet away. I recognise it’s My Chemical Romance. I don’t bother speaking knowing he won’t hear me. I crouch in front of him and gently tilt his chin up so his face is level with mine. He flinches opening his bloodshot eyes. A few tears spill over streaming down his already tear streamed face. I gently remove his headphones with my free hand. “Drew I’m so sorry” I say my voice breaking “It’s okay” he says in response his voice shaking. I look down ashamed “it’s not” I mumble before leaning forward and kissing him. Drew pulls away. I don’t bother to try and hide the pain on my face “I just want to go and sleep” he mutters getting up placing his coffee cup on the ground and walking towards the van.

Kiers P.O.V:

I hear the back van door open and muffled music “Drew?” I ask getting no reply. The door next to me suddenly swings open Barrone climbs in wiping the tears from his eyes with the corner of his hoody “Shane?” I ask “don’t” he frowns putting his headphones in and closing his eyes. I look over to Laurence who just frowns.

*time lapse*

Lukes P.O.V:

I pull off the motorway and onto the toll bridge. I look across to see Kier shaking Barrones shoulder. Barrone initially looks annoyed but after looking out of the window Kier’s point out of a smile forms on his face. “can – can we pull over?” Barrone asks quietly “not really sorry I can’t afford the fine” I sigh “it’s okay” he murmurs taking in the view. “it’s beautiful” he sighs grabbing his phone quickly and opening the window snapping a few pictures. “you should draw it sometime” Kier smiles looking up at the supports high up above us “maybe” Barrone muses as well pull up to the toll booth. I pay the women quickly and she gives back the change but doesn’t lift the barrier “can we go?” I frown looking at the barrier still blocking the entrance to Wales. “we need to check the van” she sighs before calling some guy who walks out of the booth motioning me to get out of the van. I do as instructed and follow him around to the back opening the door for him “In a band?” he asks looking at all the instruments “yeah” I mutter “whats in the boxes?” he asks nodding towards them “merch wanna check?” I ask “yeah afraid so” he sighs getting in and walking over to the boxes. Suddenly Drew stirs from the parcel shelf causing the guy to jump and curse “is there a guy sleeping up there?!” he exclaims “yeah sorry. DREW WAKE UP” I shout causing him to jump again “FUCK YOU LUKE YOU LEFT ME AT A SERVICE STATION” he growls “border patrol Drew” I cough awkwardly. Suddenly his head pops up from a bundle of blankets “oh sorry man” he blushes “you ... were – sleeping on a parcel shelf?” he asks in disbelief “yep” Drew replies curtly getting up and swinging his legs over the edge before jumping down and frowning at me. “thats not legal I’m going to have to fine you for that” he frowns grabbing the nearest box “wait a minute, Drew?, Luke?” he mumbles opening the box. He stares at the shirts in disbelief “fearless vampire killers. My daughter loves you guys” “really? Thats cool” I smile “i think we have posters knocking around here somewhere” Drew says not sounding like he wants to kill something so much anymore “here we are!” he exclaims grabbing a rolled up poster “would she like a signed poster?” he smiles “Oh erm yeah God course. I feel really bad I was going to-” Drew cuts him off “Kier, Laurence, Barrone GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE!”. I hear some movement in the front of the van “oh and bring a sharpie!” he adds quickly.

Suddenly Kier sticks his head in the van “whats up?” he asks “guy was going to fine us, his daughters a fan. We’re signing a poster for her” I smile “so he’s not fining us?” kier asks “who’s fining us?” Laurence frowns “I swear to God every single copper and fucking everyone else wants to fine us” Kier frowns at him “no one his daughters a fan” “oh well thats cool” Barrone smiles “yeah erm can we stay out here it looks crowded in there” Kier laughs “err yeah we’ll come out?” Drew asks looking at the toll booth guy “yeah sure” he smiles and we all get out the van.

Kiers P.O.V:

Laurence finally passes the poster to me and I add the final signature. “so” I say looking at the toll booth guy who’s called chris apparently “do you think we could erm thank your daughter for saving us some money?” I smile “err wasn’t that what the poster was for?” he asks confused “well Chris we do what we can but I was thinking maybe we could thank her on the phone, well me anyway” I smile. Chris’s jaw drops “really?” he asks in disbelief “sure” Laurence smiles. Chris grabs his phone out of his pocket “erm should I call her and say hi?” he asks “awh can I do it?” I smile “yeah sure it’s ringing” he says slightly shocked passing me the phone. I quickly look at the caller ID ‘Amy’ nice name. A girl answers after a few rings “what dad?” she whines slightly “you know me and Jessica are hanging out” I smile slightly hearing you music in the background “oh sorry Amy hi I didn’t realise you were busy” I grin deviously “who – who is this?” she asks confused “well I do believe you can hear me in the background” I laugh. Theres silece on the phone for a minute then a beep telling me she’s put me on speaker “k-kier?” she asks her voice shaking “the only and only” I grin “OH MY GOD OH MY GOD IT’S YOU OH MY GOD HOW DID MY –  JESS IT’S FUCKING KIER KEP - I DON’T UNDERSTAND” she exclaims quickly “well I’ll let Laurence explain” I smile handing him the phone.

“Hey Amy and I think I heard you scream Jess” Laurence laughs “you just saved us from a massive fine so we wanted to thank you” he smiles “uh – i – uh – what?” she stutters “well you see Drew was kinda throwing a diva tantrum so he was sleeping in the back and nearly got us fined until your Dad saw our merch” he laughs “GIVE ME THAT!” Drew shouts “hey Amy I wasn’t throwing a tantrum they left me in a service station” Drew whines down the phone. I don’t hear her reply but it sounds pretty sincere. A few minutes later we all shout bye and pass the phone back to Chris “thanks for that” I smile “no thank you – seriously she loves you guys” he laughs  “no problem, she have a wristband?” I ask “yeah she has everything. She’s a big fan” Chris laughs “well she coming to the show tonight?” I smile “she can’t she has an exam in the morning I feel terrible but her educations important” he sighs “okay well she won’t have quite everything now” I smile running back into the van and rummaging through the boxes “we got new merch so since she can’t make it give her and her friend one of these each” I grin chucking two wristbands at him.

A few minutes later we’re passing the border into Wales “well that was crazy” I sigh “yeah we got ... recognised” Drew says eyes wide “at least it cheered you up, sorry again” Barrone frowns “it’s okay” Drew smiles leaning over and kissing him. I quickly grab my phone and tweet Amy ‘thanks for that we owe you! You cheered up Drew and stopped the timids fighting J x’ before locking my phone. “well guys I guess we’re officially famous” I grin.

A/N: so this is a nice little chapter, disaster averted guys! Anyway I thought I'd upload this one early (was going to upload tomorrow) as I'm really happy, I'm finally datitng this amazing guy and I've stopped going to science classes (I'm on study leave and I hate science) so I ony had one lesson for 50 minutes at 2pm today. So obviously I wrote a bit more I'm 5 chapters ahead at the moment so regular updates are a sure thing for the next few weeks at least :) Hope you guys all liked it and glad you stuck around for the seqeal :)


Fetish For The Finite Sequel ~ Fearless Vampire Killers FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ