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Kiers P.O.V:

Tonight alive file in “that – was insane” Jenna grins enthusiastically “how are they still sleeping?” she asks looking over to Iris and Barrone “Shane – Shane knows how to sleep” Drew mumbles “what are we going to do?” I ask Laurence “huh?” he frowns “well BVB are performing right now we need to leave soon what about her?” I ask nodding towards Iris “I guess she should go home, actually I’m surprised her parents haven’t called her or something” he mutters “they wouldn’t” Barrone sighs causing us to jump “I didn’t know you were awake” I say “she’s homeless” he frowns running his hands through his dishevelled hair “really?” Jenna asks surprised “yeah I don’t know much but she was kicked out and has nowhere to go” Barrone mumbles “we – we could take her with us” Drew suggests causing us to all stare at him “are you mad?” Luke asks “she’s fourteen!” Laurence exclaims “and we don’t take strays” Luke adds “well I guess I best leave” India mutters from the doorway “you’re my girlfriend” Luke sighs “well I was homeless you took me” India frowns “we’re back in a few days for a signing anyway if her parents want her back then we can take her home” Drew suggests “that isn’t actually a bad suggestion” I smile “you guys are mad, we could get arrested for kidnapping or God knows what” Laurence exclaims “well lets ring her parents and ask” Barrone mumbles grabbing her phone off the floor “thats an invasion of privacy” Jenna frowns “well she looks like she needs sleep what else can we do?” Barrone asks. We all look to each other for an answer.

Barrones P.O.V:

I look through her contacts. “well?” Drew asks from across the room “they – they’re practically empty” I mutter “what numbers has she got?” I look again to check I’m right “Samartians, depression hotline and childline” I say quietly. No one says anything for a moment “well that settles it” Laurence says “what?” I ask “she’s coming with us” he sighs “I – I’ll check her facebook maybe theres something there” I frown “Shane thats seriously invading her privacy” Kier mutters taking a swig of beer from his can “I know but – well she might have someone to contact on there and we don’t know anything about her” I sigh. Again no one speaks up so I open the facebook app “I thought she had no friends” I say confused “whats up?” Kier asks “her messages she has so many” I say clicking the icon. I open one and my face falls. I open a few more and it drops further “whats wrong?” Drew asks, I pass him the phone “dear God” he breathes “what?” Kier asks. Drew sighs before reading some of a message out “you’re such an emo no wonder everyone hates you. You should just go and cut yourself some more or even better jump in front of a train” he reads his voice shaking “thats settled she’s coming with us” Laurence says his voice determined. Our tour manager sticks her head around the door “right guys time to go” she smiles before looking over to the sofa “is that – a child?” she asks “yeah she’s coming with us I’ll explain later” I mumble “well – okay you better explain soon” she sighs leaving “are we actually taking a random child on tour” Luke asks “you guys are insane” Craig laughs grabbing another beer and heading out. “who’s going to wake her up?” India asks nodding at Iris “no one I’ll carry her” I mumble picking her up with ease and heading out the door.

Drews P.O.V:

I watch Barrone carry Iris out of the door. He’d make a great dad I think to myself “he would” Laurence says Causing me to jump “didn’t realise you’d said that out loud?” he asks I shake my head in response “figured” he smiles as we walk out into the corridor “I am so going to get lost again” I sigh “it’s fine Barrone looks like he knows where he’s going” Laurence smiles “he’s got a good sense of direction that one” Kier laughs. We make it out to the van in no time “right guys before we go any further are you sure about this?” Luke asks keys in his hand “I mean this could be classed as kidnapping the moment we put her in the van” he adds. We all look at each other for a moment contemplating.

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