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Barrones P.O.V:

Drew’s falling asleep resting his head on my chest as I absentmindedly ruffle his hair. I can hear Laurence and Kier bickering in the back of the van about Kier hanging upside down off the bunk whilst Luke driving being dangerous or something “hey Shane whats wrong?” Luke asks quickly before looking back to the road. I realize when I look back down at Drew he’s fallen asleep and rather than comforting me his shallow breaths and quiet snores worry me. “well?” Luke asks patiently eyes still on the road. I debate telling him I’m fine or making up something menial to keep him off my case but I know he won’t fall for it “I don’t know why I asked” he sighs shaking his head at me “It’s Shane” I whisper quietly scared of waking him “mhmmm” Luke mumbles incoherently “they didn’t want him to discharge himself and now he’s asleep and what if he doesn’t wake up and what if there’s something seriously wrong and oh god what if t was on purpose and it’s my fault” I whisper quickly. Luke quickly looks over at me sympathetically “Kier said the same you know”. I look at him confused for a moment “about what?” I ask “about it being on purpose” a small voice says behind me. I feel the air move beside me then turn to see the skinny red fringed man beside me “well what do I do?” I think out loud “be there” Kier says pointedly “it’s all you can do”

Drews P.O.V:

“Drew” a voice breaks through my dream “Drew!” I bury my head further in my pillow choosing to ignore it. Suddenly the pillow moves “the hell?” I frown before realising I was leaning against Barrone and am now probably face first on the vans seat “DREW!”  a voice shouts “whhhhaaaatttt?” I whine my voice muffled by the seat “fuck this” a voice says and I’m suddenly being picked up rather roughly by someone “hey, hey, hey be gentle!” I exclaim opening my eyes and seeing the floor centimetres from my face. I put my hands out and luckily just in time as whoever was holding me drops me on the ground “uhhh” I sigh deciding to continue lying on the floor instead of getting up. I feel another pair of arms pick me up gently and look up sleepily to see Barrone smiling down at me, I snuggle back into his chest feeling safe in his arms.

Kiers P.O.V:

“I thought I was supposed to be the tired one” I yawn nodding at Drew asleep in Barrones arms again. Laurence suddenly lets go of his loose grasp on my hand “c’mere you” he laughs catching me off guard and picking me up so I’m looking at the van behind us over his shoulder “am I supposed to sleep like this?!” I ask exasperated. Laurence sighs adjusting me in his arms until I’m snuggled against his chest “better?” he asks “better” I yawn back.

Laurences P.O.V:

We get a few strange looks as we walk through Norwich town centre. I suppose it isn’t normal for men to walk around carrying their boyfriends sleeping snuggled against their chests, being in a band not much is normal anyway I muse. I look down at Kier wrinkling his nose in his sleep at something, his red fringe falling across his face and smile. He looks so peaceful in his sleep not at all troubled like he often does when conscious. “we’re here” Barrone announces ahead of us and I look up to see a small building with a chalk board outside with dishes written on it and a sign above the window which reads ‘frank’s bar’. “looks cosy” I comment looking in the window to see a counter with a friendly enough girl serving “yep and they sell Drew’s favourite” Barrone smiles nodding at the chalk board “every food is Drews favourite” I chuckle “true” Luke says looking around for India I presume “pancakes are his favourite favourite though” Barrone says absentmindedly adjusting Drew in his arms so he can swing open the door with his free hand. The girl looks somewhat confused as we enter but quickly fixes a smile on her face “Welcome to Franks” she says quietly trying not to wake Kier and Drew I assume. The place is small with a few tables with mismatched chairs, I notice a man sitting at a table at the back of the room his nose in a book coffee by his side, for a moment I envy the man and his simple solitary life. I’m disrupted from my train of thought by Barrone “Laurence?” my head snaps back to look at him “yeah?” “what are you and kier ordering?” Barrone frowns “oh right” I mumble thinking for a moment.

Lukes P.O.V:

I leave Laurence to debate what to order for him and Kier and decide to check out the garden area out back. I immediately notice the smoke the second I step outside and recognize a thin gangly figure of a man “you made it then” I smile at Nico who nods “so where is everyone else?” I frown “crilly wanted cola bottles so they have gone looking for a sweet shop” Nico sighs taking a drag of his cigarette. I suddenly hear squealing and feel a familiar pair of arms around me “LUKE!” India shouts before releasing me so I can turn to face her “hey” I murmur before my lips crash against hers. She tastes of peppermint and something else I can’t place, her lips part against mine and she lets out a moan “woah guys!” Nico laughs behind us ruining the moment “somebody needs some” A familiar voice says warmly behind us, I poke my head around India to see crilly leaning against the doorframe bag of presumably cola bottles in hand “breakfast is done” he smiles turning around and heading back into the cafe “unless you want to eat your girlfriend that is” he shouts over his shoulder causing Nico to burst into fits of laughter behind us. “shut it” India shouts punching him playfully as nico stubs the remainder of his cigarette out against the wall “pancakes lets go” India shouts suddenly with enthusiasm running past me and into the shop “she is mental” Nico says shaking his head walking into the cafe with me “that much is true” I agree.

Kiers P.O.V:

I sit sipping on my black coffee as I watch everyone wolf down their breakfast. I look back down at my coffee in deep in thought “hey you okay?” Laurence asks his lips centimetres from mine “yeah” I breathe leaning forward and closing the space between us. Suddenly I hear Falkor shout “hey!” loudly and jump back looking over to see him picking pieces of pancake out of his hair “what the hell crilly?!” he exclaims looking disapprovingly at him “you looked far to solemn for someone eating pancakes” he grins before going back to eating whatever he hasn’t thrown at Falkor “why do you have to have maple syrup on your pancakes?!” Falkor groans struggling to remove a particularly sticky piece of pancake from his blonde hair “CANADA MATE!” crilly shouts “you can take the crilly outta Canada but you’ll never take the Canada out of crilly” we all recite as he says it “oh” he frowns adjusting his beanie “you’re from Canada?” the girl asks from behind the counter “no but it did leave its mark” Crilly grins getting up “I can show you if you like” he smiles deviously “and we are leaving!” Jim interjects grabbing Crilly by the arm and dragging him out. We all chuckle as we hear Jim exclaim “nobody wants to see your tramp stamp” as they walk through the door. Well I say we all chuckle the girl behind the counter looks mortified “keep the change” Laurence smiles leaving the money on the counter as we pass on the way out “well that place was nice” I smile “yeah I don’t think we’ll be going back though Kier” Laurence smiles looking over at Crilly with disdain who is now arguing it is appropriate to show your ‘Canadian pride’ in a small cafe in Norwich “what are we going to do with him?” Drew sighs from beside me before falling to the ground laughing. We should not have given Drew pancakes. 

A/N: So here you have it another chapter. I decided to give you guys a extra upload because I HIT 50 FOLLOWERS! OH GOD WOW WHY ARE THERE SO MANY OF YOU?! thanks to everyone who;s here you mean a lot. I just realized I hit 10000 reads on the original already which is even more insane! Sorry this chapters so brief I have writers block well kind of, for this bit of the story anyway I've wrote the final part of the final chapter already now I just have to write the chapters in between. Crilly does genuinley have a canadian maple leaf tramp stamp in fact the first time I met him (didn't really know who he was) at an FVK gig he nearly showed me and my friends it after complimenting my friends tattoo's but after finding out I was 15 he changed his mind! This chapter is dedicated to bethfoxcroft for the comment on the last chapter, following me on tumblr, liking my hair apparently and being the 50th follower!  As always hope you guys liked it,


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