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Kiers P.O.V:

“What time is it?” I ask looking over to Laurence “oh erm one sec-” he mumbles trying to get his phone out of his pocket “one thirty” he says matter of factly. I shoot a worried look over to Drew, who quickly sensing my eyes on him looks up breaking his conversation with Jenna, “whats up?” he frowns “we go on in five hours and still no Barrone” I sigh “shit you reckon he’s lost?” Luke grumbles “I’ll ring him” I say quickly dialling his number on my phone.

Barrones P.O.V:

“Calm down it’ll be fine” I reassure Iris for what must be the fifth time in the last twenty minutes. Suddenly my phone blares weezer letting me know someone’s trying to contact me. The sudden noise causing Iris to jump and I smile apologetically grabbing my phone quickly and checking the caller ID. I sigh seeing it’s Kier before pressing the little red phone Icon, ignoring his call. “who was it?” Iris says timidly “oh just 0800 number” I smile. “so do you actually know where the university great hall is, I’m slightly lost” I frown “yeah sure” Iris laughs softly “I’ll let you lead the way then” I grin. I feel my phone vibrate and know it’ll be a text from Kier. Hopefully we’ll be there soon before he gets too worried or angry. As if she’s read my thoughts Iris says “here we are"  "thats your van right?”she quicky adds “sorry that probably seemed a bit stalkerish” blushing “hardly it is a massive red old parcelforce van” I chuckle slowing down “hey erm the guys obviously don’t know I’ve brought you with me so it might be best if I walk in front of you” Iris looks at me her eyes wide suddenly tensing up again “d-do you think they’ll hate me” I shake my head dimissing her “no of course not – they just might be ah – a little shocked” I stumble. I start walking and notice she’s stopped and is standing awkwardly wringing her hands “come on it’ll be fine” I smile. At least I hope it will be I think to myself.

India’s P.O.V:

My stomach grumbles again causing Jenna to laugh “go eat something to tide you over” Drew says his smile seems slightly strained “but that’ll ruin it” I sigh “didn’t stop Jenna” Luke points out “well they can’t be much longer right? How long can Chinese take?!” I frown exasperated. I hear the door open behind me and turn around quickly “here we go ab- oh Barrone” “disappointed to see me?” he frowns standing awkwardly in the door “no I was just expecting Chinese, you coming in or what?” I ask. Barrone walks in and everyone goes to turn back to what they were doing when they notice bright blue hair behind him. A few people do a double take looking back at me to see I’m here. Kier’s the first to speak “okay so if out blue haired girl is here – who is she?” he asks his voice sharp. Barrone steps to the side to reveal a small girl wearing black skinny jeans and a my chemical romance hoodie. Her arms are covered in wristbands some of which match mine, all of them are bands I’ve heard of. I get the feeling I’ll get along with her. “who is she?” Luke asks inquisitive. Laurence just frowns his voice harsh “Barrone I need to speak to you – Alone”. The girl shrinks back against the wall looking terrified and apologetic Barrone just smiles faintly at her and follows a angry looking Laurence out of the room. I realise she flinched at the tone in Laurences voice and when he stormed past and my mind wanders a little. Everyone looks slightly uncomfortable and unsure what to do. Since no one seems to speak I speak up “hey you okay if I come over?” I smile at her from the table. She nods slightly still shaking. I get up and walk over slowly, everyone begins to resume conversation in hushed voices apart from Drew and Kier who continue look over. I shoot them both a warning glare and they both turn around. I’m about to ask her what her name is when we all hear Laurence shout from outside. I pick up on the words “Groupie” and “fourteen” and frown before I get a chance to speak the small girl whispers “I need to go” and steps around me opening the door and rushing out.

Fetish For The Finite Sequel ~ Fearless Vampire Killers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now